Chapter 117
"Yes, and no." Fang Zilan's tone was solemn and dignified, "What Ah Yu failed was the girl's love at a certain moment in the past, and what I did not disappoint was my love for her all the time. I remember when I was under the Gilded City, Ah Yu Yu told me that there are always things that are more important than life in this world. There are many people who can’t help themselves because of what they want, and it’s already great that Ayu can live up to himself.”

Like a ray of light, her words shone into the dark corner of Zhuge Yu's heart that he didn't want to look directly at, making him suddenly enlightened, and secretly sighed "That's all".

He immediately restrained his emotions, changed his expression, and returned to his calm and relaxed appearance of the second son of Zhuge, "I won't mention my affairs. Sister Lan, what do you want to do with today's scene?"

"It's impossible to change one life for another, and Warners has to save it." Fang Zilan pondered for a while and said, "Ayu, you have a lot of connections, please move around from all the houses to find out what happened in the Western Region in the past half a year. The barbarian robbers. I will go out of the city to check the various areas outside Xiguan City to see if I can find out the whereabouts of the bandits. I will let Lao Cao go with you, so that if anything happens, we can take care of you. Split up and see you at the inn tonight."

Zhuge Yu nodded in response, "Sister Lan, you can leave it to me to collect information. But since Vice General Cao is good at tracking and exploring, it's better to follow Sister Lan."

"But you are alone, I don't worry." Fang Zilan frowned slightly, but Zhuge Yu smiled slyly, "As early as in the northern border, I notified the guards of Zhuge's family to come to Xiguan City, wait for me Then go to meet them. Sister Lan, can you rest assured this time?"

"As expected of the second son of Zhuge, who has no plans to spare, but I worry about it for nothing." Fang Zilan smiled helplessly, got up and walked to the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Deputy General Cao who was standing at the door in a dilemma, his knocking hand stopped in mid-air, and A Wan beside him, who was holding his arms empty-handed. She couldn't help laughing and said: "Aren't you going to buy medicine What about the medicine?"

"When I walked to the street, I realized that I had brought all the medicines I needed, and there was nothing to buy." A Wan blinked innocently, and Vice General Cao nodded cooperatively, "Boss, what should we do now?"

"The two of you go out of the city with me to find out where the bandits are." Fang Zilan walked out of the room after finishing speaking, Vice General Cao and A Wan hurriedly followed, and Zhuge Yu also left the inn with them.

After leaving the inn, the few people parted ways and went to different destinations.

"Boss, General Dugu also said before that there are many robbers in the Western Territory, where should we find them?" Deputy General Cao walked up to Fang Zilan with a serious expression on her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

A Wan also said at the side: "Besides, the incident has happened for so many days, Dugu Xin sent people to search everywhere, but he didn't find it, can we find it?"

After a while, just when Deputy General Cao and Awan thought that Fang Zilan would not answer them, she suddenly said: "I'm afraid it will be very difficult. But no matter how difficult it is, you have to try it to know if it works."

"You've said that, what else can I say?" A Wan curled her lips helplessly, "At any rate, we also stayed in the northern border for nearly a year, and fought against the barbarians, and their habits are more or less clear. Maybe we can find some clues that Dugu Xin didn't find."

Facts have proved that Awan's words are nothing but self-consolation, and it is really impossible to find the robbers based on traces.

For several days in a row, Fang Zilan got nothing here, and Zhuge Yu also ran into walls everywhere without getting any useful information.

The four of them sat in the lobby of the inn, looking at each other at their wits' end, and in the end it was A Wan who broke the silence first, "Lord Fang, if you can't save Warners, you won't be able to deal with His Majesty, and I'm afraid there will be no good results." Eat. If His Majesty blames you, you may not even be able to keep your position as the Lord of the Northern Territory..."

She carefully watched Fang Zilan's gradually dimming expression, and her voice involuntarily lowered, "That's all I said..."

"Miss Awan is right." Zhuge Yu chimed in and said, "To untie the bell, you have to tie it up. You still have to start with Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan opened his mouth and was about to say something when he heard an inappropriate voice interjected, "Master Fang is so leisurely and leisurely, isn't it already in his mind?"

She looked up, and it was Dugu Xin who came.

She frowned slightly, and said coldly, "General Dugu is here to see me making fun of you?"

"I'm worried about Warners, but I don't have the time to watch Mr. Fang's jokes." Dugu Xin's face was not very good-looking, and he said with a calm face: "If Fang Liren was not desperate to see you, I would not have left this place. trip."

"Looking for death and life?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows with a half-smile, "If he wants to die, let him go. What does it have to do with me?"

"Lord Fang." Zhuge Yu called out, with a hint of vigilance in his tone.

Then he bowed respectfully and said: "General Dugu, Mrs. Fang is in the limelight and doesn't know how to speak properly. I hope General Dugu will not be as knowledgeable as her."

Dugu Xin snorted coldly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, "It's just a woman who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and I have the same knowledge as her, it's a joke."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan's voice was like ice, her eyes were full of murderous intent, seeing that the situation was wrong, A Wan quickly grabbed her arm, signaling her not to be impulsive.

"Am I wrong?" Dugu Xin showed a mocking look, "I don't know why His Majesty took a fancy to you in the first place, and entrusted you with the important task of being the Lord of the Northern Territory?"

"General Dugu speak carefully." Zhuge Yu's expression turned cold, but Fang Zilan relaxed, and suddenly smiled, "Since General Dugu has doubts, I will let you know today whether your Majesty's vision is right or not. "

After Fang Zilan finished speaking, she stood up. She was tall and tall, and she stood upright like a verdant pines and cypresses, and her every move was full of vigor.

"When I meet Fang Liren, I'll go rescue Warners." As soon as she finished speaking, Zhuge Yu suddenly stood up and stood in front of her, "You are..."

"With all my skills, can't I compare to a few robbers?" Fang Zilan said lightly, but the arrogance in his voice made Zhuge Yu retreat to the side.

However, when Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu saw Fang Liren again, they were too shocked to speak.

In just a few days, Fang Liren seemed to be a different person, his face was pale and there was almost no trace of blood, and his eyes were less bright and more disappointed.The whole person is thin and thin as if cut out of paper, and it seems that the robes on his body are much wider, and he is loose and lifeless.

Seeing this, Zhuge Yu shook his head and said, "Mr. Fang, why bother?"

 Fang Zilan: Facts have proved that self-reliance is the way out for workers...

(End of this chapter)

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