Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1183 Doubt

"You...what are you going to do?" Geng Nan looked panicked, "You are here to seek justice for them..."

He fell silent in the middle of what he said, but this was tantamount to a confession, which immediately caused more and more people in the world to draw their swords and prepare for attack.

"Seeking justice for them?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly and said coolly: "If you are not a relative or an acquaintance, why should you?"

"Then what are you doing here?" Geng Nan's voice trembled violently, and Fang Zilan said loudly: "I'm here to offer incense. I made it very clear just now at the foot of the mountain."

"Shang Xiang?" Geng Nan looked at Fang Zilan suspiciously, obviously not believing it.

"Amitabha." The old monk who led the way clasped his hands and said to Fang Zilan, "If the donor wants to offer incense, you might as well come with me."

"Thank you." Fang Zilan sheathed the sword in full view of everyone, but did not forget to muddy the water. "Speaking of which, when you come to Zhongling Temple, are you invited by the abbot Ran Deng Master, or are you deceived by Geng Nan?"

"Shut up!" Geng Nan yelled, but Fang Zilan remained unmoved. "Buddhism emphasizes the cycle of cause and effect and retribution. It really suits the situation."

After she said that, she followed the old monk to the door of Zhongling Temple. Before she could step into the threshold, a sword was placed in front of her, "Zixiu, what do you say to Jiang Hu for your life?"

"Can you represent Jianghu?" Fang Zilan flicked the sword in front of him, and the sword broke into two pieces. The owner of the sword took a step back and did not dare to step forward.

"Zixiu is here today to make an end." Fang Zilan said loudly, "It won't be too late to start with you after I finish burning this incense stick."

The many Jianghu people behind her exchanged glances with each other, then slowly stepped forward and approached her as if in tacit agreement.

Hongtai turned around, turned his back to Fang Zilan, and said in a deep voice: "I'll guard it for you, just go ahead."

"How long can you guard?" Fang Zilan looked calm, while Hongtai said resolutely, "At least one stick of incense."

"What happens after one stick of incense?" Fang Zilan turned around and stood side by side with Hongtai, "If I fail to come out, how will you treat me?"

Hongtai remained silent, and Fang Zilan unsheathed his sword, "I would rather see you live well than avenge you."

"You can't trust me so much?" Hongtai raised his eyebrows and raised his lips, still looking cynical and unruly.

"I can trust it, but I can't let it go." Fang Zilan said, took Awan in his arms, pushed her to Hongtai, and then stood in front of them, looking at the many people in the world just a few steps away from her with an almost arrogant look, with a cold voice. Said: "It seems that you want to have sex together?"

Fang Zilan calmed her expression and said solemnly: "On the 28th, why did Mr. Wu leave the Criminal Department?"

Zou Hongqi looked troubled, "There are some clues about this matter, but..." He hesitated for a moment before saying: "After the incident, some scraps of paper that were burned to ashes were found on Mr. Wu's case. There was only one word on them. It has been well preserved. I asked people to compare the handwriting, and no one in the punishment department matched it."

Fang Zilan said calmly: "Master Zou, can you let me have a look at that word?"

Zou Hongqi hurriedly asked someone to present the only remaining evidence, "I think someone wrote a letter inviting Mr. Wu, but he didn't want it to be known, so he asked Mr. Wu to read it and then burn it." "Master Wu is always cautious. If the letter asked him to burn it after reading it, why did he leave this fragment behind?" Fang Zilan looked at the words in front of her carefully, her expression dark and unclear.

"It's a coincidence that Master Gu, who was revising the law with Master Wu that day, didn't see anyone when he went to look for him, so he simply started searching for him by himself." Zou Hongqi explained: "Master Gu has a fiery temper. He accidentally hit him. After turning over the tea cup on the case, this fragment was preserved."

Fang Zilan's eyes scanned the edge of the fragment, and as expected, there were light yellow tea stains. She pursed her lips and said, "Who sent a letter to Mr. Wu on the 28th? Have you checked it?"

"It has been checked." Zou Hongqi replied: "The documents sent to the Ministry of Justice are always handled by a special person. Even on the 28th, no one else handled it. I also ordered someone to check the person in charge, and it was consistent with usual. There is nothing unusual. It seems that the murderer used a trick in advance to mix the letter among the documents."

Fang Zilan seemed to say casually: "To be able to sneak a letter into the documents of the Ministry of Punishment, the murderer must be very familiar with the official procedures."

Zou Hongqi raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, "I have also thought about this. I need to be meticulous and familiar with the government, but I also need to be able to kill people quickly and escape in public..." He paused, and then said: "If there is only one murderer, , I’m afraid it doesn’t make sense.”

Fang Zilan didn't ask any further questions, just said a few words like "Mr. Zou, thank you for your hard work, remember to tell her the results", and then left.

Zou Hongqi looked at her back and frowned involuntarily. Qian Qian on the side breathed a sigh of relief and said in confusion: "Sir, Master Fang has left, you..."

"Qian Qian, don't you think Mr. Fang is here not to ask for an explanation, but more like to confirm something?" Zou Hongqi interrupted Qian Qian's words. He asked curiously: "Confirm what? Does Mr. Fang already know the murderer?" Who is it?"

A look of doubt flashed in Zou Hongqi's eyes, and Qian Qian's eyes widened as if he suddenly thought of something, "Sir, are you doubting Mr. Fang..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" There was more anger in Zou Hongqi's voice, but he deliberately lowered it a bit, "If it were Mr. Fang, would it be necessary to go to such trouble? Those powerful men above us will kill the people below. It's as easy as killing an ant, why do you need to do such a dangerous thing?"

Qian Qian lowered his head after being scolded by him, but he couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean, sir?"

"Intuition." Zou Hongqi lowered his serious face and whispered in a rather spirited voice: "After handling cases for so many years, I always have an intuition for judging people."

Qian Qian's face was full of disbelief, and Zou Hongqi glanced at him with a look of disbelief, "How come you haven't made any progress after following me for all these years?"

"Sir, I feel that this matter is too mysterious..." As soon as Qian Qian finished speaking, he fell silent when he met Zou Hongqi's eyes.

The intuition of others may be mysterious, but the intuition of their Minister of Justice has never been wrong, just like the clouds before the rain, the low-flying swallows, and the noisy frogs, they are like omens.

"It's going to rain." Zou Hongqi's voice came faintly, pulling Qian Qian back from his thoughts. He muttered, "Summer is almost over, why is it still raining?"

"One autumn rain and one cold." Zou Hongqi's sigh made Qian Qian confused, "Sir, it's not autumn yet."

"Just wait and see." Zou Hongqi seemed to be talking to himself: "This autumn in the capital is probably going to be three points cooler than in previous years."

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