Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1173 Hunting

"Who does your Majesty think I am?" Fang Zilan's expression suddenly turned cold, "As long as Mo Han is safe and sound, it doesn't matter whether I can see him or not."

"If you really think so, why don't you send Mo Han back to Mushan Pass?" Li Shengxuan asked involuntarily. Fang Zilan didn't answer and asked instead, "If he is someone important to your majesty, would your majesty be willing to leave it far away or stay here?" In front of you?"

"Keep it in front of you." Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan steadily and said word by word: "Just like now, right in front of you."

Fang Zilan took a big sip of tea quite unnaturally, and coughed several times due to choking, "Speaking of which, who wanted me to enter the palace?"

"It's your eldest sister's idea, but I'm happy to see it work, so I just go along with it." Li Shengxuan said with a half-smile but not a smile: "Why, do you think it's my idea?"

Fang Zilan pretended to be calm and replied: "It is not impossible to listen to the words of the Queen Mother in Yugui Palace just now."

"You have said long ago that you don't want to be a member of the harem, how can I force you?" Li Shengxuan helplessly poured more tea for Fang Zilan, "In your heart, am I a foolish king who uses royal power to bully others?"

"Hunjun is not that bad, it's just..." Fang Zilan pursed her lips and stopped talking.

She knew that there was no real equality in this world, but she had always been disgusted with the monarchy under the feudal system. Perhaps Li Shengxuan is an exception, but he is only a wise king, not a person with whom he can relate. this day, she asked herself, had she really never wavered and had a heart-to-heart relationship with Li Shengxuan?

She didn't want to lie to herself about this answer. However, if you are really tempted, you will have to go through mountains and seas of fire, even worse than what you faced Ji Ningtian before.

She was already riddled with poison because of Ji Ningtian, but if it was because of Li Shengxuan...she didn't dare to think about it.

She asked herself that she was not a coward. She could walk back and forth through the gates of hell for the sake of Dajing. That was the price she had to pay to settle down and live her life. In the past, she always felt that there would be a time when she couldn't break through, and she would have to stay behind the gate of hell. Therefore, she never thought about the love between her children, and she never thought that she would end up with a boudoir. Now, what she will see the most in the future is that her parents are naughty. The love between children has grown.

"After all, you don't completely believe me." Li Shengxuan casually put the tea cup back on the table, "It doesn't matter, I won't force you."

"Prince Rong'an has not broken up with you, what will happen to him?" Fang Chongzheng narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Everyone in the world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit. This situation is With my Fang family as the host, you all gather together for profit, but you still want to talk face to face with me?"

The implication of his words was obvious, if he couldn't save the Fang family, he would have the ability to make everyone pay for it, let alone face.

After all, seventy percent of the world's business belongs to the Fang family. Who's money has not passed through the hands of the Fang family?

Someone quickly responded, "Fang Chongzheng, do you keep all those account books?"

"Isn't the account book in Hongtai's hands? He is dead..." The sudden end caused everyone to panic——

The person closest to Hongtai back then was Fang Lihui. It turned out that Fang Chongzheng had planned it long ago, waiting for the day when he would have the handle on everyone, tightly control them, and let them be at his mercy.

"Fang Chongzheng, do you want to be our enemy?" Mr. Wu gritted his teeth, and Fang Chongzheng said quietly: "I have no intention of becoming an enemy of you, just because I was the head of the Fang family and it was my duty to protect the Fang family..." "You can deceive others with such high-sounding words, but you can't deceive us." Master Liu said angrily: "Fang Chongzheng, what exactly do you want to do?"

Fang Chongzheng looked at the people in front of him and suddenly felt a little funny. It turns out that after getting used to intrigues, I can no longer distinguish between true and false. Even if you tell the truth, you will always be suspected of having ulterior motives.

To be honest, he doesn't care at all what others want to do now. Even if it is true that according to Mr. Liu, one member of the family must die, and even tonight they will decide who will die in each family, he doesn't care.

As long as the person who died was not someone from the Fang family, it had nothing to do with him.

He can turn a deaf ear and close his eyes. Only when he saw Fang Zilan in the daytime did he realize that he was wrong.

If he sacrifices himself as a martyr and everyone who deserves to die dies, then he can fight for justice. Then what is Fang Zilan doing so hard?

Rectifying the world is far more difficult than punishing evildoers. Fang Zilan set fire to Zhongling Temple's bad debts, not only to give the Fang family a chance to make amends, but also to give everyone in front of them a chance.

Unfortunately, no one could see them.

In the eyes of the superior, there is always only oneself and no one else. So once the incident happened, if they couldn't bury it, it would behoove them to have a scapegoat to ensure their peace of mind.

Fang Chongzheng asked himself that he was not alone in the world's troubles. He had also been complicit in the evil, but when Fang Zilan fought hard for him and the Fang family, he could not ignore it and watched her desperate and bloody. He even lost his life without knowing it.

The real person named Fang is him, and everyone in the Fang Mansion. It is they who should fight for the Fang family, not Fang Zilan, who has the blood of the former Zhenbei General Pingnan King.

If Fang Zilan were to die for the sake of the Fang family, how could he have the face to meet his old friends and his wife underground a hundred years later?

"I know what you want to do." Fang Chongzheng looked around at the people in front of him and said word by word: "But what I want to do and what the Fang family wants to do, you may not know clearly."

"Fang Chongzheng, please stop playing riddles here." Master Wu felt deeply concerned, but still pretended to be calm and asked: "We have all heard about what happened today. Could it be that you used the marriage of your children to marry Miluo..."

"Master Wu, be careful what you say." Someone stopped Master Wu, "The Fang family has done a lot of shameful things, but why is it like this?"

Someone next to me also helped: "Yes, treason is a serious crime. How could the Fang family be so confused..."

"Shameful thing? A felony of treason?" Fang Chongzheng repeated what they said and sneered, "If the Fang family is guilty, everyone present is the same, and everyone is an accomplice."

After he said that, he flicked his sleeves and left without looking back.

Everyone was left looking at each other in shock. After an unknown amount of time, someone whispered harshly: "Fang Chongzheng knows too much. If we don't kill him and destroy the entire Fang family, no one will be able to live well."

"It is not difficult to kill Fang Chongzheng, but how easy is it to destroy the family?" Someone said: "Not to mention there is a queen in the palace, let's talk about Miss Fang San, the newly promoted wife of the Crown Prince Zhongzheng. I don't know what kind of illusion she gave to Murong Qing. The soul medicine makes him obey orders, just in case..."

The man paused as he spoke, and then he spoke cautiously, "Are we going to be enemies of the Miluo people?"

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