Chapter 121
"What did you say?" The bandit leader turned his head in disbelief and looked at Fang Zilan behind him, only to see that the corner of her mouth was raised into a cruel smile, and his voice trembled involuntarily, "Didn't Fang Liren only bring a few of you here?" ?”

"In order not to make you suspicious, of course we are the only ones who will take the lead in the front, and General Dugu will lead people to set off later. As for the time, it is all calculated by Ayu, and there will be no difference." Fang Zilan said calmly , but every time she said a word, the face of the bandit leader turned pale.

The sun at noon in autumn is still warm, but he just feels like falling into an ice cave, as if his body is wrapped in thick ice and snow, which makes him unable to move.He could only let the person in front of him smash the ice and snow on his body, together with the flesh and bones, until only crumbs remained.

Such despair, was it also the case before Luseya died?

Soon there was the sound of uniform footsteps in the woods, accompanied by the vibration of the ground, announcing the arrival of the mighty brigade of soldiers and horses, and also heralding the complete defeat of the bandits.

Seeing that Dugu Xinqin came with his troops, the gangsters no longer wanted to fight, and fled everywhere like birds and beasts, but they still couldn't escape the encirclement and suppression from the well-trained soldiers.

In the end, the dust settled, and the dead and injured of the bandits were all controlled by Dugu Xin's soldiers.

Deputy General Cao and A Wan rushed to Fang Zilan's side first, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them coming, as if she had exhausted the last bit of strength in her body, the plum sword she held tightly in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, Deputy General Cao yanked the bandit leader under Fang Zilan's sword and tied him up in front of Duguxin.

Awan supported Fang Zilan, whose legs were limp and fell to the ground, only to find the shocking knife wound on her back, bloody and bloody, sticking to her broken clothes, it was too horrible to look at.

"Lord Fang!" Zhuge Yu hurried to catch up, only to see that Fang Zilan's forehead was covered with sweat, the dust and blood on his face were mottled and intertwined with sweat, and the large and small wounds on his body were of different depths.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, stood on the other side of Fang Zilan at a loss, and grabbed her arm.

Seeing the deep worry in the eyes of Zhuge Yu and A Wan, Fang Zilan reluctantly raised the corners of her lips, showing a very shallow smile, "This kind of injury can't die..."

Before she could utter the last word, she passed out in the dark.

A Wan felt Fang Zilan's pulse, her brows were frowned, and regardless of Zhuge Yu and Dugu Xin's presence, she took out a thin porcelain bottle from her bosom, took out two pills, and fed Fang Zilan to take it.

Zhuge Yu looked puzzled, "This is..."

"There was too much blood loss, so I took ginseng pills to hang her." A Wan casually explained and prevaricated, then raised her voice and shouted, "Vice General Cao, come and help me, and take Master Fang back for treatment."

Deputy General Cao did not dare to neglect, and carried Fang Zilan back to Dugu Mansion together with Duguxin's subordinates.

A Wan bandaged Fang Zilan's wound, poured some soup and medicine, and stayed by her side all night.It wasn't until dawn on the second day that she felt that her pulse had stabilized, and then she put her heart back into her stomach.

"Miss Awan." Zhuge Yu knocked on the door, and after Awan agreed, he opened the door and entered.

When he saw the person laying down on the bed, he felt a little more at ease, and said softly: "Miss Awan has been guarding all night, you might as well go and have a rest, I'll replace it with someone else."

"It doesn't matter." A Wan shook her head, looking quite tired, "I'm used to it. As long as it's Mrs. Fang, she might be seriously injured and unconscious for several days. I'll just take a nap when she's in a stable condition. It's okay. Yes."

"Miss Awan, you've worked hard." Zhuge Yu put the breakfast in his hand on the table, "I'll put the breakfast here. Miss Awan, remember to eat it when you're free."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhuge." A Wan suddenly remembered something, got up, walked to the desk, and wrote, and handed it to Zhuge Yu after writing, "This is the prescription I prescribed, please help Mr. Zhuge to get the medicine. Fry it and bring it over.”

"Okay, I'll go now." Zhuge Yu looked at the prescription in his hand, "If Miss Awan has other orders, feel free to send someone to me." He took the prescription and left after speaking.

At the end of the day, Zhuge Yu came to deliver the medicine, along with a plate of cakes.

When A Wan was serving the medicine, she glanced at the pastry next to it. There were a few naive rabbits carved on the round pastry, and some sweet-scented osmanthus flowers could be seen between the soft and waxy skin. It turned out to be a moon cake.

Seeing the moon cake, Awan's expression was a little strange at first, but then turned to be calm and said: "Today is August [-]th, the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Exactly." Zhuge Yu nodded, "I see Miss Awan guarding Sister Lan every step of the way. She was so worried that she forgot what day it was today, so she asked the back kitchen to make some mooncakes and bring them over. It's the holidays."

"Young Master Zhuge has a heart." Awan fed Fang Zilan medicine while talking to Zhuge Yu, "Speaking of which, Mr. Fang and the Mid-Autumn Festival really have no fate. Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival was on the way to the north, and this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is a burden. Seriously injured and unconscious, I don’t know when I will be able to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival safely.”

Her words sounded bitter, but her tone was still lively and playful as usual, but in Zhuge Yu's ears, she felt a little helpless.

"The four realms are not in peace, and the general will not be safe." Zhuge Yu sighed quietly: "If the sea is clear, the river is peaceful, and the world is peaceful, naturally every festival will be reunited and joyful."

"Mr. Zhuge is a person with the world in mind, so he is different from me." A Wan put the medicine bowl beside the bed, took out the silk handkerchief in his sleeve, and wiped the medicine stains from the corners of Fang Zilan's mouth, "I just want to take care of myself." One-third of an acre of land, as long as I want to be happy. Whoever controls the world, the surroundings and the scenery, have nothing to do with me."

Zhuge Yu fixedly looked at A Wan with a gloomy expression, "Although there is nothing wrong with Miss A Wan's words, if everyone thinks the same as you, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos."

"That's why I'm neither a son of a family like Mr. Zhuge who is the first to strategize the world, nor a general who guards the frontier like Mr. Fang, who takes the lead and sacrifices himself for others. I am destined to be a commoner."

A Wan raised the corners of her mouth, with an indescribably complacent look on her face, "Of course, I can do as much as I can. I just need to do what I have in hand. Even if I can't help the world, at least I can do it." Save a few lives."

"That's right." Zhuge Yu smiled in relief, still with a simple and picturesque appearance, "If everyone in the world does their own things like Miss Awan, the world will not be so bad."

"You adults, you just think too much." A Wan curled her lips, and confidently handed the empty medicine bowl to Zhuge Yu, "Tomorrow is still this hour, please, Mr. Zhuge."

 Mid-Autumn Festival stalks, I really never get tired of using them...

(End of this chapter)

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