Don't ask where people go

Chapter 118 Substitution

Chapter 118 Substitution
Fang Liren lowered his head dejectedly, and his voice was unbelievably hoarse, "I made an agreement with the bandits who robbed Warners for one month. If within one month, if I can't bring Mr. Fang to them, they will would have killed Warners. We're only two days away from the deadline."

Fang Zilan sneered, "So you're in a hurry?"

Fang Liren was not annoyed at being exposed by her, he just raised his head and looked at her, with a hint of pleading in his tone, "What exactly do you want to change for Warners?"

"How?" Fang Zilan walked up to Fang Liren in a leisurely manner, and looked at him fixedly, "My life is a priceless treasure, and nothing can be exchanged."

After she finished speaking, Fang Liren's eyes completely lost their brilliance, like a person who fell into a swamp and tore the last straw, and could only watch helplessly as his feet sank in the mud, helpless.

"Okay, okay! Okay..." Fang Liren almost yelled out three good words in a row, every word was heartbroken, each word more desperate.

Until the last good word was uttered, the person fell to the ground lightly like a kite with a broken string, and his heart was ashamed, which made people unbearable to look at.

"Fang Liren, I heard that you are an unborn business genius. You have lost your parents since you were a child. You are the one who came to the position of the head of the family in such a den of tigers and wolves as the Fang family by yourself." Fang Zilan sighed, "You can see See what you look like now?"

After she finished speaking, she squatted in front of Fang Liren with a cold and firm expression, "I won't change for Warners, but I will rescue her back."

"Only you, how can you save me?" Fang Liren stared at Fang Zilan in disbelief, as if he wanted to see something on her face, but he couldn't see anything.

"If you put all your eggs in one basket and fight to the death, there may not be no way out." Fang Zilan smiled, "This is my business, you just need to tell me where the place you agreed with those robbers is."

Fang Liren hesitated for a long while before saying in a low voice, "Thirty miles outside Xiguan City, the forest bordering Dajing and Persia."

"Okay. We'll leave tomorrow." Fang Zilan agreed without hesitation, "Don't worry, nothing will happen if I'm in Warners."

She stood up and was about to leave, but she heard Fang Liren's voice, hesitant and full of hope, "You really want to..."

"There is nothing you want or not." Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Liren's words suddenly, and paused for a while with his back turned to him.

Zhuge Yu looked at her, and saw that she had no expression on her face, but the expression in her eyes was extremely solemn and solemn, "There are always things that need to be done."

Hearing this, Fang Liren stood up tremblingly, and after tidying up his clothes, he bowed respectfully, "Fang Liren is here, thank you very much for your kindness."

"Mr. Fang, you don't need to thank you." Fang Zilan turned around, looked at the sincerely convinced person in front of her, and said loudly: "Since I have inherited the title of Dajing, I must respond to the people of Dajing." She left with a flick of her sleeves Zhuge Yu didn't say much, and followed her out of the house.

Dugu Xin in the courtyard watched them come out, and just about to ask something, Fang Zilan said: "General Dugu, would you like to tell me a story?"

Before Duguxin responded, Fang Zilan walked to the living room in the front yard on his own.

Dugu Xin was stunned for a moment, he didn't know if it was his illusion or what, the aura on Fang Zilan's body was not the same as when he first met.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but followed her to the drawing room.

After several people were seated, Fang Zilan stood in the center of the hall, clasped her fists at Dugu Xin on the main seat, and said, "The bandit who robbed Warners targeted me. I've lied to General Dugu before, I'm really sorry."

"What's the meaning of Master Fang?" Dugu Xin looked at the man in front of him with a low eyebrow in confusion, but she still kept her fists in her arms and remained motionless. Sanyuan Village, Master Dugu must have heard of it. There is a woman in Sanyuan Village, Lu Seya, who is the sister of Damo Mingyue Lussel, and the lover of the bandit leader who robbed Wanas."

She raised her head as she spoke, with a calm expression on her face, "So I guess this group of gangsters are Huyan Khan's former troops. In order to avenge Luseya, they used Warners to force Fang Liren, and asked him to lead me here in exchange for Warners."

Dugu Xin frowned, with a bit of disbelief in his expression, "Master Fang, you mean that the condition proposed by the robbers is you? Is this what Fang Liren said?"

Fang Zilan nodded, "That's right, that's true."

"No wonder Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhuge were secretive before, but I didn't expect such a secret." Duguxin glanced at Zhuge Yu thoughtfully, and finally fell on Fang Zilan, "Mr. Fang agrees Are you going to change?"

"Well, I agree." Fang Zilan's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "But even if it's a replacement, the robbers can't do anything to me."

"What a group of cunning gangsters!" Dugu Xin jumped up against the case, with an angry expression, "I have no ability to seek revenge openly, but use such dirty methods to deal with the general who is protecting my side in Dajing. Don't worry, Master Fang. If you go with me, I will definitely protect you.”

"I appreciate General Dugu's kindness." Fang Zilan stood up straight, "If General Dugu leads the troops with me, I'm afraid it will scare the snake away. It would be bad if I annoy the robbers and hurt Warners."

Duguxin stared at Fang Zilan in a daze, and said in surprise: "Master Fang, are you planning to go alone?"

"Going alone is out of the question. I at least want Fang Liren to lead the way. In addition, I have to ask General Dugu to find some skilled people to go with us. No matter what, we must ensure that Fang Liren and Warners can retreat unscathed." Fang Zilan said Taking it for granted, Dugu Xin was taken aback by his calm and composed appearance, "What about you, Mr. Fang?"

"General Dugu don't have to worry about me. Whether you can come back with all the tails depends on my ability." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "But I'm curious, just now General Dugu didn't like me as a girl in the inn, Why bother with me now?"

"What I don't like is those who make false statements and exaggerate the truth, not those who dare to act like Master Fang." Dugu Xin's expression relaxed a little, not as strict as before. It is this kind of courage that is admirable. What's more, I have heard a little about Master Fang's decision to kill in the northern border, and I can afford to say that a woman will not give up her eyebrows."

The smile on Fang Zilan's face was even wider, "It's my honor to be praised by General Dugu. There were many offenses with my words before, and I hope General Dugu will be happy."

"If Mr. Fang can return safely, I will forget the past." Dugu Xin smiled, "A man with both wisdom and courage and extraordinary skills, no matter what he says, I will not care about it."

"Since that's the case." Fang Zilan's expression was full of self-confidence, "Please wait for the good news, General Dugu."

 What should come will eventually come.Fang Zilan: I will not run away.

(End of this chapter)

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