Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1204 Unwilling

Chapter 1204 Unwilling

"Miss Zixiu, are you confused?" Honghe chuckled, Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "Miss Honghe, please enlighten me."

"You are quite clever." Hong He didn't look much older than Fang Zilan, but her tone of voice was quite mature. "If you were like Mr. Fang and called Mrs. Yin, I'm afraid I would kill you right now." Kicked out."

Fang Lihui smiled awkwardly. He had never heard that Yin Quanzhang and his wife were a grudge couple, and they had only met each other a few times. Seeing that they were more or less respectful to each other, why couldn't they even mention it now?

"Speaking of which, I haven't congratulated Miss Zixiu yet." Hong He changed the topic and Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Why am I so happy?"

"The Lord of the Ghost Sect married another woman, and Miss Zixiu escaped from the sea of ​​misery and chose her husband again." Hong He said, his eyes falling on Li Shengxuan, "Isn't it worthy of congratulations?"

Fang Zilan looked stern, "I don't understand what Miss Honghe said."

"That's right, it's not good to mention your past with other men in front of your sweetheart." Honghe curled her lips meaningfully and said: "However, you have known for a long time that King Yuning Ji Ningtian will only marry Princess Wuqing. As a wife, why do you want to involve yourself in it? I see your temperament and you are not willing to be a concubine..."

"Miss Honghe." Fang Zilan interrupted Honghe with a cold voice, "I'm not here to hear what you say."

"Really?" The smile on Hong He's face became even brighter, "But these are the beginning of everything. If it weren't for King Yuning Ji Ningtian and Princess Wuqing, how could we be in this situation today?"

Fang Zilan's expression grew colder. She didn't know why Honghe knew that Ji Ningtian was the master of the ghost sect and their affair. But judging by what she said, Ji Ningtian's hand might have reached far longer than she imagined.

"Those who are here today, Young Master Fang and I can be regarded as old friends from the previous dynasty. Miss Zixiu once lived and died for the old friend from the previous dynasty. As for this gentleman, since he is on the same path as Miss Zixiu and has entered Feiling Mountain, he is destined to The confusion is gone." Honghe sighed, "In this case, there is nothing I can't say."

"Master Fang only thinks that my father is in seclusion for self-protection, but he doesn't know that if this were not the case, the people of Mushan Pass would not be able to be saved." Mo Yang argued unconvincingly: "My father knows that he only cares about one thing and not the other, and there is no perfect plan. , this is the only way to balance it.”

"That's the only way?" Fang Zilan raised an eyebrow, "In the capital, King Rongan is not the one who has the final say. Your father and son neither reported to the capital nor asked for help from General Xiahou, who is closest to Mushan Pass. , Do nothing, how can you have the face to say that you can only do this?”

"Going to the capital to report a message?" Mo Yang laughed suddenly, "I'm afraid our message won't be able to enter the capital at all, and it will be intercepted by King Rongan's people halfway. We also need to ask General Xiahou for help, which is easy to say. , but how can General Xiahou care about the life and death of my Mo family?"

Fang Zilan's expression was as calm as water, "Have you tried it?"

"What?" Mo Yang was stunned for a moment before hearing her continue, "Without any attempt, all possibilities were rejected. No wonder he ended up in the situation he is in today."

Mo Yang bit his lip, "So what if I try? You already know the outcome, no matter how many times you try, you can't change it."

"You are stubborn and stubborn." Fang Zilan concluded simply, her expression suddenly turned cold, "In that case, there is nothing more to say. Tomorrow morning, I will enter the Mo family ancestral hall and remove Mo Han's name from the Mo family tree. Everyone in the Mo family, except Mo Han, was killed."

Su Yun didn't say anything, but took a deep look at Fang Zilan. After she finished speaking, she ignored Mo Bin and Mo Yang's reactions and turned around to leave the prison. Su Yun followed her, and after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly said, "If Mo Bin and his son had asked General Xiahou for help in time, I'm afraid they wouldn't have fallen into such a dead end."

Fang Zilan kept walking, "Master Su, do you think General Xiahou will help Mo Bin and his son?"

"General Xiahou may not help Mo Bin and his son, but he will definitely protect the capital." As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, he saw the people in front of him stopped, "Those who guard the border must put the mountains and rivers in their hands forever. The first thing. Mr. Su understands this very well."

Her expression softened slightly as she spoke, "Mo Han once told me that Mo Bin and Mo Yang are both very principled people. I don't deny Mo Han's words, but I just feel that their principles are too petty, and there is really no such thing as a border guard general." Style.”

"Not everyone is as willing as Lord Fang." Su Yun raised his eyebrows and raised his lips, "I'm very curious, why does Lord Fang insist on protecting Mohan?"

"Mo Han is my cousin, my only relative in this world." Fang Zilan said frankly, and then changed the topic: "Master Su, after the Mo family is dealt with this time, I will also accept the matter of King Rongan's collaboration with the enemy and the country. It won't be good. If you regret it, you might as well leave now, otherwise if you are not careful in the future, you may lose your life in this southeastern realm with me. "

"Regret?" Su Yun seemed to have remembered something and chuckled: "Does Mr. Fang know that Your Majesty originally wanted Mr. Zhuge to be a special envoy to come to the southeast?"

Fang Zilan smiled slightly and followed his words and asked, "Then why is Mr. Su the one who came in the end?"

"Just because I told Your Majesty that I will never condone Mr. Fang's misbehavior like Mr. Zhuge did." Su Yun smiled meaningfully, and Fang Zilan looked innocent, "When will A Yu allow me to do such misbehavior?"

"It's only now that I understand." Su Yun's expression showed a little helplessness, "Master Fang is not someone who indulges in misbehavior, but does it wantonly. Unfortunately, I understand it too late, and it is too late to regret. "

"Master Su, are you afraid?" Fang Zilan looked joking. Su Yun shook his head and said: "As long as I don't confront Master Fang, it will not be difficult for Master Fang to spare my life in the chaos in the southeast."

"Master Su really knows how to judge the situation and make decisions according to the situation." Fang Zilan laughed dumbly, and a sly look flashed in Su Yun's eyes, "Master Fang is overly complimentary. After all, I am just a little censor. I want to save my life in a chaotic situation. It is inevitable to be dependent on others. Your Majesty values ​​Mr. Fang, so I am naturally willing to risk my fortune and my life. "

"Okay, Master Su, please help yourself." Fang Zilan calmed down, "I have to go take care of Mo Han."

"Master Fang." Su Yun stopped her as she was about to leave, "Just now Mo Yang said that the outcome of things that we already know cannot be changed no matter how hard we try. What do you think, Master Fang?"

Fang Zilan stopped again, but did not look back, "Nothing in this world is constant. If it must be said, only change is constant. I never believe in any ending, if there is..."

She paused, looked back with a bright smile and said, "The ending will also be decided by me."

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