Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1184 Exchange

"Fang Lihui, Cong Rong is in my hand." Fang Zilan said quietly with no expression on her face: "And the jade pendant that Fang Yuhan gave to Cong Rong to symbolize status is also in my hand.

Fang Lihui chuckled, "Master Fang is blackmailing me?"

"Although the case seven years ago is a long time ago, as long as you are willing to investigate, you can always find something." Fang Zilan raised her hand to take the tea cup on the case and took a sip, "However, there are some things that I and you are the same. I don’t want to be turned over.”

Fang Lihui took a brand new tea cup from the side, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea. The tea in the cup shook a little with his wrist, "Master Fang has heard what Ah Shi said. I don't know if I want to hear it again." My rhetoric?”

Fang Zilan didn't speak as if she was acquiescing, so Fang Lihui continued on by himself, "During the previous dynasty, the Fang family was indeed not a good businessman. It was common for them to force their opponents to death and bribe the government."

He said with a smile, his expression a little indifferent, "Later, the prime minister's uncle entered the officialdom, and the Fang family also accumulated experience, and the methods gradually improved. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, the previous period was turbulent, and there were many fights within the Fang family. Until With the change of dynasties, the prime minister's uncle is at the forefront of the storm, so the Fang family is more at ease because they are afraid of being implicated."

Three important adults stood up. The other officials couldn't help but look at each other. They were hesitating whether to second the proposal when they heard Li Shengxuan say: "I remember that before the death of Concubine Shu in the previous dynasty, she used the jade pendant as a token to represent King Yuning and Princess Wuqing. Now that we are engaged, this can be regarded as her last wish.”

He paused as he spoke, "My father, Emperor Tai'an, also promised this marriage when he was on the throne."

Su Yun took a breath of air and looked at Zou Hongqi aside, but the other party was indifferent and still stood upright.

But Wang Quanrui spoke up, "Since Your Majesty said so, I can't give you any advice. I just don't know where the token jade pendant is. Can I wait and see? It can also prove that this marriage is justifiable."

Li Shengxuan did not comment, and the Empress Dowager breathed a sigh of relief and followed Wang Quanrui's words: "The Minister of Rites is right. King Yuning, Princess Wuqing, please take out the token jade pendant so that all my ministers in the capital can open it." Open your eyes.”

Before she finished speaking, someone echoed: "Yes, I heard that the pair of jade pendants were donated by Persia to General Zhenbei, King Pingnan, to celebrate the wedding. They are unique in the world!"

Fang Zilan's heart tightened when she heard about the jade pendant, and when she heard that it was a Persian jade pendant, she felt even more complicated.

However, Wu Qing's face turned pale and her whole body was trembling. She looked at Ji Ningtian as if asking for help, but he did not respond at all, as if he had not recovered from the shock just now.

Seeing that everyone was vowing not to give up until they saw the jade pendants, Ji Ningtian slowly said: "Your Majesty, those pair of jade pendants were used as a burial companion when my mother passed away."

Everyone in the audience was shocked when he said this, but what Ji Ningtian said next was even more shocking. He said quietly: "But if Your Majesty and all your lords want to see it, I can order someone to take it out from my mother's coffin."

When he said these words, his expression and tone were too calm, as if he was a submissive puppet, numb and humble.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and glanced at Ji Ningtian from the corner of her eyes. She wanted to find some different expression on his face, but why she was looking for him or what she was looking for, she couldn't tell clearly.

Wang Quanrui hesitated to speak. When Ji Ningtian said that the token jade pendant was buried with him, he originally wanted to say that since the token had been buried, the number of engagements could not be concluded. Who knew that Ji Ningtian added this sentence, and it would seem too mean for him to speak again. . Is it really necessary to open the coffin? If he was really aggressive to that point, how could he have the dignity to be the Minister of Rites?

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, suddenly changed direction when she jumped up, and pointed the plum sword in her hand directly at Ji Ningtian. For a moment, everyone else in the hall was stunned, only Li Shengxuan watched calmly - Ji Ningtian didn't make any move, and allowed Fang Zilan's plum sword to be forced in front of him, just one step away from touching his neck.

Fang Zilan didn't pause for a moment. She knew Ji Ningtian wouldn't dodge, but would she really kill Ji Ningtian? Before the truth about her mother was investigated, Ji Ningtian was her savior. but……

Ji Ningtian's goal is to overthrow Dajing and regain Dachu. If he were to be killed right away, he would be able to completely put an end to the thoughts of his men from the previous dynasty, and Dajing would no longer have any worries.

Fang Zilan's hand holding the plum sword tightened. The moment the sword tip was about to rub against Ji Ningtian's skin, she heard a clang, and the wine glass suddenly flew out and hit the plum sword, taking away her strength and causing the sword tip to deflect. direction.

The wine glass immediately fell into pieces, and the fragments cut Ji Ningtian's face, leaving a trail of blood. His clothes were also scratched, and there was a faint trace of blood. Even so, he still kept his original posture motionless, but his face turned much whiter.

Fang Zilan took advantage of the situation and sheathed the plum sword. She looked at Ji Ningtian intently. A drop of blood slipped from his face, dripped on the collarbone, and disappeared into the skirt of his clothes with the rise and fall of his chest.

Ji Ningtian lowered his head and glanced at the torn clothes, then raised his hand to wipe the blood on his face, his fingers trembling as if he had been greatly frightened.

Fang Zilan took a deep breath and was about to apologize when she heard the sound of clapping hands. She looked back and saw Li Shengxuan saying loudly: "Princess Wuqing is indeed the daughter of the former General Zhenbei, King Pingnan. Her skills are truly extraordinary."

Wu Qing bit her red lips, stood up slowly and saluted, "I was reckless, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"How could Princess Wuqing be so reckless?" Li Shengxuan said with a slight smile: "Today the Duke of Yue was greedy and a little drunk, and almost hurt King Yuning."

He paused for a moment and said meaningfully: "If it weren't for Princess Wuqing, the Duke of Yue would probably be in trouble."

"Your Majesty is right." Fang Zilan bowed her hand to Wu Qing and said, "Thank you very much, Princess Wu Qing."

Wu Qing was stunned for a moment, then said: "Master Fang said something serious. In front of Master Fang, I am making a fool of myself, which makes me laugh."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of whispers in the hall. Everyone could see Fang Zilan's probing intentions, and even more so Li Shengxuan's desire to protect her. On the contrary, it was Princess Wuqing who showed up halfway, which was intriguing.

Li Shengxuan looked at Wu Qing with interest. She was so nervous that cold sweat broke out on her forehead and her mind went blank.

"Princess Wuqing, I remember that you have an engagement with Prince Yuning, right?" Li Shengxuan suddenly changed his voice. Wuqing hummed subconsciously. Before she could react, she felt Ji Ningtian's eyes falling on her. There was a deep chill in his body.

"In that case, you might as well take advantage of today's Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet and let me decide your wedding date." Li Shengxuan's words were like a huge stone, stirring up thousands of waves.

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