Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1172 Witch

Pei Xiaoze had never seen such a scene before. His eyes darkened and he fainted.

Hongtai pulled Pei Xiaoze, first looked at the dazzling silver armor not far away, then looked up at Fang Zilan sitting on the wall of the courtyard, and chuckled, "Mrs. Prince, what a big battle."

"Thank you for your hard work." Fang Zilan held up her hands and jumped down from above. Before she hit the ground, she fell into a bloody embrace. "Is your leg injury healed? You are not afraid of climbing high or low." Are you hurt again?"

Fang Zilan frowned dissatisfied and pushed Hongtai away, but still replied, "Okay, that's almost it."

"I don't believe it." Hongtai looked like a gangster who wanted me to see him. Fang Zilan's expression turned cold. "Does the boss think he's not hurt enough?"

Hongtai looked down at the blood on his body and smiled heartlessly, "It's not mine..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zilan poked the wound on his waist. The pain made him gasp, "It's so good, why did you move your hands and feet..."

"Why are you trying to be strong?" Fang Zilan sneered, but Hongtai was not annoyed at all, "Who would have thought that you were so capable that you could trick Murong Qing's Silver Armored Army into coming?"

"What do you mean by cheating?" Fang Zilan rolled her eyes at Hongtai, "We don't have enough people, just borrow a few."

"How many can you borrow?" Hongtai drawled, "Your little husband is really willing to give up."

"What are you reluctant to give up?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Everyone gets what they need."

"Aren't you afraid..." As soon as Hong Taifu started, Fang Zilan stopped him, "It is a serious crime to imprison a court official and lynching him indiscriminately. Even if they arrested Pei Xiaoze, they would not dare to make it public."

Also, this kind of irritating thing, let alone the Silver Armor Army, even if they were told blatantly that it was Xian Yueguo Gong Fang Zilan who rescued people from prison, they would not dare to tell it casually.

"Okay, I saved one, and there are still a lot of people waiting." Fang Zilan was not angry, but Hongtai smiled, "Is it the first time that you feel that it doesn't matter if you guessed it right?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan's face was completely darkened. She had long guessed that the important families of the great princes would not be able to sit still. She also knew that the undercurrent in the capital would eventually flow into the southeast, but she never expected that Li Qiyou and Zhuge Li would be killed so quickly. Yu and Su Yun were both very confident.

"You're really quick to do it." Hongtai clicked his tongue, and Fang Zilan calmed down, "If it's too late, I'm afraid I'll have to collect the body."

"Tiger poison does not eat its seeds..." Before Hongtai finished speaking, there was another loud bang, and then heavy rain poured down.

"They are not tigers." Fang Zilan's voice reached Hongtai's ears through the rain, as if covered with a veil, "They are an abyss. Once they fall in, there will be no bones left and their souls will be scattered."

Hongtai shivered violently. He wiped the rain off his face and said in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Give everyone a chance to choose. I don't want to watch them bow their heads and suffer together without making a choice." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but Hongtai still heard it clearly.

He looked sternly, "Do you think they really have a choice? Even if they are not afraid of the family's power, at most they can only protect themselves wisely, what else can they do..."

"Then I will stand up." Fang Zilan said without hesitation, "There should be justice in this world."

"Fang Zilan, is the justice you say so important?" Hongtai looked at the person in front of her steadily, her eyes were calm, like a silent stone.

He looked at him so hard that he couldn't help but ask: "Do you want to fight even if you are shattered to pieces?" "Yes." Fang Zilan nodded and said softly: "If you haven't thought about it, you don't have to come, just take care of yourself. "

"Fang Zilan, if you are worried about Murong Qing's involvement, I can go and investigate." Hongtai's voice came from behind Fang Zilan. Fang Zilan did not stop, "No need, I will investigate things myself if I am not sure."

She had never thought that Murong Qing might be involved in the mess in the southeast. But she didn't want to go into details, so she distanced herself from Murong Qing as if she was running away.

But Hongtai's words are not unreasonable. Now that King Rongan's body has been destroyed, and the evidence in their hands cannot be made public rashly, a breakthrough is indeed urgently needed.

If Murong Qing is really involved...

Fang Zilan's hand holding Mei Jian tightened. Would she really push Murong Qing out?

"Sister?" Murong Qing's voice suddenly sounded, pulling Fang Zilan back from her thoughts. She stood by the door and suddenly felt dazed for a moment, almost thinking that she heard wrongly.

However, the person sitting in the main hall of the inn, with a face as pale as paper and finely carved eyebrows, who could it be if he wasn't Murong Qing?

Why do people who should be in the post house appear here? Fang Zilan suppressed her doubts and subconsciously raised her head to look out the window. The sky was already pale.

"You..." Fang Zilan opened her mouth, but in the end she did not ask "Why are you here?" but instead asked, "Have you been up all night?"

"Madam, the prince, the prince stayed up all night to find you?" Meng Tingyang came quickly. Fang Zilan did not look back at him, but just stared at Murong Qing for a while, and then said: "The prince is really good at finding you." The inn where I stayed.”

"I certainly used some tricks." Murong Qing nodded generously, "Fortunately, it's not too late."

"What's not too late?" Fang Zilan was stunned. Murong Qing stood up and walked towards her, but he was shaky.

Meng Tingyang wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Murong Qing's look. Seeing this, Fang Zilan sighed, "Tell me, why is the prince looking for me?"

"I have nothing to do, so I can't look for you?" Murong Qing stood in front of Fang Zilan. He was not as tall as her. He had to raise his head slightly to meet her eyes, but he still looked at her almost persistently.

"Your Majesty, if you have nothing to do, I will go and rest." Fang Zilan stretched his muscles, "After all, I have worked hard all night, and I am really tired."

She didn't hide anything, and Murong Qing didn't ask any further questions. He just said, "I do have something."

Fang Zilan said nothing, waiting for Murong Qing's next words, but saw a hint of sadness on his face, and hesitantly said: "I want to take you to a place."

Fang Zilan remained silent, and Murong Qing felt a little embarrassed, "I won't delay you for too long. I just think that since I'm here, I will regret it if I don't go."

This sounds like what a boy of his age would say. Fang Zilan cursed, but there was no response.

"Are you... willing?" Murong Qing couldn't help but ask, but did not get a reply from Fang Zilan. Instead, it attracted a string of laughter, "Your Majesty, I have been waiting with you all night just to ask such a question?"

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