Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1182 Fulfillment

The pavilion scenery is still the same as yesterday, and the tea cups and tea drinkers have also remained the same. In just one day, the outside world has changed a lot.

The three of them all drank tea in silence. Seeing this, Zhong Yao was the first to speak and break the silence, "Lu Tang's father was implicated by Shangguan's family and was convicted. After that, he fell ill and refused to take care of things. As for Lu Tang's uncle, Lu Zhizhang, Xiaguan talked to him last night. When it comes to building the Northern Protectorate, I asked him to go to Pingshan City to invite General Huangfu to come over and discuss the matter together. I think he should be in Pingshan City at the moment and won't be able to come back for a while. Lu Tang will have already dispatched the rest when he comes back. The families of those involved in the case are eager to distance themselves from each other and should not come out to embarrass them."

"Master Zhong has thought carefully, just deal with it. No matter who comes out to cause trouble in the future, you don't have to worry about it, I will deal with it." Fang Zilan looked indifferent and gently put down the tea cup in his hand.

She stood up and clasped her fists in a salute, "If Master Zhong hadn't been strategizing today, I'm afraid it wouldn't have ended so easily. I misunderstood Master Zhong yesterday, and my words were very offensive. I hope Master Zhong doesn't hold grudges. Fang Zilan is here to give Mr. Zhong can’t apologize.”

"Master Fang, you don't have to be polite." Zhong Yao stood up quickly and bowed respectfully, "This case has many implications. If it weren't for Master Fang's support, I would not be determined to investigate thoroughly. What Master Fang taught me yesterday is , seeking his position in his position, and the lower official is in the position of the governor of Yanzhou, even if he has to weigh the pros and cons, he must not be restrained and shrink from moving forward. In the long run, it will only make the unscrupulous children of the wealthy families more arrogant, and the people will not It will be better.”

Fang Zilan sighed softly, "I know your concerns. After all, you are from a commoner background, and it is not easy to be in today's situation. You are naturally walking on thin ice, for fear that if you make the slightest mistake, you will be pushed into the abyss. But people in high positions , no matter how good the family background is, who is not like this? From the one in Qiankun Palace to me, the Lord of the North, we are stared at all the time, just waiting for those of us in high positions to step into the spotlight. If we fall, they will step on us again, and we will never be able to stand up again."

"General Xiahou may not help Mo Bin and his son, but he will definitely protect the capital." As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, he saw the people in front of him stopped, "Those who guard the border must put the mountains and rivers in their hands forever. The first thing. Mr. Su understands this very well."

Her expression softened slightly as she spoke, "Mo Han once told me that Mo Bin and Mo Yang are both very principled people. I don't deny Mo Han's words, but I just feel that their principles are too petty, and there is really no such thing as a border guard general." Style.”

"Not everyone is as willing as Lord Fang." Su Yun raised his eyebrows and raised his lips, "I'm very curious, why does Lord Fang insist on protecting Mohan?"

"Mo Han is my cousin, my only relative in this world." Fang Zilan said frankly, and then changed the subject: "Master Su, if you regret it, you might as well leave now, otherwise you will have to stay with me. This southeastern realm has lost its life.”

"Regret?" Su Yun seemed to have remembered something and chuckled: "Does Mr. Fang know that Your Majesty originally wanted Mr. Zhuge to be a special envoy to come to the southeast?"

"I was just thinking..." Fang Zilan paused and changed her voice, "Has Mr. Zhong ever seen cobblestones?"

Zhong Yao was stunned by her question, but he still nodded and said, "I've seen it before."

Fang Zilan then asked: "Does Mr. Zhong think the cobblestones are good-looking?"

Zhong Yao was a little confused, "What does Mr. Fang want to say?"

"I don't know what's going on. I suddenly have some strange thoughts in my heart. I feel a little uncomfortable holding them back. I wonder if Mr. Zhong would like to hear them?" Fang Zilan's expression and tone were all inquiring. Zhong Yao sat upright and said, "I would like to hear the details." " When I mentioned being in a high position just now, I was thinking that no matter who I am, I can choose to be a silent puppet with a smooth appearance and let the people around me dress up until I look like everyone is satisfied. Or I can Choose to hold up your sword and be a brave man who goes forward without hesitation. No matter what the people around you do, you only have one belief and will to the end."

Fang Zilan looked at the tea smoke curling in front of her eyes and suddenly laughed, "Do you think it's funny when I tell you this?"

Zhong Yao didn't speak, he just looked at the indifferent but determined woman in front of him quietly through the tea smoke.

Her face was not beautiful, but she had the outline of an ordinary person, but he traced it in his mind for a long time, feeling that he had never seen such a person among all kinds of people.

After a while, he spoke again: "Which one will Master Fang choose?"

"I want to choose the second one." Fang Zilan answered without hesitation, but when she finished she smiled a little embarrassedly, "But it's just a thought. Mr. Wang Quanzhi told me before that the more you get, the better." The more choices you have, the less room you have. I know it in my heart, but I am still not convinced. Who would have expected that so many things have happened? I am afraid that even if I am not convinced, I have to admit that what he said is right."

"It's one thing to know, but it's another thing not to be convinced." Zhong Yao smiled slightly and added another cup of tea for her, "No wonder Master Fang wants to ask Xiaguan Pebbles. Before I became an official, I heard General Jing from Shangguan say However, he said that when you are young, people have a lot of ambition in their hearts. It is not until they grow older and encounter many things that they realize that the youthful ambition cannot be accomplished. In the end, their temperament was worn away, and they became the pebbles in your mouth, Mr. Fang."

He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, and continued, "The former one that Mr. Fang said is like this pebble. But if everyone in the world is like this, it will be really boring."

Fang Zilan couldn't help but asked curiously: "What kind of person is Mr. Zhong?"

Zhong Yao's face became more smiley, "Xiaguan is the same as Mr. Fang. He once wanted to find his own way with determination, but he couldn't help but let the waves go, just to be here. Stand in the whirlpool. But..."

He raised the tea cup in his hand and said, "I am ashamed. If it hadn't been for Mr. Fang's words today, I might have forgotten that I had chosen the second option. I only hope that Mr. Fang will not be convinced today and in the future." Don’t give in and truly become the second kind of person you say you are. I would like to offer you tea instead of wine, and I would like to offer you a glass of wine, Mr. Fang.”

As if her thoughts were being read, Fang Zilan burst out laughing, "Let's all wait for our own destiny to come! After stepping on the stage, no matter who we are, there will be times when we want to be alone."

Her eyes fell behind Zhong Yao. There was a void in front of her, but it seemed like that was all. "When you enter there, as a character, you have to start an endless performance. But at least, there are some things we can make our own decisions."

After she finished speaking, she raised her tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

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