Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1177 Rushing

"These three pieces of paper are exactly the same in size, material and weight." Fang Lihui introduced: "I will put them into the black box, Miss Zhen will randomly select them, and then all distinguished guests will bid."

Another guy moved the black box to the center. He turned the black box over and over for everyone to look at. After making sure there was nothing wrong, Fang Lihui put the three notes in.

"Distinguished guests who are willing to bid can order someone to light the lantern in front of the private room, write the amount on paper, and give it to the clerk." Fang Lihui took the black box from the clerk's hand and said, "The lanterns in the private room are the same as those in the private room." The paper and ink are different and are only used to distinguish distinguished guests, so there is no need to worry."

Fang Zilan helped with a hand and said: "Same as other transactions, the one with the highest price will get it. The guest who writes the largest amount on the paper will get the tip bag with the exchange conditions written on it. After confirming that the conditions are acceptable, he will You can trade with me."

As she spoke, she winked at the shopkeeper, and then heard him say: "If you have any objections, you can raise them now. After the transaction has begun, you will not be allowed to leave unless the transaction is completed, regardless of whether you bid or not."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar. When someone asked: "Miss Zhen, since you have a condition for exchange, why do you still ask us to bid? Why don't you just say what you want?"

"This transaction has a threshold. All distinguished guests can enter based on their ability, so money is not the only condition." Fang Zilan said calmly: "When all distinguished guests bid, the numbers written on the paper are only for reference. , indicating how much they are willing to pay for this transaction.”

After she finished speaking, the discussion faded, but the next question was still asked, "Miss Zhen, Mr. Fang, this transaction is a blind exit, the risk..."

"This distinguished guest." Fang Lihui intercepted the question unceremoniously and said sternly: "There are instructions for blind exit before entering, and you can only enter if you agree. Since you are here, it means that you know, And accept the blind exit.”

The implication of his words was obvious. He emphasized the rules repeatedly before and after entering the venue, and the subtext was a huge risk. If you cannot accept it, you should not enter the market in the first place. If you accept it and have entered the market, the rules should no longer be an issue.

But he didn't expect that Fang Zilan would give instructions to the shopkeeper and add a rule that no one was allowed to leave before the transaction was completed. In this way, no matter what happens tonight, no one outside will know.

For some reason, Fang Lihui felt uneasy. He looked at Fang Zilan and heard her say: "The form of blind exit is really new. You distinguished guests don't want to be the first to eat crabs. I can understand that."

Hearing this, Fang Lihui was stunned. Without waiting for anything to cooperate with Fang Zilan, she continued on her own, "Therefore, I can reveal a little more information, hoping it will be helpful to all of you distinguished guests."

She raised her lips and said, "These three pieces of news about tonight's transaction are inextricably linked. Each of them is infinitely close to the truth, but..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted, "Miss Zhen, aren't you forcing us to buy all three messages?"

Fang Zilan frowned and said, "Who told you that I, like the young master, cannot completely trust someone?"

"Isn't it?" Awan looked suspicious, "My master said so, how could it be wrong?"

"Wen Ya is really..." Fang Zilan sighed softly, pretending to be disgusted and drawled, "I don't teach you well."

"You are not allowed to talk about my master!" Awan glared at her angrily, pulled the brocade quilt and said angrily: "Get up quickly, take the medicine as soon as you have breakfast, don't miss the time..."

"Sister Lan?" Mo Han's voice came from the door, interrupting Awan's words.

Only then did Awan remember that she had just pushed the door in without closing it, and involuntarily softened her tone, "Well, I'll go out and send him away first. You can come out after you've packed up." "No need." Fang Zilan shook her head. Shaking his head, he said: "Mo Han is very polite. He will not come in casually without my permission."

"You really trust him." Awan stood up, "Then I'll go talk to him and then send you your medicine."

"Okay." Fang Zilan got up and said to her while getting her clothes: "Tell Mo Han and ask him to accompany me out of the house later."

"Aren't we going to see Vice General Cao?" Awan was shocked, "You actually want to take Mo Han with you?"

"Mo Han knows who I am." Fang Zilan put on her clothes neatly, her expression a little calmer, "Besides, there are some things I need to let him know. Based on his reaction, I can consider my next actions."

Awan still wanted to say something, so she said: "Go ahead, don't let Mo Han wait outside the door."

"Okay, I'll go." Awan drawled out angrily, turned and left.

She walked to the door and glared at Mo Han, quickly repeated what Fang Zilan just said, and then warned: "She trusts you so much, if you dare to do anything to hurt her, I will never forgive you." .”

"Don't worry, Miss Awan." Mo Han bowed politely and asked politely: "I passed by the kitchen just now, and the cook told me that Miss Awan borrowed the fire to cook some medicine early in the morning. I wonder who it is for?"

Awan pursed her lips and looked a little more wary, "I have been in poor health since I was a child. I am a sick person who cannot live without medicine."

"Really?" Mo Han's eyes were more scrutinizing, and he asked coldly, "I've seen those medicinal residues, but they are not ordinary medicinal materials."

Awan's expression turned cold, "What does Mr. Mo Han want to say?"

Mo Han took a step forward, lowered his voice, and asked: "Miss Awan, you are Sister Lan's doctor, and the medicine belongs to her, right?"

"I don't know what Young Master Mo Han is talking about." Awan took a step back and distanced himself from him, and said coldly: "If Young Master Mo Han wants to know, you might as well ask her in person. If she doesn't want you to know, then I No comment either.”

Seeing this, Mo Han stepped aside and said apologetically: "I was the one who was abrupt."

Awan didn't say anything more to him and went to the kitchen. However, she didn't take two steps when she saw him following her, and she couldn't help but asked in annoyance: "What is Mr. Mo Han doing?"

Before she could finish her words, she heard footsteps coming one after another. The leader's "Han'er" made her stop in a hurry, and when she raised her eyes, she saw that it was Mrs. Hu.

"Mom." Mo Han ignored Awan's embarrassment and walked directly to Mrs. Hu, "Sister Lan hasn't gotten up yet. I'm about to go to the kitchen to see how breakfast is prepared."

Mrs. Hu smiled and said softly: "It's rare that your child is so interested that he would come to steal my mother's work."

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