Don't ask where people go

Chapter 122 Awakening

Chapter 122 Awakening
When Fang Zilan woke up, it was already six days later, there was no joy of surviving, only the fear of a narrow escape.

Even though she always prides herself on being number one in the world, she also knows that she is not invulnerable, after all, she is an ordinary person with a mortal body.

Will get hurt, get sick, get old and die.

She knew in her heart that her current body was only supported by Gu poison, and it was unknown how many years she could last, but she still had no way out, so she could only continue to fight.

"Woke up and still in a daze, what are you thinking?" A Wan reached out and waved Fang Zilan's eyes.

She didn't even blink, she stared blankly at the bed curtain above her head, her ignorant look made Awan catch her pulse, and after confirming that everything was fine, she shook her arm, "Fang Zilan, say something, do not scare me."

After a while, Fang Zilan moved her lips and said with difficulty, "I'm a little scared."

"Now you know how to be afraid?" Awan helped her up with a look of disgust on her face, "Who was the one who was going to save Warners in a righteous way? I thought you were not afraid of anything."

Fang Zilan watched A Wan get up and bring water, and whispered: "I am also greedy for life and afraid of death."

"Ants live by stealth, let alone people." A Wan put water to her mouth, she lowered her head and took a sip to moisten her throat, and she didn't speak for a long time.

When Zhuge Yu came to deliver the medicine and saw that she had woken up, his expression was obviously happy, "Sister Lan, you finally woke up. Everyone is very worried about you these few days."

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips slightly, showing a slight smile, "I'm fine, please worry about it."

Zhuge Yu walked closer and said calmly: "We're fine, but Miss Awan has been guarding Sister Lan these few days, it's really hard work."

"I'm almost used to it." A Wan waved his hand, "Mr. Zhuge, you have not been idle these few days. You have worked harder than me."

Hearing what A Wan said, Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu and asked, "But what happened?"

"It's nothing serious." Zhuge Yu still looked calm, "The Persian Sasanian family has come and wants to take Warners back. Warners is unwilling, and wants to thank you personally when you wake up. The Fang family Someone from my family also came to ask Mr. Fang to go back. Mr. Fang and Warners said the same thing, but the visitor asked Mr. Fang to come back immediately. The two sides were deadlocked and neither one would give in. At this time, I wanted to argue again in the living room of General Dugu. on."

"Again?" Fang Zilan thought it was a little funny, not a three-year-old kid, but he was still arguing in other people's homes.

Zhuge Yu felt sorry for him, and said: "It has been like this for the past few days, the people from Fang's family are unyielding, and there is not a single day that they don't come to the door."

Fang Zilan wondered: "What about General Dugu, don't you care about them?"

"The person who came is a guest, not to mention the person who came is the son of a family like the Fang family who holds both ends of business and government. General Dugu can't just drive him out, so he can only let him go." Zhuge Yu said that he was quite helpless. , "Moreover, General Dugu has been interrogating the bandits captured that day for the past few days, and he has no time to take care of other things."

Fang Zilan asked: "What can be found in the trial?"

Zhuge Yu nodded, "Most of the bandits have recruited, and it's similar to what you think, Sister Lan. They are indeed the remnants of Huyan Khan who fled outside. But the bandit leader refused to say anything. He didn't eat or drink these days. General Dugu I force-fed him some soup and medicine, and wanted to wait for Sister Lan to wake up before continuing the interrogation."

"Alright." Fang Zilan pondered for a while, and then said: "Who is the person from the Fang family who is so difficult to deal with?"

"Young master Fang Lihui."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, and said in his heart: "Fang Lihui can be regarded as a character. Forget it, don't tell Fang Liren and Warners about my waking up. I will go to General Dugu tomorrow. Interrogate the bandit leaders, and go see them after the interrogation is over."

"Tomorrow?" Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan suspiciously, only to see her chuckle, "I can walk around when I wake up, it's just a small matter to interrogate a bandit leader."

Zhuge Yu obviously didn't believe her words, and turned to look at A Wan who was sitting by the bed.

A Wan snorted angrily, "I was afraid just now, so I'm going to show off now, right? I don't think you're injured enough. If I had known, I wouldn't have bothered to let you lie down for more than ten days without getting out of bed." Say it again."

Hearing that Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan worriedly, she was still smiling, "Don't listen to A Wan's nonsense, she has such a temper, she always makes a fuss out of a molehill."

"Since Mr. Fang thinks I'm making a fuss out of a molehill, please ask someone else to be smart!" A Wan left the room angrily, Zhuge Yu looked at her back blankly, and murmured at a loss: "I need to find A Wan Is the girl back?"

Fang Zilan shook her head, "No, she is just spoiled."

"Although Miss Awan has a bit of a temper, she really cares about Sister Lan." Zhuge Yu tried to persuade her, but Fang Zilan sighed helplessly, "I know, I know everything."

Her voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible in the second half, but Zhuge Yu still heard it. He understood her worries and involuntary control, so he didn't say anything else at once, only said that he wanted her to rest well, and he would accompany her to the interrogation tomorrow The bandit leader said goodbye.

Early the next morning, Zhuge Yu had just stood in front of Fang Zilan's house, and before he had time to knock on the door, Awan opened the door with a bang, and glared at him angrily, "Mr. , I can't stop Master Fang from doing nonsense, but I must follow her every step of the way, so don't try to distract me."

"Sister Lan agrees that you follow her, so why would I want to dismiss you?" Zhuge Yu smiled faintly, "I'm sorry, Miss Awan."

A Wan snorted and stopped talking, went back to the room and helped Fang Zilan out.

Zhuge Yu saw Fang Zilan limping and gritted her teeth, almost couldn't bear to persuade her to go back to the house to recuperate, but before she could say anything, a voice robbed her, so she had to swallow all the words in her stomach, and never said anything .

"Master Fang is in such a situation, it is too reluctant." The person who spoke was Dugu Xin.

He walked closer and looked at Fang Zilan, "Yesterday, Mr. Zhuge told me that Mr. Fang is awake, and today he is going to interrogate the bandit leader. I was worried about Mr. Fang's health, so I brought the bandit leader to the mansion, saving Mr. Fang the trouble of going back and forth on the road."

"General Dugu has a heart." Fang Zilan stood up straight, "It's just an interrogation of a person, I can still hold it."

She spoke lightly, but A Wan turned her head to one side, looking displeased.

Sensing the subtlety of the atmosphere, Dugu Xin said: "Since Mr. Fang has said so, I can't dissuade you. It's not too late. Let's go to interrogate the bandit leader."

"Thank you, General Dugu, to lead the way." Fang Zilan stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, Duguxin nodded and led the three of them to the torture chamber in the Dugu Mansion.

 Fang Lihui: It's time for me to play again. Is Mr. Fang very surprised?
  Fang Zilan: Surprise?I reasonably suspect that you bring funds into the book.

(End of this chapter)

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