Chapter 119
It was night, and Fang Zilan lived in Dugu Mansion.After meeting the person Dugu Xin sent her, she knew exactly what to do and went to Zhuge Yu.

Zhuge Yu sat in the courtyard, as if he had expected her to come, "Sister Lan, do you have something to say to me?"

"En." Fang Zilan responded, but hesitated and did not speak.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhuge Yu continued to ask, "How confident is Sister Lan in tomorrow's battle?"

"Five percent." Fang Zilan said as she sat down in front of Zhuge Yu, "After all, under the guise of changing people, I have to do the trick no matter what. At that time, I will either be kidnapped or injured and dragged away. It’s not that easy to get out of the way.”

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan, her expression was obviously hesitant, which made him feel a little more worried, "Sister Lan is afraid that the robber will backtrack, so she won't let Warners go?"

"It doesn't matter whether you let her go or not." She sighed softly, "As long as I can see Warners, I will always find a way to bring her back. But what I'm afraid of is that I won't see Warners at all tomorrow." Nas, that would be bad."

"If we don't see Warners tomorrow, what does Sister Lan intend to do?" Zhuge Yu looked at the person in front of him firmly, feeling more uneasy in his heart.

A look of determination flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, "Then we can only go deep into the tiger's den, and fight against people and kill gods and kill gods until we can rescue Warners."

"It's too risky to act so boldly." Zhuge Yu shook his head disapprovingly, but Fang Zilan raised the corner of his mouth, "Ah Yu is worried about me?"

Zhuge Yu didn't answer Fang Zilan's question, and she didn't care too much, and continued on her own, "I remember that Mr. Zhuge was also one of the group of people who were suspicious of me back then. Even though I tried my best and escaped death, Mr. Zhuge never really trusted me. Why do you worry about my life and death now?"

She changed her address calmly, and her expression became a bit fierce, "If I die, the stone in the hearts of Mr. Zhuge and His Majesty must also fall, right?"

"Times change, people change." Zhuge Yu said quietly, his clear eyes became much deeper, "Master Fang has extraordinary courage, insight and skills, and his style of conduct makes people have to admire. There is no evidence Before, I chose to trust Lord Fang. It's just..."

He paused as he spoke, "Master Fang is too desperate as a woman."

Fang Zilan laughed softly. There was bitterness and helplessness in the smile, but it was more unwavering, "Mr. Zhuge came from a family, and he got used to it going smoothly. He never expends too much effort. But I am different. If I don't work hard, Maybe it’s not even possible to survive.”

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu couldn't help being stunned, and only then did he realize that he was also the one who was prejudiced.

This world is not fair to everyone. Some people can get rich clothes and food by virtue of their birth, but some people have to do their best just to have enough food and clothing.

Fang Zilan in front of him, as a woman standing in the high position of the Lord of the Northern Territory, is tantamount to walking on the edge of a knife.

With so many pairs of eyes staring behind him, it is hard to guard against open and hidden arrows.She didn't have the confidence to be invincible, but she chose to fight for her own place with a knife and a sword.

"One more thing, I..." Fang Zilan's voice pulled back Zhuge Yu's thoughts. He looked at the person in front of him who was showing embarrassment and hesitated to speak, and said, "Sister Lan, you may as well speak up if you have something to say. As long as I can do it If you arrive, you will go through fire and water."

"It's not a big deal." Fang Zilan lowered her eyes, her expression darkened, "If... I mean, if, in case I can't come back, please ask Ayu to persuade Awan, I'm afraid she will mess up. "

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to help." Zhuge Yu said with a cold expression, "I've somewhat figured out Miss Awan's temper, and I can't persuade her. I hope that Sister Lan will return safely."

Seeing Zhuge Yu's face turned cold, Fang Zilan smiled slightly and said, "That's all. Since you all expect me to be safe and sound, then I can't let you down, can I?"

After she finished speaking, she patted Zhuge Yu's shoulder reassuringly, "It's getting late, Ayu, let's rest earlier."

In the early morning of the next day, Fang Zilan took Fang Liren, Deputy General Cao, and the people sent by Dugu Xin to the woods thirty miles outside Xiguan City, and arrived in a short time.

As soon as Fang Liren led the group to the agreed place, he heard a man's voice mockingly said: "Fang Liren, you are finally here. The brothers have been waiting for you here for a long time, thinking that you will not come."

Fang Liren stood upright in front of the crowd, his majesty as if he was still the head of the Fang family. He raised his voice and said, "Master Fang Zilan, I have already brought you here, why don't you let Warners go?"

"Don't worry." The man who spoke came out from behind the tree. He was wearing a ferocious mask so that no one could see his face. He smiled and said, "Master Fang is very skilled. If she makes a move for us There is no way out."

Fang Zilan took a step forward, blocked Fang Liren behind, and said loudly: "Since I voluntarily came to exchange for Warners, I will never make a move."

After she finished speaking, she untied the plum sword from her body, and Vice General Cao hurriedly walked up to her and took the plum sword from her hand. "This is my sincerity, can you let Warners out now?"

"Master Fang's sincerity is not enough." The man shook his head, "If you want to see Warners, tie Master Fang here."

"You're deceiving people too much!" Deputy General Cao shouted, and Fang Zilan held him down just as he was about to explode, "It's okay, Lao Cao, you can tie me up."

"Boss!" Deputy General Cao clenched his fists unwillingly, and finally let go of his fists, lowered his head, and answered yes in a low voice.

Fang Zilan let Vice General Cao tie her hands, and said again: "If I don't see Warners, I won't go there."

The man on the opposite side clapped his hands, and another masked man pushed Warners out and stood beside him.

The woman in front of her was tied tightly and her mouth was gagged.Her long brown hair was spread out, covering most of her face, but it still couldn't cover her pair of amber eyes, which were lovely and pitiful. The high nose and deep eyes clearly showed the appearance of people from the Western Regions.

Fang Zilan turned her head to look at Fang Liren, and asked in a low voice, "Is that Warners?"

"It's her!" Fang Liren suppressed the excitement in his heart, staring straight at his sweetheart whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

After confirming that it was correct, Fang Zilan took another step forward and walked between the two parties, "You let Warners come over first, and I will go over."

The man refused to let go, "Master Fang, come here first, and I will let Warners go there."

As soon as he finished speaking, many bandits with masks appeared behind the trees in the forest.

 To live indestructible, own your place, and come home.

  This is Fang Zilan's original intention and the reason for her desperate efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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