Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1205 Melancholy

Chapter 1205 Melancholy

"Master Fang, I say this for the last time." Fang Zitong struggled to shake off Fang Zilan's hand, but in vain. So she took a deep breath and yelled with all her strength: "I don't want to see you, get out!"

"Tongmei..." Fang Lihui stopped not far away from her, with a worried look on his face but he hesitated to speak.

Fang Zilan slowly took her hand away, the corners of her lips curled up into a playful yet sad smile, "Fang Zitong, look at what you look like now?"

Hearing this, Fang Zitong seemed to be crumbling as if he couldn't hold on anymore, but he still said stubbornly: "Does my appearance have anything to do with Mr. Fang? If Mr. Fang came to see my joke, now that he has seen it, you can leave."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and said solemnly: "I knew it a long time ago. You don't need to protect me."

"Protecting you?" Fang Zitong's eyes turned red, "Who protected you?"

In just one sentence, she gritted her teeth and seemed to have countless resentments, but her trembling voice revealed her emotions. Like a little beast licking its wounds, even if it showed its sharp claws to defend itself, its wet eyes could not hide its fragility.

"No matter what you say." Fang Zilan stepped forward and grabbed Fang Zitong's arm tightly, "I will take you away today."

"Master Fang, do you know what you are doing?" Mrs. Pei was so angry that she coughed. "The soldiers surrounded Pei's house, forced their way in, and even took away Mrs. Guo Guo. No matter what happened, it would be enough for you to lose. He was dismissed from office, and more..."

"So what?" Fang Zilan interrupted her unceremoniously, "When this matter is over, I will leave it to Your Majesty's disposal. Until then, no one is qualified to comment. Including you, Mrs. Pei."

Her voice became colder as she spoke, "I respect you as an elder, so I will treat you with courtesy. But if you insist on blocking my way, I will not show mercy."

"Master Fang, how dare you..." Pei Pening's wife looked at the person in front of her who looked like a hellish Shura in disbelief. She had no weapons in her hands, but her whole body exuded the aura of killing gods and Buddhas. It's so overwhelming that people are speechless.

"Fang Zilan, you are simply lawless!" Mrs. Pei clutched her chest tightly and ordered, "Stop them. No one can leave Pei's house today."

"Who dares..." As soon as Fang Zilan spoke, Fang Zitong held her wrist, "I will do it myself."

"You..." Fang Zilan looked at Fang Zitong steadily. Her cheeks were a little shriveled, her face was almost bloodless, and her eyes looked big and empty, no longer as beautiful as before. However, there was an unprecedented firmness in his dark pupils.

After a long while, Fang Zilan said "Okay" in a low voice. She finally compromised, probably because she didn't want to see Fang Zitong dripping with blood while pretending to be desperate and struggling.

Seeing this, Mrs. Pei let out a long sigh of relief. Before she could speak, she heard Fang Zitong say: "I was not the one who killed Mr. Guo Guo. I will not plead guilty, nor will I be widowed. Today, I will make a clean break with your Pei family, and we will be the same from now on." Whether it’s a stranger or a lawsuit, it’s up to you.”

After a while, Wen Ya withdrew his hand, and Fang Zilan also lowered his arm and asked nonchalantly.

"Not good." Wen Ya shook his head solemnly, and Fang Zilan said expressionlessly: "You are Awan's master after all. Tell me something I don't know."

Wen Ya let out a long sigh, "You have been suffering from injuries in recent years, coupled with the raging poison in your body, the two parties have stretched your body too much, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover."

Fang Zilan hummed lightly, "What else?" "If things continue like this, I'm going to die soon." Wen Ya lowered his head slowly, but Fang Zilan raised the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "Wen Ya, you have changed."

Hearing this, Wen Ya suddenly raised his head, only to see Fang Zilan smiling casually and leisurely, "No matter how messed up I was in the past, even if my life was hanging by a thread, you would never say that my life would be over soon. It seems that it's not you who has changed. If you are weak, Awan will become strong enough to replace you. "

Wen Ya was shocked and his expression changed. He looked at A Wan and said solemnly: "What did you say to her?"

It was rare for Awan to see her master's gloomy expression, and she hurriedly waved her hand and said: "It's nothing. I just said that as long as I am here, I will make sure that she can live for one more day. The world is so big, I can definitely find someone who can let her live." Method."

Every time she said something, Wen Ya's face turned paler.

Fang Zilan was right, Awan had become stronger, and he had indeed become weaker.

In the past, he relied on his superb medical skills and played with the world, never taking any difficult and complicated diseases to heart. This is how he taught Awan such a happy-go-lucky and almost conceited temperament.

At that time, he even dared to try the desperate method of planting poison, but now the poison is increasingly out of his control, and the fear of being powerless makes him worry about gains and losses, for fear that one day Fang Zilan will die from the poison, and he is The instigator who cannot escape the blame is even more afraid that Ji Ningtian will be implicated. In that case, he will be the eternal sinner who is unworthy of the Ji family's ancestor.

"Wen Ya, it's true that you brought up the idea of ​​planting voodoo in the first place, but I was the one who was willing to do it, so why should you be uneasy?" Fang Zilan sat at the table, poured a cup of tea, and handed the tea cup to Wen Ya.

Wen Ya hesitated and did not take it, "What you said is somewhat similar to what the young master said."

Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows, Wen Ya looked gloomy and seemed to be worried more than anything. He lowered his eyes and said softly: "The medicine puppet I originally made for you to test the medicine for you is dead."

Fang Zilan looked shocked and blurted out: "When?"

"Three months ago." Wen Ya answered neatly, his tone as light as a goose feather, but it made Fang Zilan breathless.

"How did you die?" Fang Zilan's hand held the tea cup tightly, and the clear tea surface in the cup swayed slightly.

Wen Ya turned his head away from her and whispered: "He lost both his energy and blood, and was tortured to death by poison. Miss Fang..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Awan, "Yaoou will die, but Fang Zilan will not."

Awan's expression was indescribably unswerving, "The medicine doll is inherently weak and cannot be compared with ordinary people. What's more, once the medicine doll is made, it will be a chaotic walking corpse with no will at all. Fang Zilan has been growing up since she was a child. His physical condition is very good, and his willpower is beyond ordinary people, so he will not die easily.”

Wen Ya stared at Awan blankly, as if he saw the shadow of himself when he was young, but a little less arrogant and a little more calm.

After a while, Wen Ya bowed to Fang Zilan and said, "Miss Fang is right, Awan is enough to replace me now. From now on, I will entrust Awan to Miss Fang. I hope Miss Fang will treat her well."

Fang Zilan nodded in agreement, "It's easy to say, Awan is by my side, you can rest assured, I will protect her no matter what."

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