Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1178 Rectification

"Wait a minute." A loud voice interrupted Fang Zilan's thoughts, overriding the discussions in the hall and reaching the ears of everyone in the hall.

Fang Zilan looked back and saw a man outside the hall covered in blood and stains. He stood out among the crowd. However, he was completely unaware and only focused on protecting the person behind him - an old monk wearing cassocks.

The people around him subconsciously retreated, making way for the man and the old monk. As they approached, Fang Zilan discovered that the man was Mr. Canghai Liu whom he had met in Zuiyue Tower.

The uneasiness in her heart was infinitely magnified at this time, and her intuition told Fang Zilan that once they entered the court, there would be no room for change in some things.

But, what is it?

Fang Zilan didn't have time to think carefully before she heard Zhuge Yu's routine rebuke, "Who is so bold as to dare to break into the court?"

However, before he finished speaking, there were dark shadows outside the hall, and the light of swords stopped Mr. Liu and the old monk in their tracks.

Suddenly, a lot of changes happened, and people inside and outside the court were stunned. Such wanton behavior and committing murder in the court not only showed that the people behind it were reckless, but also showed that the two people who were about to step into the court knew an extremely important secret.

Fortunately, Zhou Lang was well prepared, and the hidden soldiers appeared one after another to protect the onlookers outside the hall. Xiahou Yunzhao also acted vigorously and quickly, dragging Mr. Liu and the old monk into the courtroom, and then drew his sword out of its sheath.

"General Xiahou, stay alive!" Zhuge Yu shouted loudly. Xiahou Yunzhao snorted and did not answer. He was still merciless in his attack, but obviously measured his measure.

In full view of the public, Fang Zilan was unable to take action, but these people alone could not do anything to Xiahou Yunzhao, who was soon captured by her and the soldiers one by one.

After the turmoil subsided, everyone's eyes focused on Mr. Liu and the old monk in the hall. Li Qiyou was the first to ask: "You two..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he saw Mr. Liu kneeling on the ground with a plop, "The little man Canghai Liu is now escorting the eminent monk of Zhongling Temple - Master Ranzhu to surrender. Fortunately, he has lived up to his fate..."

Before he finished speaking, the man fell over and fell unconscious.

Li Qiyou hurriedly ordered someone to check and take care of him, but he saw Fang Zilan staring at the candle-burning master with a dark expression. Only then did he suddenly realize that something was wrong.

Jiangnan Zhongling Temple is a large temple as famous as the Baiye Temple in Beijing. The master Ran Deng who presides over the temple is also a world-famous eminent monk. The master in front of him, whose dharma name is Ran Zhu, is probably the senior brother of Master Ran Deng, but Now he was escorted into Suzhou Mansion by a seriously injured Jianghu man, and was still being hunted in the court. Could it be that something happened to Zhongling Temple...

Zhuge Yu also reacted the same way, but the moment he saw Fang Zilan's expression, he roughly understood the key point - it was not that something happened to Zhongling Temple, but that like the Fang family, they were stuck in the mud and could not clean.

Is this your solution? Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan with cold cruelty in his eyes. He wanted to protect the Fang family and Fang Lihui even if he caused chaos in Jiangnan?

Fang Zilan vaguely guessed something, but before she could say anything, she saw the Zhuzhu master saluting: "Amitabha, I have met Prince Yucheng at Zhongling Temple, Lanzhu."

After saying that, he took out a blood letter from his sleeve and presented it to Li Qiyou, "I learned that the prince is investigating the case in the southeast. This case may have started with the Jiangnan Painting Boat Fire Case, but it may not have ended with the death of King Rong'an." .”

Every word he spoke struck a chord in Fang Zilan's heart. Through the thin paper backing, the handwriting in the blood letter was clearly visible, but she had no intention of identifying it, and there were only two words in her mind:

It’s over.

"Master Fang, please take care of yourself, we are all worried about you..." Shangguan Min stumbled over his words, and Fang Zilan couldn't help but chuckle, "Who taught you to be such a mother-in-law?" Shangguan Min coughed lightly and whispered. He muttered: "I just said I shouldn't tell you this..."

"Let me guess." Fang Zilan deliberately drawled: "Neither Lao Li nor Qi Yuming is so nagging, and Lao Qin doesn't talk much. As for Mr. Zhong, you probably don't see him often... Then only Xu Canjun is left. Is it him?"

Shangguan Min turned his head and said nothing. Fang Zilan reached out and patted his shoulder, "You are taller than me, why do you still have a temper like a child? Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's go visit Lao Cao together."

"Okay." Shangguan Min followed her and chatted with her, "Master Fang, when we entered Qiluo City, we found that several places in the city were burned down. I heard that the wounded soldiers tried to When I was using brimstone, fire, and saltpeter to kill the Miluo people, I accidentally caught fire..."

"It's not accidental." Fang Zilan interrupted him quietly, "It's my order. It's better to be broken than to be destroyed."

Shangguan Min was stunned, "Master Fang, you have been... from the beginning..."

He didn't say anything further. Fang Zilan hummed calmly, "I didn't plan to live in the first place."

"No wonder..." Shangguan Min finally understood why everyone in the northern border was so worried. Vice General Li and Lord Qi not only ordered troops overnight, but also gave him numerous warnings before leaving. It turns out that they already knew that Mr. Fang was guarding Qiluo City with the determination to die. If it was too late...

Fang Zilan turned around and looked at Shangguan Min, who was standing there blankly, frowning slightly and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"Master Fang!" Shangguan Min rushed to her and grabbed her sleeve tightly, "Fortunately, fortunately you are okay."

Fang Zilan was angry and funny, "What did those people in the north teach you to have such a moral character?"

"I..." Shangguan Min grabbed her sleeve for a moment, and she said with a look of disgust on her face: "Let go."

Shangguan Min was still frightened and refused to let go. Fang Zilan frowned and suppressed his temper and said patiently: "What's wrong with you kid? Why are you still so energetic? You've seen it. I'm fine. Let go quickly."

"Are you really okay?" Shangguan Min looked at her steadily, his helpless look making her less angry, "Can't you tell if something's wrong with me? What have you learned in the military for so many years? At least Do you have good eyesight? You are now half a grown man, please let me go."

Shangguan Min let out a low voice and reluctantly let go of Fang Zilan's sleeve.

Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves, snorted and stopped talking to him. Shangguan Min followed closely behind, fearing that she would really offend her, so he didn't dare to say anything and became much quieter immediately.

When the two saw Deputy General Cao, Awan was removing the needle for him. She took off the last needle and breathed a sigh of relief, "You came at the right time. Vice Admiral Cao will wake up in a while."

"Great." Shangguan Min's eyes sparkled, and Fang Zilan also breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll wait until Lao Cao wakes up before leaving."

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