Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1214 Abandonment

Chapter 1214 Abandonment

Fang Ziqin said bluntly: "Although Princess Dejia's temper has been spoiled, she is the only princess of Emperor Ningshun, the beloved daughter of the Queen Mother, and the sister of King Yucheng. Even His Majesty will give her a bit of love. "

"Since the eldest sister has given the order, I should obey it." Fang Zilan calmed down, but then heard Fang Ziqin say again: "However, if Princess Dejia bullies you with reckless behavior, you don't have to endure it, just fight back. . No matter what happens, I will support you.”

Fang Zilan chuckled, "Eldest sister, who do you think can bully me?"

"Others can't, but..." Fang Ziqin paused as he said, "You always like to ask for trouble, and the one who bullies you the most is you."

Fang Zilan couldn't help but pursed her lips when she said it clearly, "Why am I asking for trouble?"

Fang Ziqin's lips curled up slightly, and she said nothing. She just looked at Fang Zilan with a smile, until she felt her scalp numb and defeated, "Sister, what you said makes sense."

"Okay, go back and rest." Fang Ziqin waved her hand, "Qiu Chan will come back with the medicine later, and I will order her to send it directly to your room."

Fang Zilan nodded, completed the etiquette, and then returned to the room. For several days after that, she lived in seclusion in the palace. Even though Princess Dejia Li Qianning came to Fengyi Palace to pay her respects, she had never seen her before, let alone outside Fengyi Palace.

Therefore, Fang Zilan had never had the conflict with Li Qianning that Fang Ziqin mentioned, but her heart was always hanging on it, just because the news from outside the palace, big and small, was enough to make her uneasy.

First, King Rongan fell ill shortly after he returned to the Southeast. Then, several newly appointed officials in the Southeast were assassinated. The whole family lost their jobs, and there were also those who went to Jiangnan Camp and Southeast Camp to take up their posts. Several lieutenants were also killed invariably and died on the road.

Finally, there are frequent rains in the summer. The area under Su Heng's jurisdiction is remote and located in the mountains. Landslides block the mountain roads. Therefore, his return to Beijing can only be postponed, fearing that it will be far away...

People were panicked for a while, and officials of all sizes inside and outside the capital were in panic all day long. It has only been a year since the last time Wu Sheng, Yang Zhiqing and others were assassinated. In the blink of an eye, so many adults have died again. No one knows who will die next.

Fang Zilan felt a little relieved when she heard that Cao Hong had arrived safely. However, the number of lieutenants assigned to him was severely damaged, and only one of them arrived normally. And from the news she received, it was all the work of ghosts.

No one in the world knew that assassinating an official of the imperial court was a serious crime. This was the first time that the ghost sect had left traces everywhere with such great fanfare.

Suddenly, Fang Zilan understood why Ji Ningtian benefited from leaving her alive.

Among the ghost gates, apart from Zixiu, the king of hell of the ten palaces is the most respected one. Since he has the name of King of Hell, he is definitely not a good person. Even if Shidian is obedient, he will never be able to appear in front of others.

If Ji Ningtian wanted to cause trouble one day, the first thing he would do before that was to clean up the ghost gate. It's OK to use cunning methods, but it can't be exposed, let alone be talked about.

Only when all the ghost gates and the ten kings of hell disappear can Ji Ningtian feel at ease, and no one will criticize him for future troubles.

But ordinary Jianghu people can't destroy the ghost sect at all, let alone kill the ten kings of hell.

The only possibility is to borrow the help of the imperial court.

Therefore, Ji Ningtian allowed the ghost sect to do evil everywhere, and ordered the king of hell of the ten palaces to kill the court officials at will, and deliberately left evidence in order to put them to death.

But even if the imperial court takes action, it is easy for both parties to suffer losses when facing off against the Jianghu people. At this time, her life would be useful... Thinking of this, Fang Zilan slowly closed her eyes. Li Shengxuan saved her life regardless of the consequences, probably because Ji Ningtian didn't expect it, so Ji Ningtian planned the second half of the game. Not only can it kill her, but it can also disrupt the court situation and destroy the ghost sect. It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone.

However, if Ji Ningtian had the intention of destroying the ghost gate, it meant that he no longer needed people to do the secret work, which meant that his power on the surface was stable enough.

In the capital, the attitude of the royal family in the north is unclear, and King Rong'an in the southeast is ill. These two allies are not foolproof...

Seeing that Awan had no reaction, Fang Zilan simply asked more bluntly, "Did you go to Hong'an Pavilion with Wen Ya today?"

"How did you know?" A Wan looked like he had seen a ghost, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "How come I don't know when you were bold enough to openly quarrel with your master?"

"Of course I don't have the courage to quarrel with Master." Awan sat on the edge of the bed dejectedly, "You guessed it right, I went to Hong'an Pavilion with Master."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and Awan continued, "I saw that the young master is not in good health today, but it was the master who asked for the young master's pulse. I am not very clear about the specific situation."

"Yeah." Fang Zilan hummed almost inaudibly, her thoughts wandering to nowhere.

Speaking of which, the Ji Ningtian in her impression was not a cripple as the outside world knew, but he had always been a frail and sickly man. The so-called Fang Chongzheng who broke the leg of Ji Ningtian, the orphan of the previous dynasty, was just a cover to hide the fact from others. It could be used to deceive the royal family of Dajing and the people of the world, but it could not be hidden from people like her.

Fang Zilan had asked about Ji Ningtian's illness before in ancient times, but he was put off every time. Moreover, in her memory, Ji Ningtian's illness had never been handled by anyone except Wen Ya.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Awan, has Wen Ya told you what the master's illness is?"

"No." Awan shook his head, "Except for my master, I'm afraid no one else in the world knows about the young master's illness. I neither know nor dare to ask."

Her concerned expression amused Fang Zilan, and she couldn't help but laugh: "Well, it's okay if you don't know. I don't know either, and I don't dare to ask."

"You actually laughed at me!" Awan glared at Fang Zilan angrily, and she waved her hand innocently, "I'm still waiting for you to heal me, how can I dare to laugh at you?"

Awan curled her lips and changed the subject: "The fever has gone away. I think your illness is almost healed and you can leave the palace. You obviously have a mansion of your own, but it's not like you have no place to go. You have to stay in the palace all the time." What's going on?"

"It's not like I want to stay in the palace." Fang Zilan sat lazily on the bed, stretched his limbs loosely, and said, "Isn't this disrespectful of His Majesty's preference?"

Awan clicked her tongue and said, "Fang Zilan, I think you are getting thicker and thicker."

Fang Zilan still just smiled, "Awan wants to go home?"

"Yes." Awan nodded frankly: "It's not fun in the palace, I want to go home."

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