Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1174 Blocking

"So what Duke Xianyue said back then, that Miss Xiahou died of the plague, was all a lie?" Li Qiyou's voice had an imperceptible tremor. Although he was asking Lin Jian, his eyes always fell on Fang Zilan.

Lin Jian lowered his head and said decisively: "Yes."

Just one word is enough to cause an uproar. When Fang Zilan entered Linjia Village alone, she was like a god in the hearts of the people in the southeast.

But now, the surviving witnesses have said that behind the awe-inspiring righteousness, there are just lies, which no one can accept.

It's like a statue of a god. After many years, the splendor on the surface has disappeared, revealing the decay and emptiness on the inside. With a clang, it collapsed and shattered into pieces.

"Miss Awan, is what the head guard Lin said true?" Li Qiyou asked again, his lips moving, "What the Duke of Xianyue said back then, that Miss Xiahou died of the plague, was all a lie?"

Awan bit her lips tightly and kept looking at Fang Zilan, but she couldn't see anything. What was on her face was an almost numb calmness.

"Even if the Duke of Xianyue lied about Miss Su and Miss Xiahou's death, so what?" Awan said word by word as if he was risking his life: "Go deep into the epidemic area, not afraid of life and death, and vow to share the common destiny with the people of the southeast." The one who survives or dies depends on the Duke of Yue first."

She paused and said loudly: "The Duke of Xian Yue lied to preserve the posthumous reputations of Miss Su and Miss Xiahou, just like what I did today."

As she spoke, she broke away from Fang Zilan's hand and walked to the center of the hall, "It's not that people are dead, and others have to make irresponsible remarks. Or, just because of such an insignificant lie, you think that the country must be conquered first." Was everything he did back then all false?"

Her voice was not loud, but it gradually silenced the whole hall until another voice suddenly sounded, like a stone dropped on the calm water——

"Does Duke Xian Yue's lie really matter?"

"General Xiahou, Linjia Village is now a scorched earth. Miss Yan'er cannot be in Linjia Village..." Before Su Yun could finish his heartfelt words of comfort, he was interrupted by Xiahou Yun's cold voice, "Then tell me, Where is Yan'er now?"

"This..." Su Yun was speechless for a moment, and Zhuge Yu next to him said: "The pirates have just been eliminated, the plague has just been controlled, and the chaos in various places has not yet calmed down. I would like to ask General Xiahou to be patient and wait for some time." If the situation is stable, we can find Miss Yan'er."

Su Yun echoed: "Yes, maybe Miss Yan'er will be back before General Xiahou goes to find her."

Xiahou Yunzhao looked at Zhuge Yu and Su Yun coldly, "Boss Zhuge, Yushi Su, you two sing and harmonize, are you talking about my storytelling or acting? Now that you are talking about the pirates, you have bad intentions. I still want to make trouble in front of His Majesty because of my shame, but I can’t do my job effectively?”

"General Xiahou's words are serious, of course we don't dare." Zhuge Yu stood up and saluted Xiahou Yunzhao: "If General Xiahou hadn't been here, how could we have eliminated the pirates so quickly..."

"Stop it." Xiahou Yunzhao waved his hand and said with a fierce expression: "Boy Zhuge, let me tell you the truth. I have searched all the southeastern places except Linjia Village and the fiefdom of King Rongan." As soon as she finished speaking, King Rong'an, who was watching the excitement on the other side, waved his hand and said, "General Xiahou, what do you mean by this? I didn't hide your girl Yan'er secretly. If you don't believe it, you can come to my fief and search her."

"No need." Xiahou Yunzhao raised her eyebrows, and said with a soft snort, "I forgive you for not having the guts."

"General Xiahou, how can you be rude to the prince?" As soon as the person next to King Rongan opened his mouth, he pushed him back. He looked at Xiahou Yunzhao with a smile and said: "The people below are not sensible, not sensible... "

Xiahou Yunzhao glanced at the master and servant with disdain, and then turned his attention back to Zhuge Yu, "Linjia Village has been completely burned down by Lord Fang. It is convenient for me that I don't have to look for it anymore. But where is Yan'er?" Department, who can give me an explanation?"

"Master Fang must have his own reasons for setting fire to the village. Miss Yan'er may not be in Linjia Village..." As soon as Zhuge Yu's defensive words left his mouth, he was interrupted again by Xiahou Yunzhao, "Not necessarily? Yan'er herself said in the letter I wrote that she is in Linjia Village. Could she lie to me?"

Zhuge Yu remained silent and listened to Xiahou Yunzhao continue, "I know Yan'er's temperament best. If the plague in Linjia Village is not eliminated, she will not leave easily."

"I'm not sure what happened to Linjia Village. Is it possible that Miss Yan'er left?" Su Yun said cautiously. Xiahou Yunzhao did not answer, but stood up and walked to the center of the hall.

She glanced at everyone in the hall one by one and said solemnly: "No matter what happens to me, I want to see people when I am alive, and I want to see the corpse when I die. No matter whether she is alive or dead, my daughter, Xia Houyunzhao, must not be kept secret." Not white.”

After she said that, she turned and left, leaving everyone in the hall looking at each other in confusion. It was King Rong'an who first opened his mouth and probed: "I heard that Mr. Fang has been unconscious since he came out of Linjia Village. Could it be that he was infected with the plague?"

"Prince Lao is worried about you. Mr. Fang is just overworked and old injuries have recurred, so he fell ill. He is not infected with the plague." Zhuge Yu looked at King Rongan, smiled slightly and said: "This time, Prince Lao came to Mushan in person. Guan, it’s really hard work.”

"Master Zhuge, what you said is wrong. Mushan Pass is within my fiefdom, and it is my duty to fulfill it, but..." King Rong'an paused deliberately as he spoke, and said in a drawl: "Original Mushan Pass The gatekeeper, Mo Bin, rebelled and has not yet been dealt with. I don’t know why? I would also like to ask Mr. Zhuge to give me some advice."

"The prince is joking, how can I dare to teach the prince?" Zhuge Yu said with a smile on his lips: "Your Majesty has not explained it, so naturally we dare not deal with it at will. Moreover, Mr. Fang promised that the Mo family will make up for the mistakes. , I don’t know the inside story very well. But Mr. Su came here one step ahead of me, so he must know something about it?”

Seeing that he was causing trouble, Su Yun threw the words to him unceremoniously. He was secretly annoyed but still had a smile on his face, "I'm just a civil servant. I don't know anything about dispatching troops and generals. How could Mr. Fang do this?" Let me know? If you say you know the inside story, let me be Deputy General Cao who is next to Mr. Fang."

King Rong'an saw Zhuge Yu and Su Yun dismissing each other with every word, and simply asked: "Vice General Cao has been guarding Mr. Fang these two days. I heard that he questioned the bodyguard who entered the village with Mr. Fang." Sir, have you ever asked me anything?"

Zhuge Yu suppressed his smile and said softly: "The escort chief said that when he and Mr. Fang entered the village, there were only a few seriously ill people left in the village, and they couldn't survive it and died within a few days."

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