Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1203 Boundless

Chapter 1203 Boundless

Wen Ya's face was expressionless, and his voice was not as gentle as before, with an indescribable chill. "You know how to use it." He said, but it was Fang Zilan who looked at him.

"Mr. Wen, is it really okay for you to reveal all your plans openly and openly in front of the assassination target?" Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, passed by Awan on horseback, and took away the white porcelain bottle from Wen Ya's hand, " It’s better to leave this kind of thing to me.”

"Miss Fang San." Wen Ya's voice was deep, and Fang Zilan shook the white porcelain bottle in his hand casually, "Regardless of whether this thing is useful or not, just say that if you and A Wanru really wanted my life, I would have done it long ago. He died more than a thousand times."

She paused, raised the corners of her lips and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you and Awan."

Wen Ya sighed softly, and the smile on Fang Zilan's face became brighter, "Mr. Wen doesn't have to be like this. Even if he has murderous intentions, I will not sit still and wait for death."

"Miss Fang San, you made a mistake." Wen Ya whispered: "The target of the assassination this time is not you."

He nodded, "As you think, the young master's target this time is him."

Seeing Fang Zilan's smile solidify on her face, Awan asked confused, "What do you mean? Don't you want me to kill you?"

"No." Fang Zilan said these two words through gritted teeth. The white porcelain bottle in her hand creaked as she held it, as if it would be shattered into pieces in the next moment.

"I can tell if you are angry or not." Fang Zilan raised the plum sword in her hand and pointed at Li Shengxuan: "Whether His Majesty admits it or not, at that moment, you wished that I had never appeared, right?"

Li Shengxuan's expression was calm, but Xia Houzhang's expression changed. Even though the scabbard was separated, it was disrespectful to point the sword at the emperor...

"Yes, that's not right either." Li Shengxuan reached out and grasped the sword in front of him, "If I have time, I would like to explain it to you in detail, but right now..."

He did not say any more, but with lightning speed, he pulled Fang Zilan and the others into his arms, "Someone is coming."

Fang Zilan gave Li Shengxuan a hard look, but he was indifferent, hugging her and hiding, and Xia Houzhang also hurriedly hid his whereabouts.

Fang Zilan listened quietly for a while and said softly: "He is from Jiangnan Camp."

"Shh." Li Shengxuan pressed his fingers on Fang Zilan's lips, signaling her to be silent. However, the warm breath wrapped around his fingertips made him a little uneasy.

As if being burned, Li Shengxuan suddenly removed his finger and said after a while: "No, Yao Wu is the deputy general of the camp. Three generations of the Yao family are in the southeast camp. However, he did not stay when the camp was divided. Instead of the Southeast Camp, we came to the Jiangnan Camp.”

Fang Zilan was thoughtful, but before she could say anything, Xia Houzhang said again: "Fang Zilan, you are so rude."

The suppressed anger made Fang Zilan stunned, and then she realized that she was leaning in Li Shengxuan's arms, and there was an indescribable ambiguity between them.

"I'm sorry." Li Shengxuan let go of the person in his arms and took a step back. "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

Fang Zilan didn't care, her eyes still stayed on the road where Yao Wu led the people away, "Your Majesty suspects that there is something secretly done in the Jiangnan camp?"

"It's not doubt, it's conviction." Li Shengxuan looked up at the sky, "It's getting late, we..."

"You're injured." Fang Zilan intercepted Li Shengxuan's words unceremoniously, "It's better to deal with it as soon as possible." She said and looked down at the blood on her sleeve. She was not injured, so it could only be his blood. "Your Majesty is injured?" Xia Houzhang stepped forward quickly, and Li Shengxuan put his hands behind his back, "It's okay."

"If you want me to join the game, it's not impossible." Fang Zilan's cold voice interrupted their conversation and said word by word: "All information must be shared with me. From now on, I will decide the rules. When Stop, let me decide.”

"What did you say?" Xia Houzhang blurted out. Fang Zilan ignored him and stared at Li Shengxuan, "Your Majesty, do you dare to respond?"

"Okay." Li Shengxuan didn't hesitate. Xia Houzhang was stunned, and Fang Zilan breathed a long sigh of relief. "Since Li Shengxuan, the emperor of Beijing, is missing, let's start by changing the name."

Li Shengxuan nodded slightly. Xia Houzhang hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Young Master?"

"Sir." Fang Zilan pursed her lips and said coldly: "You can choose your name and identity. I will handle the household registration."

"Wait for me!" Awan shouted, and was about to catch up, but was stopped by Wen Ya, "She wants to die, do you want to accompany her?"

Awan had never heard such a cold tone from Wen Ya, and she felt a thrill, and her hand that tightly gripped the horse's reins involuntarily loosened.

"Be careful!" Wen Ya put his arm around Awan's waist and carried her onto his horse, so that she would not fall off the horse and get hurt.

Awan leaned in Wen Ya's arms and looked up at him with lingering fear, crying, "Master, do you want me to watch Fang Zilan die?"

"If she dies and you can live, then the person I would rather die is her." Wen Ya held A Wan's hand tighter, her hand hidden in her sleeve clenched into a fist, but she did not push it away He just shouted: "Master, on the first day I studied medicine, you taught me to be responsible for the patient. Fang Zilan is my patient, I must be responsible for her!"

"Awan, I can't control others." Wen Ya said with a sharp expression, "Only you..."

"Master!" Awan glared at Wen Ya fiercely, "Who do you think I am? I have my own ideas and I am not a drug puppet at your mercy!"

"Awan, your thoughts are far less important than your life..." Before Wen Ya could finish his words, he suddenly took a breath of air. He glanced at his bitten and bloody arm in disbelief, and then looked steadily at the initiator. "you……"

"Master, I know you are good to me." Awan broke away from Wen Ya's shackles and reached out to wipe the blood on his lips, "But, I don't want you to imprison me forever in the name of my kindness, like now so."

Her breathing fluctuated, but she still spoke with determination every word, "Master, I may not be able to fully repay your kindness to me in this lifetime. If I can come back safely this time, I will stay with you every day from now on." By your side, show your heart."

After saying that, she raised her hand and without waiting for Wen Ya's reaction, she bit her own arm as well. The same bloody mess was not even lighter than the bite she just took.

"A Wan..." Wen Ya hesitated, but when he saw A Wan about to vault, he hurriedly pressed her shoulders, and then quickly stuffed a pill into her mouth.

Awan swallowed the pill before she had time to react, "Master, what did you give me?"

(End of this chapter)

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