Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1188 Hesitation

When several people took a closer look, Fang Zilan was already standing under the tree in the courtyard. The person who came covered his chest and fell in front of her. He spat fiercely, "This kind of despicable method is also unacceptable." It was you women who made it happen."

"You seem to be unconvinced?" Fang Zilan walked up to him and looked at the visitor condescendingly, "What's wrong with women? You look down on women so much. Are you not born and raised by a woman?"

"You..." He coughed suddenly, and Fang Zilan pointed the plum sword directly between his eyebrows, "If you are not convinced, we will fight again."

"No need." He stood up straight with his sword, "Even if the means are despicable, winning is winning. What's more, your swordsmanship is indeed superior to mine, and I am convinced."

"Since you are willing to admit defeat, you must listen to my orders from now on." Fang Zilan said and put the sword behind him.

He nodded and said: "Okay." After saying that, he raised his hand and stabbed himself with the sword, actually seeking death.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zilan had been prepared. She raised her hand and missed his sword with her plum sword. He only stabbed himself but did not lose his life.

"Repaying the master with your life, you are a loyal servant." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "It's a pity that I don't know whether loyalty is worth it."

Her words obviously angered him, "I don't allow you to talk about Mr. Lu Tang!"

"My mouth is on me, what can you do to me?" Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, a trace of disdain flashing across her face.

Qi Yuming on the side suddenly said: "Master Fang, Master Lu Tang is dead."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan turned to look at Qi Yuming, his clear eyes could not be concealed by the blood-stained clothes and dust on his face, "Master Lu Tang was seriously injured after being hit, and he was too sad, so he died on the way to exile. .”

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Well, since everyone is dead, there is nothing more to say. Go away, don't let me see you again."

"Nothing more to say?" He looked evil and sneered: "Master Lu Tang had a good reputation all his life, but in the end he was framed by others and died in exile for no apparent reason. If I can't avenge him, how can I be worthy of his treatment? My favor?"

"Innocent?" Fang Zilan looked at the person in front of him amusedly, "What you mean by innocence is that you are relying on the power of a wealthy family to disregard human lives?"

"You're such a mouthful!" His blood surged, and he spat out a mouthful of blood in anger. He lost his center of gravity and knelt on one knee.

Fang Zilan put away her sword and said in a deep voice: "No matter what the reason is, you should not put your life and wealth on one person. I see that you are good at martial arts, so I let you go. Don't be ungrateful."

He snorted contemptuously, "I think you have a guilty conscience and have harmed Master Lu Tang's life. That's why you let me go, right?"

"Guilty?" Fang Zilan lowered her head and smiled with interest, her eyes falling on him, "Have you ever heard of the term "you deserve to blame yourself?"

"What do you mean?" He stared at Fang Zilan blankly, and the smile on her face became even brighter. "I gave you a chance, but you didn't want it. Just like your Lord Lu Tang, what's the point of not bringing the blame on yourself?"

After Fang Zilan finished speaking, he raised his sword and dropped it. A flash of silver light flashed, and the person in front of him fell lifelessly to the ground. The overflowing blood dyed the snow beneath him red. Under the reflection of the moonlight, it looked indescribably cold and desolate. . "Fang Zilan!" Awan quickly ran to her, held her arm, and said eagerly: "How are you?"

"It's okay, I can hold on." She patted the back of Awan's hand soothingly and walked slowly to Qi Yuming, Shangguan Min and Vice General Cao, "How are you doing?"

"Boss, I'm fine." Vice General Cao struggled to stand up and shook off the dust on his clothes. "They are just minor injuries, nothing serious."

"As long as I'm here, don't be brave next time." Fang Zilan said, patting Deputy General Cao's shoulder, "Your skills are for fighting on the battlefield. It's not worth using them to fight with killers."

After she finished speaking, she turned to Qi Yuming and Shangguan Min, "The same goes for you. Next time you see such a person, hide away if you can and don't confront him head-on."

"Master Fang taught you a lesson." Qi Yuming stood up straight against the door frame and said with a smile: "But if I didn't support Master Fang for this moment and a half, I'm afraid Master Fang may not be able to leave this room."

"Master Qi is right." Fang Zilan nodded calmly, "I owe you a favor. Tell me, how do you want me to repay you?"

"Since Mr. Fang said so, I would be disrespectful." Qi Yuming brushed his sleeves and bowed respectfully.

"What happened in the southeast is probably not a rebellion. I'm afraid there are pirates who sneaked into Mushan Pass and took control of Mo Bin." There was a faint worry on Zhuge Yu's face, "If they are really pirates, please ask Sister Lan to persuade them." With General Xiahou’s help, we will get twice the result with half the effort.”

"I don't understand." Awan said doubtfully: "Although Mushan Pass is the junction between Dajing and the old land of Baiyue, it is not an important place near the sea after all. Why would there be pirates sneaking in?"

"The Zhuge family is still investigating the cause of this matter, but I think this news is credible. If it were not a pirate, General Xiahou would not have discovered something was wrong so quickly. After all, when the Xiahou family was in Baiyue, many of them fought with pirates Fight." Zhuge Yu folded his hands in front of him and said in a tight voice: "I will enter the palace later to present this news to Your Majesty. I hope Miss Awan will also tell Sister Lan for me, asking her to ensure everything is done. careful."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhuge, I will definitely bring your words." A Wan's eyes became more determined, "As for Mr. Fang's trip, please help Mr. Zhuge to cover it up."

Zhuge Yu bowed his hands and said, "Miss Awan, please be at ease. Zhuge Yu will definitely live up to his trust."

When Awan saw that he agreed, he immediately left Zhuge's house without stopping and chased Fang Zilan and Vice General Cao out of the city. She chased them non-stop for most of the day, and finally saw the two people who had settled in the inn when it was dark.

When Fang Zilan saw Awan, she couldn't help but frown: "Why are you here? I didn't ask you to stay in my house, you..."

"Master Zhuge asked me to come." Awan interrupted her eagerly, "He has something he wants me to bring to you."

"Shh." Fang Zilan pulled Awan violently, pressed her fingers on her lips, and made a silencing gesture.

Lieutenant General Cao understood the situation and quickly checked his surroundings to make sure there was no one around. Then she let go and said, "What do you want you to tell me, Ayu?"

Awan deliberately lowered his voice, "Master Zhuge wants me to tell you that what happened in the southeast is probably not a rebellion. It is possible that there are pirates who sneaked into Mushan Pass and took control of Mo Bin. He also said that if they are really pirates, Please also persuade General Xiahou to help, and you will get twice the result with half the effort."

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