"Miss Fang San, have you seen it?" Li Qianning raised her lips, half-smiling, and snorted: "The man who was deeply in love with you at the last moment can ignore you at this moment. What is sincerity is just a lie. Human nonsense.”

"Princess's words are very much in line with my wishes." Fang Zilan nodded and agreed: "I have no intention of getting entangled with His Highness King Yucheng, and I ask Your Highness to be noble and let me go."

"Miss Fang San..." Just as Li Qiyou was about to say something, he saw Fang Zilan salute to him and then leave.

Li Qianning watched Fang Zilan's back disappear, and said quietly: "Brother, I hope you will take care of yourself."

"Xiao Ning, are you threatening me?" There was a hint of chill in Li Qiyou's eyes, and Li Qianning shook his head, "Brother, I am just kindly trying to persuade you. You said, if my grandmother and queen mother know, your third lady Fang After thinking about it, is she still alive?"

Li Qiyou's hand hidden in his sleeve clenched into a fist, and Li Qianning said meaningfully: "Brother Emperor, there is already a queen named Fang in the harem, and there is absolutely no way there will be a second one..."

"Xiao Ning." Li Qiyou's voice was a little deeper, which was an obvious warning.

"Brother Imperial, it will be your strong support when I marry Miluo in the future." Li Qianning lowered her eyes and whispered, speaking the most ambitious words in the most obedient manner, "Whether it's Mu Chuji or Mu Churui, they They will all be my subordinates. As long as the emperor wants to, Miluo will be the sword in your hand."

"Xiao Ning, you know that I have never..." Li Qiyou frowned, and Li Qianning said coolly: "Never what? Brother Huang, when you are born into the Li family, you are destined to fight for power and gain, and fight to the death. If not, why? Are you able to settle down and settle down?"

Li Qiyou's expression turned serious, and Li Qianning continued talking to herself, "Now Li Shengxuan treats you and my brothers and sisters well, but as long as he is in power for a day, there is no guarantee that he will not have other thoughts. He has foreign blood flowing through him. His blood, the capital should not be left in his hands."

"The Baiyue Xiahou family is not what my grandmother and mother said." Li Qiyou hurriedly argued: "Xiao Ning, don't do it..."

"So what?" Li Qianning stopped Li Qiyou's words, "Brother Emperor, even though I listen to my grandmother and queen and act domineeringly and recklessly, I am not really brainless."

As she spoke, her expression became more fierce, "Those who are not of my race must have different minds. In the past there was the Xiahou family of Baiyue, and in the back there was Fang Zilan, the Duke of Xianyue. If one day, I have to choose between Dajing Jiangshan and them. No, there is no guarantee that Li Shengxuan will not choose the latter."

"But His Majesty didn't choose Fang Zilan. If..." Li Qiyou didn't go on. If Li Shengxuan had chosen Fang Zilan, how could she end up in the situation where she is so injured and trapped in the palace today?

"Not choosing one night does not mean not choosing one's life." Li Qianning met Li Qiyou's gaze, "Li Shengxuan, as the emperor of the capital, will be doomed if he makes the wrong choice just once. He can die, but he wants the great power of my Li family. I will never agree to be buried with him in Jingjiangshan."

"Xiao Ning..." Li Qiyou looked at Li Qianning steadily, as if looking at the most familiar stranger. He never thought that his petite, willful and rebellious sister would have such thoughts.

But she was right, Li Shengxuan could die, she, Li Qianning, could marry, and he, Li Qiyou, could be shattered to pieces, but this was all for the sake of the capital, not for anyone else.

"Since your royal brother understands what I'm talking about, it's best to break up with Fang Zilan as soon as possible." After Li Qianning said that, she held her head high and left in stride.

She was still the aloof and the most noble woman in the whole capital, as if nothing had happened.

Ah Shi bowed to Wei Subaru and then chased Fang Zilan, "Master Fang, I will take you back to your home."

"No need." Fang Zilan walked to the courtyard and breathed a long sigh of relief, as if she wanted to spit out everything she saw and heard underground.

Seeing this, Ah Shi chuckled, "Master Fang, you really impressed me today." "What do you think I will do?" Fang Zilan did not look at him, but looked up at the bright moon in the sky. It was freezing cold, and the hot breath blurred my vision. Even the moon seemed like a shadow.

"After all, it is a human life." Ah Shi turned his head and traced her outline carefully, "I thought Mr. Fang would have an attack on the spot."

"If I had an attack on the spot, I would get nothing except a stalemate with Mr. Wei." Fang Zilan whispered: "I can't seek justice for her, and I don't want to drag you down."

"I have dealt with more than one or two lives." Ah Shi wrote lightly: "For me, this is not a drag."

"Ah Shi, if you treat human life like an ant for too long, you will become numb." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but Ah Shi could still hear it clearly, "Master Fang, are you numb?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer and left directly. The curfew had passed, and she was the only one on the empty streets. She was wandering aimlessly in the most prosperous city in the world, but she felt cold all over her body.

Unconsciously, Fang Zilan walked to the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion. When the doorman saw her, he hurriedly greeted her, "Master Fang, it's late at night and it's freezing cold. Why are you here?"

"I..." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and the servant invited her in. The maid who kept watch at night served her hot tea with a wink.

Fang Zilan took a few sips to warm herself up, and then asked the maid: "Has your second lady rested?"

"I don't know." The maid shook her head, "The second young lady didn't see anyone after she returned home today. She hid in the boudoir alone and didn't even eat dinner."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly and handed the tea cup to the maid's hand, "I'll go take a look, you don't have to wait on me."

After the maid left, Fang Zilan walked to Fang Zitong's courtyard and knocked on the door. "I heard that Miss Fang did not have dinner today..." She stopped talking the moment she saw Fang Zitong.

Fang Zitong turned away and tried to avoid Fang Zilan's sight, but she still grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Her scrutinizing eyes made her feel quite uncomfortable, "Let me go..."

"Why are you crying?" Fang Zilan stopped her words. Her expression froze and she said harshly: "Who is crying?"

"My eyes are swollen like peaches." Fang Zilan penetrated her mercilessly. She suddenly broke away the hands on her shoulders and said angrily: "What are you doing at this hour?"

Fang Zilan said innocently: "You opened the door and let me in."

Fang Zitong took a deep breath, "I'm sleepy, please leave Master Fang."

"Second Miss Fang, there is no resurrection after death." Fang Zilan still stood where she was, "I think Dongxue has a spirit in the sky, and I don't want to see you like this."

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