Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1187 Proof

"What, Mr. Yin doesn't want to remind the people downstairs?" Fang Zilan's sarcastic voice sounded, causing Yin Quanzhang to gnash his teeth, "As of now, it is still unclear who will win. The Zuiyue Tower is full of kerosene. As long as there is a trace of spark, who will Don’t even think about living..."

"Is this what Mr. Yin is talking about?" Fang Lihui's figure appeared at the corner of the stairs. Behind him was a man who held a bucket of kerosene in his hand and placed it not far from Yin Quanzhang.

"Fang Lihui, you! You..." As soon as Yin Quanzhang opened his mouth, Fang Lihui stopped him, "Master Yin, I will die to protect the integrity of the Fang family, but I am not interested in dying with you."

He gently shook the folding fan as he spoke, with a rare sharpness in his handsome eyebrows, "Master Yin, have you forgotten who the real owner of this building is? If you want to do anything in Zuiyue Tower, you have to ask for my permission. Okay. What’s more, if you dare to damage the Fang family’s property under the eyes of me and Lan Mei, do you think your life is too long?”

His last words brought Fang Zilan in, quite threatening. Hearing this, Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, but didn't say much. After all, Fang Zilan didn't care, and there was no need for others to interfere with her housework.

"Fang Lihui, how dare you..." Yin Quanzhang's face was full of anger, and Fang Lihui interrupted him rudely, "Master Yin, I am just a businessman, and I am insignificant compared to you. You I dare to threaten the lives of all of you, what can I not dare to do?"

Yin Quanzhang was furious and subconsciously wanted to pounce on Fang Lihui, but was held down by Fang Zilan, "Master Yin, the matter has come to this, you will definitely lose, you might as well save some strength to use it in prison."

"Miss Fang, if I lose, you can't be considered a winner." Yin Quanzhang took a deep breath and raised his hand to move Fang Zilan's hand away. "You should know better than anyone else that you will never win."

Fang Zilan withdrew her hand and clenched it tightly into a fist, "Losing for a moment may not necessarily mean losing for the rest of our lives. We will always win one day."

"We? Miss Fang, I hope you didn't believe in the wrong person." Yin Quanzhang repeated these two words meaningfully and sighed, "Unfortunately, I don't have Miss Fang's faith, and I can't see that day. "

After saying that, he grabbed the bucket of kerosene as if he was crazy and poured it all over himself. Seeing this, Li Shengxuan put his arms around Fang Zilan and raised his sleeves to cover her, for fear that the kerosene would splash on her body.

The next moment, Yin Quanzhang jumped from the top of the building. Covered in kerosene, he burned himself on the torch of the person downstairs. When it caught fire, it ignited and immediately burned a large area.

Amidst the continuous screams, Zhou Lang's calm voice was particularly clear. He directed the people around him to retreat in an orderly manner to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Fang Zilan stared steadily at the sea of ​​​​fire downstairs, feeling a chill running down her back. Yin Quanzhang was so desperate, and the others...

Fang Lihui obviously had the same idea as Fang Zilan. He quickly saluted Li Shengxuan and then hurried away, calling for people to put out the fire as he hurried back to the hall.

"I'll go take a look with my cousin." Fang Zilan didn't have time to break free from Li Shengxuan's hand before he was pulled back tightly by him and brought into his arms again. "The sooner you leave Zuiyue Tower and save Awan and Ashi, The better.”

Fang Zilan felt that Li Shengxuan had stuffed something into her. She was pushed out by him just as she was about to tell the difference, "Let's go!"

"I..." The moment Fang Zilan figured out what was in his hand, he was stunned. Is this Li Shengxuan's gold medal that he felt as if he was seeing it in person?

"Fang Zilan, it's really too late if you don't leave." Li Shengxuan's tone was rare and urgent, urging Fang Zilan to go down the stairs, but he was reluctant to look back every step of the way.

After watching Mrs. Ouyang leave, the housekeeper of Duke Wei's Mansion invited Fang Zilan and Zheng Yan in. However, before they could reach the front hall, they saw a delicate figure rushing over like an arrow from a string.

Fang Zilan took a closer look and saw that the little girl looked familiar, as if she had seen her before. She dodged away calmly, but the little girl couldn't stop and bumped into the pillar, and couldn't help but let out an "ouch". "Miss!" The maidservant and the young man came next. The butler frowned, but because there were outsiders here, he had to put on a smile and explained in a good voice: "Master Fang, this is the star of the house. Miss Er, you have always been very naughty, making you laugh."

Weixing'er rubbed her forehead and said dissatisfiedly: "Why am I so naughty..."

"You are a distinguished guest. How can you let Miss Xing'er behave like this?" The housekeeper said with a cold face, "Why don't you take the young lady down quickly? If the head of the family finds out..."

"Just to let my uncle know!" Weixing'er interrupted the housekeeper almost arrogantly, "I'm right, there is no need for him to lock me up."

"Weixing." Wei Subaru's voice suddenly sounded. Everyone couldn't help but look back and saw him standing at the door of the hall not far away, saying casually: "You are blocking Master Fang's way."

Fang Zilan smiled slightly and said, "Master Wei, your words are serious. Not everyone can block my way."

The two of them exchanged words with each other, but within one round they made others stay away for fear of being involved.

Weixing'er took a few steps back, but still cautiously retorted: "I'm not blocking Mr. Fang's way."

Wei Subaru ignored her words and his eyes fell directly on Fang Zilan, "Why are you here today, Mr. Fang?"

"Master Wei, do you want to talk to me here?" Fang Zilan took a step forward without hesitation, "This is not the way to treat guests."

"How I treat Mr. Fang depends on what Mr. Fang has to say." Wei Subaru crossed his arms and looked like he was rejecting people thousands of miles away. "If Mr. Fang wants to say something about Miss Ouyang, then I can only send him a message." My guest. As for anything else, please."

After the words fell, he had no intention of inviting Fang Zilan into the hall, as if he had already determined that she was here for Ouyang Zirou.

"Before Mr. Wei sees off the guests, I would like to ask Mr. Wei for a clear answer." Fang Zilan said, taking another step forward, with the momentum of not giving up until he achieves his goal, "Ouyang Zirou takes over the Arsenal, Mr. Wei Do you agree or disagree?"

She asked directly, and Wei Subaru answered neatly, "General Xiahou and I agree that this matter should be decided by your Majesty."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves into fists, and she simply said: "Then Mrs. Ouyang just now..."

"I don't know. It turns out that in Mr. Fang's mind, I will be a two-faced person." Wei Subaru interrupted Fang Zilan's words unceremoniously, "How I went back to Mrs. Ouyang just now, I will go back to Mr. Fang now."

Fang Zilan rolled up her sleeves and saluted, and said expressionlessly: "Thank you, Mr. Wei, for informing me."

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