Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1175 Chaos

Hongtai walked to Fang Zilan thoughtfully, "Don't tell me that you have never doubted Fang Chongzheng."

"Doubtful?" Fang Zilan repeated the word and suddenly smiled, "Someone has told me since I was a child that if the water is clear, there will be no fish. To put it bluntly, there is no good person in the world."

"That's too extreme." Hongtai shook his head as if he didn't agree. Fang Zilan looked at him sideways, "Who do you think is the good person?"

"What is good?" Hongtai asked without answering, "There are countless bad things in this world. You have seen it no less than I have. You know that right and wrong are not very clear between black and white, so why do you have to distinguish good from bad?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan turned away and said in a low voice, "I want to go home."

Hongtai was stunned. For a moment, he didn't know where Fang Zilan meant home, so he could only murmur: "Okay, I'll accompany you home."

Fang Zilan seemed to be interested, and raised her eyebrows to look at Hongtai, "The Fang family doesn't want me anymore, where else can I go back?"

"You..." Hongtai subconsciously wanted to say Prince Zhongzheng's palace, but for some reason he swallowed it back and replaced it with, "The world is so big, I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

"Sounds good." Fang Zilan nodded, reached out and patted Hongtai on the shoulder, "Thanks."

"What do you mean?" Hongtai had a bad premonition in his heart, but he saw Fang Zilan's eyes looking past him and falling somewhere, "What should have come has come."

Her voice was very soft, but her expression was indescribably cold. Upon seeing this, Hongtai turned around suddenly and saw Murong Qing and Xia Houzhang walking slowly under the moonlight.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiahou, for helping to find my wife." Murong Qing said politely, and Xiahou Zhang said quietly: "Your Majesty, you are too polite. The southeastern land is constantly in turmoil, and it is really not suitable for the Crown Prince and his wife. It is best for you two to leave for the capital as soon as possible. ."

"When my husband and I will set off, I don't need to bother Sir Xiahou." Murong Qing's expression darkened a bit. , just to see the fate of the Fang family."

"Fang Zilan..." Hongtai whispered Fang Zilan's name and tried to reach out to grab her wrist, but she broke away and could only watch as she walked over step by step.

"No matter what happens to the Fang family, it has nothing to do with the Crown Prince's wife." Xia Houzhang's hand holding the sword tightened involuntarily, "The Crown Prince's wife is already a member of Miluo Zhongzheng Prince's Palace..."

"Lord Xiahou, for the sake of the Xiahou family, I have tolerated you for long enough." Fang Zilan intercepted Xiahou Zhang's last words without politeness, unsheathed her plum sword and placed it on the side of his neck.

"Mrs. Shizi, are you crazy?" Xia Houzhang's face was dark and unclear, but Fang Zilan was indifferent, "Get out, or I will kill you and the people you brought."

"In the matter in the southeast, there may be pirates sneaking into Mushan Pass and taking control of Mo Bin." Zhuge Yu had a faint worry on his face, "If it is really a pirate, please ask Sister Lan to persuade General Xiahou to help. Get twice the result with half the effort.”

"I don't understand." Awan said doubtfully: "Although Mushan Pass is the junction between Dajing and the old land of Baiyue, it is not an important place near the sea after all. Why would there be pirates sneaking in?"

"The Zhuge family is still investigating the cause of this matter, but I think this news is credible. If it were not a pirate, General Xiahou would not have discovered something was wrong so quickly. After all, when the Xiahou family was in Baiyue, many of them fought with pirates Fight." Zhuge Yu folded his hands in front of him and said in a tight voice: "I will enter the palace later to present this news to Your Majesty. I hope Miss Awan will also tell Sister Lan for me, asking her to ensure everything is done. Be careful." "Don't worry, Mr. Zhuge, I will definitely bring your message." A Wan's eyes became more determined. "As for Mr. Fang's trip, please help Mr. Zhuge cover it up."

Zhuge Yu bowed his hands and said, "Miss Awan, please be at ease. Zhuge Yu will definitely live up to his trust."

When Awan saw that he agreed, he immediately left Zhuge's house without stopping and chased Fang Zilan and Vice General Cao out of the city. She chased them non-stop for most of the day, and finally saw the two people who had settled in the inn when it was dark.

When Fang Zilan saw Awan, she couldn't help but frown: "Why are you here? I didn't ask you to stay in my house, you..."

"Master Zhuge asked me to come." Awan interrupted her eagerly, "He has something he wants me to bring to you."

"Shh." Fang Zilan pulled Awan violently, pressed her fingers on her lips, and made a silencing gesture.

Lieutenant General Cao understood the situation and quickly checked his surroundings to make sure there was no one around. Then she let go and said, "What do you want you to tell me, Ayu?"

Awan deliberately lowered his voice, "Master Zhuge wants me to tell you that what happened in the southeast is probably not a rebellion. It is possible that there are pirates who sneaked into Mushan Pass and took control of Mo Bin. He also said that if they are really pirates, Please also persuade General Xiahou to help, and you will get twice the result with half the effort."

"Mushan Pass is not close to the sea, so why did the pirates get into it and control Mo Bin?" Fang Zilan frowned even more, "And even if it's a pirate, how could I possibly convince General Xiahou to ask her to help me? "

"Before I came, Mr. Zhuge said that he would go to the palace and inform your majesty." Awan recalled the earlier scene and slowly said: "If it is really a pirate, I think your majesty will also inform General Xiahou. Just one sound?"

When she mentioned Li Shengxuan, Fang Zilan suddenly remembered the eight-hundred-mile expedited letter she had read in the imperial study that day.

At that time, she felt that King Rongan was going to rebel. Firstly, Mo Bin was his general, and secondly, his fiefdom was on the only way from Mushan Pass to the capital. Only he could block the news. …

The fiefdom... She had an idea, and King Rongan's fiefdom was near the sea.

Not only that, but Li Shengxuan had told her that King Rong'an had great face. If pirates sneak into his fiefdom and cause trouble, he will appear incompetent if he directly asks the court for help, and he will definitely lose his face.

After all, since Xiahou Yunzhao returned to the capital, he has not killed pirates more than once or twice. Since her killing, there has been no news of the pirates making trouble for more than ten years. It is known that her ruthless methods made the pirates lose their ability to cause trouble.

In this way, it makes sense, Xiahou's family resigned and stayed in the old land of Baiyue, and her succession, who had no foundation, did not give King Rong'an a chance to rebel, but gave the pirates a glimmer of hope for a comeback.

Seeing her wandering mind, Awan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her, "Fang Zilan?"

"I've almost guessed something." Fang Zilan breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Deputy General Cao and asked: "Old Cao, do you know who the generals under King Rongan are? Are there any other powerful ones besides Mo Bin?"

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