Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1213 Silence

Chapter 1213 Silence

"Mrs. Crown Prince, I think you were born in the capital, and you have never been exposed to the rules of Miluo before, so you are tolerant in every possible way." The admonishing mama said coldly: "It's okay if you don't know what is good and what is good, but don't forget that you are in Miluo Palace now. ,no……"

"Even in Miluo Palace, I am also the Third Miss of the Prime Minister's Palace in Dajing." Fang Zilan smiled and said word by word: "The daughter of the Fang family is born with gold and gold, so she is also an extraordinary person to be her teacher."

She paused for a moment as she spoke, with a sharp look on her face, "My first master is Mr. Su Hengsu, and he is the best in the world. How can I endure losers like you?"

"What did you say?" the admonishing mother was furious, but she had heard of Su Heng's name even in Miluo. How could such a humble scholar teach such a powerful and aggressive student?

"I said." Fang Zilan snorted lightly and said with disdain: "Teach me, you and none of you are worthy."

Before she finished speaking, the admonishing mama became angry and shouted: "Come here, hold down Madam Prince!"

The whole hall of ladies heard the sound and moved, rushing towards Fang Zilan. She was not in a hurry, dodged left and right, and did not let them succeed at all.

But the admonishing mother was still talking nonsense, "Mrs. Prince, don't you think I'm unworthy? Today I'm going to show you how many ways there are in the palace to make you obedient."

Be obedient? Fang Zilan laughed and dodged a nun's hand again, causing her and another nun to throw themselves together and both fell to the ground.

After a while, all the nuns fell to the ground one after another, except Fang Zilan who still stood upright. She raised her eyebrows in pretending to be surprised, "What are you doing, ladies? Even if I have a noble status, you don't have to pay such a courtesy."

The admonishing mama opened her eyes wide and looked at Fang Zilan in disbelief, "Mrs. Crown Prince, you..."

"Mommy, calm down, it's not good for your body to be so angry." Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves slowly and said with a smile: "I just said a few words, and this is what happened to me. Today's time is still long. "Very well, I'm afraid I will make you angry a hundred and eighty times, but will you still be alive by then?"

The admonishing mama gritted her teeth and stood up, trying to get Zilan to take action, but she shook her head, "Mammy, I am the wife of the Crown Prince Zhongzheng after all. If you go out of the palace and are injured, you will not be able to escape the blame. .but……"

She deliberately drawled, "Mommy also said that there are many ways to make people obedient in the palace. I think there are always ways to punish them without leaving any scars. You might as well give me some insights."

The mother who fell to the ground had a look of fear on her face, "Mrs. Crown Prince, are you... crazy?"

"Who is out there early in the morning..." Fang Zilan rubbed her eyes and sat up. After hearing the sounds outside, she suddenly realized that today was the day when Li Shengxuan set off to Jiangnan.

She lost all sleep immediately and jumped down from the bed, but her leg was injured and she grimaced in pain.

"Miss!" Qiu Chan heard the noise and ran over quickly. She saw Fang Zilan limping and took the clothes. She quickly put them on and asked her: "Has your Majesty already taken the people to set off?"

"Let's go." Qiu Chan nodded hurriedly, "Miss, do you really want to go to Jiangnan with me?"

"Not with you." Fang Zilan shook her head, thinking that Li Shengxuan didn't even take Queen Fang Ziqin with him when he went to Jiangnan this time, let alone her? She didn't mind, but that was not the case with the officials. If the people knew about it, what would it be like?

Qiu Chan said "Ah" and said in surprise: "Miss, then you want to go to Jiangnan alone? How can this be possible..."

"Why can't it work?" Fang Zilan flicked his sleeves, looking like a wild man, "I have been traveling around for so many years, and I am used to being alone. Don't worry, your lady, I am more or less capable and will not be bullied. "That's not possible!" Qiu Chan said anxiously: "Miss, your injury is not healed yet, what should I do?"

She paused in the middle of her words, as if Fang Zilan would not be hurt again as long as she didn't say something like adding new wounds to old wounds before they healed.

Such small thoughts cannot be hidden from Fang Zilan. She understands the good intentions, but no one can stop her from following Li Shengxuan to the south of the Yangtze River.

She had an intuition that with the help of Li Shengxuan, not only could she investigate the corruption case, clarify the bad debts left by King Rong'an, and clean up the officialdom of Jiangnan, but she might also be able to find Chu Bin.

So she said to Qiu Chan earnestly: "Qiu Chan, there are people in Jiangnan who are very important to me, and there are things I must do. I must go."

"Miss!" Qiu Chan stamped her feet anxiously, "If you insist on going, then take me with you!"

As soon as she said this, Fang Zilan only felt that one head was as big as two. Now the situation is unclear, and she doesn't know what will happen during this trip. If she brings a little girl with no strength, I'm afraid there will be a lot of inconvenience...

Qiu Chan saw what Fang Zilan was thinking and promised: "Miss, I will follow you obediently and will never cause trouble."

"It's not a matter of adding trouble." Fang Zilan waved her hand and refused to say more, "Anyway, if you stay in the palace, the queen will take care of you. If you leave the palace..."

She didn't say anything, Qiu Chan's eyes turned red, "Miss..."

"What's going on?" A Wan's voice intervened at the right time. Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to say it was nothing, she saw her put down the medicine bowl in her hand and hugged Qiu Chan's shoulders, "It's fine, you bully me." What is Miss Qiuchan doing?”

"Who bullied her..." Fang Zilan muttered something in a low voice. Awan didn't hear it clearly and asked: "What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan straightened her belt, took the medicine bowl and drank it all in one gulp, "My injury is almost healed. If you want to go out for a walk, please help yourself."

Immediately, A Wan's heart was ringing with alarm bells. She didn't care much and grabbed Fang Zilan's wrist, "Are you crazy? Your leg injury has not healed yet, and the..."

"A Wan." Fang Zilan interrupted A Wan's words gently and gently shook her head, indicating that she should stop talking.

"I don't care." Awan shouted almost arrogantly: "If you want to go out, you must take me with you, otherwise there will be no need to talk!"

"A Wan..." Fang Zilan was stunned, and A Wan held her hand tightly, "Or do you want to escape?"

escape? Fang Zilan laughed dumbly, and Awan continued talking to herself, "Master Xie Yanping knelt outside the palace for two days without eating water or rice. He knelt until the fever persisted and he fell into a coma. Seeing this, other adults wrote letters and demanded Your Majesty has given permission to conduct a thorough investigation into the case of adultery in Mr. Xu Youtong’s house.”

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