Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1212 Begging

Chapter 1212 Begging

"The Wei family's daughter usually grows up on the back of a horse in the pasture. If she were not a daughter, she would go to war with her father and brother." Mrs. Fu's voice was a little lower, as if reminiscing, more like nostalgia, "If my sister is still alive, she will never die." He will not be inferior to General Xiahou or Duke Xianyue."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan felt a chill run down her spine. The reason why she could become the Duke of Xian Yue among the people was because of her fate. If she makes the wrong move, she will be like Mrs. Fu in front of her, trapped in the back house, and all she can see is the sky above her head.

As a vested interest, she failed to find a way out in the end. She watched Ouyang Zirou leave the capital seriously injured, and Zhuge Yu's plan to introduce a woman to the court as an official stalled...

"Mrs. Fu..." Fang Zilan opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, she heard the sound of fighting coming from the front yard, as if someone was fighting.

Ah Shi let out a long sigh, "The arson by Miss Fu Rui and others can be regarded as revenge for them. During the torture by the government, they were very brave with the same enemy. In the end, they ended up either dead or seriously injured, and there was almost no chance of survival. I Is that right, Mr. Fang?”

Fang Lihui's face turned pale, and when he saw this, he continued talking to himself, "Not only that, but their family members, the state government, the squires and wealthy people also did not let go. Fortunately, my mother was alert, and my father was a military officer. The apprentice of the pavilion escaped with some martial arts skills, thinking that he would be able to get some protection from the emperor's feet in the capital, but unexpectedly he watched Mr. Fang drive Wanhua Tower to the capital step by step. "

"You had already planned to enter the Fang family..." Fang Lihui took a breath of air, "Are you doing it for revenge?"

"Premeditated? Revenge?" Ah Shi chuckled. There was sadness and helplessness in the smile, which should not appear on the face of a young man of his age. "If Qianyan Pavilion hadn't been found, I had some vague impressions and made insinuations. I asked my mother carefully, I am afraid that I will not remember these things until I die. Mr. Fang does not want to mention the fire, and those who witnessed it are even less willing to mention it. "

He said with a deep voice, "As for revenge, even if I bring up the old case again, Mr. Fang can still stay out of it. There is no evidence to identify you."

"Then why do you want to investigate?" Fang Lihui couldn't help but ask, Ah Shi said quietly: "My purpose was made very clear to Young Master Fang from the beginning. I want to know how Wanhua Tower can survive alone in the Fireworks Willow Alley."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help but be startled. She just mentioned it casually, but she never thought that Ah Shi would take it to heart. Did he enter the Fang family just for Wanhua Tower?

Fang Lihui lowered his eyes, "Now you know everything."

"I got it." Ah Shi nodded slightly, "It takes several lives in a fire to bring peace to Wanhua Tower. The Hualou next door can't learn this method."

The folding fan in Fang Lihui's hand fell over, and the emerald fan pendant stuck to the edge of his gold sleeve, making the emerald color dim a bit. He felt indescribably depressed.

"However, what I want to see is not just overnight." Ah Shi's expression softened slightly, "When the Wanhua Tower was first built, it was indeed built with human lives, blood and tears, but without painstaking efforts, there would not be what it is today. I I want to see where Wanhua Tower will go in Mr. Fang’s hands.”

A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, "Ah yes, you still want to stay in the Fang family?"

Ah Shi didn't speak as if he was acquiescing. Fang Zilan frowned, "Ah Shi, don't you resent Fang Lihui?"

"Is resentment useful?" Ah Shi lowered his head and said in a very soft voice, "This person has passed away, not to mention that the fire incident was not Mr. Fang's fault alone. If we talk about resentment, it is better to resent the unfairness of the world."

"Is the world unfair?" Fang Zilan muttered and repeated these words, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Master Fang, don't worry about me." Ah Shi reluctantly raised the corners of his lips and raised a smile, "If the world is unfair, I will fight against it in my own way." His voice became more decisive, and his eyes turned to Fang Lihui , "I am willing to be a hawk and a dog from now on. I wonder if Young Master Fang is willing to keep me?"

Although these words were spoken humbly, the speaker's tone was calm and calm, and instead conveyed an aura of determination to win.

Fang Lihui looked at Ah Shi in front of him steadily, and he realized that he had no reason to refuse. On the one hand, Ah Shi knew too much, and he would not be able to feel at ease if he did not stay by his side. On the other hand, with the Duke of Yue, Zi Lan, he had to hold Ah Shi in his hand as a bargaining chip to ensure that everyone was in the same boat.

"If you want to stay, just stay." Fang Lihui raised his hand and spread his folding fan, returning to his usual cynical look.

Mrs. Fu's expression changed, but within a moment, she said: "Mrs. Shizi, there is no need to panic. No matter why you are here today, I will protect you in the Fu Mansion."

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said nothing, only to see Mrs. Fu go back to the room to get a sword, pick up her skirt and walk quickly towards the front yard, and she followed.

Meng Tingyang, who had been waiting by the door of the mansion, couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Fang Zilan coming out, and walked to her side, "Mrs. Prince..."

"No need to say more." Fang Zilan stopped Meng Tingyang, "Now that I'm here, there is no reason to leave just now."

Hearing this, Meng Tingyang responded "Yes" and pulled out his sword to protect Fang Zilan, "Madam, please be careful."

Fang Zilan stood behind Meng Tingyang, watching the man in black in the court fight with the guard boy of the Fu Mansion, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Zhuge Yu and Master Fu stood in the hall, their expressions were gloomy and unclear. Especially Zhuge Yu, his expression turned even darker when he saw Mrs. Fu appear.

"What's the situation now?" Fang Zilan frowned, and Meng Tingyang explained: "Just now, these men in black fell from the sky and caught the Fu family by surprise. If the boy at the door hadn't reacted so quickly, the Fu family would have suffered heavy casualties."

"Not only is his reaction extremely quick, but his skills are also surprisingly good." Fang Zilan's eyes fell on the boy in the court, "I think it must be someone brought by Mrs. Fu from the Wei family."

"Wei?" Meng Tingyang's expression became more solemn, and Fang Zilan glanced at him, "There are quite a few people in black clothes, and you didn't notice it at all?"

Meng Tingyang shook his head, his expression did not look like he was lying. Seeing this, Fang Zilan frowned even more tightly. According to what he said, these men in black descended from the sky silently, and they should all be masters. However, after a while, they did not kill anyone in the Fu family.

Could it be that... they are not here for the Fu family?

Meng Tingyang obviously thought of this, and raised his hand to block Fang Zilan, "Mrs. Prince, you must not do this."

"I have no intention of taking action." Fang Zilan pushed Meng Tingyang's hand away impatiently, "But if they dare to touch A Yu, they can't help me..."

"Mrs. Crown Prince!" Meng Tingyang's voice couldn't help but become a little darker, "If you did something and implicated the Crown Prince..."

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