Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1215 Offensive

Chapter 1215 Offensive

When did the error begin? No one knows. A child wants nothing more than an orange, but his parents plant a mountain of peaches. The former realizes that he does not ask for much, while the latter realizes that he has endured hardships.

I don't know how much time passed, but Fang Zilan heard her own voice, which was indifferent and cold, "A child should have a temper when he loses his temper. Master Shen, the deceased is the most important, please ask Uncle Wang to go home."

"Having a temper?" Wang Shen looked at Fang Zilan, his eyes almost filled with sadness, but within a moment, it turned into self-mockery.

Everyone in the world is like a person who knows whether drinking water is warm or cold. If this is the case, how can his state of mind be judged by outsiders?

His hand resting on the table shook, and then he gripped the corner of the table tightly, sighing with relief: "Okay, that's it. Let Uncle Xu invite the old man to go home."

"Master, Uncle Xu is still locked up in the woodshed by you. Look..." The boy on the side looked at Wang Shen cautiously, and saw him wave his hand dejectedly, "Go and bring Uncle Xu over."

The boy responded and ran out quickly. After a while, he helped an old man with a haggard face come back.

The old man was naturally the Uncle Xu in Wang Shen's mouth. When the boy ran out, Yun Qinghan whispered to Fang Zilan and Awan that Uncle Xu was the housekeeper of the Wang family and the old man beside Uncle Wang.

Fang Zilan felt reassured. Wang Shen could drive Uncle Wang out of the house, so it was not unreasonable to lock Uncle Xu into the woodshed. I think Uncle Xu wanted to dissuade Wang Shen, but he never thought that he would imprison him instead.

A loyal servant who protects his master, I wonder how sad Uncle Xu would be if he knew the news of Uncle Wang's death?

"Master, who's coffin is in the courtyard?" Uncle Xu anxiously asked about the coffin in the courtyard as soon as he entered the hall. Seeing Wang Shen's silence, he said calmly: "It can't be... it's... …”

The slight hope in Xu Bo's words was finally extinguished by Wang Shen. He lowered his head and whispered: "It's the old man."

"What?" Uncle Xu seemed to have been hit by a bolt from the blue, and he stood there unable to move for a long time.

After a while, Uncle Xu came to his senses, stumbled into the courtyard, knelt down in front of the coffin, kowtowed deeply, and burst into tears, "Master... how could you..."

Awan couldn't stand it anymore, and ran to the courtyard with red eyes, knelt down next to Uncle Xu, and said softly: "Uncle Xu, please forgive me and accept the change. If Uncle Wang is still here, he definitely doesn't want to see you like this."

"Kill to pay for life? Just kill if you say kill?" Su Yuexi interrupted him with a cold voice, "I never thought I could walk out of Linjia Village alive. Even if I become a ghost, I will let them fall into hell together."

Lin Jian stared blankly at the plain figure on the eaves, his voice trembling violently, "You're crazy..."

"Are you crazy?" Su Yuexi burst into tears, but the corners of her lips were raised high. She looked up at the sky and said: "Everyone in the world is like the living, the dead, and ghosts, but people like me exist in the world between humans and ghosts. Yes, who knows? Since no one knows about me, how can I survive if I don’t go crazy?”

She straightened up and pointed to the sky and said: "I, Su Yuexi, have no regrets in this life. I only regret that I am weak and can be bullied. I live here and have many regrets. If there is an afterlife, I will turn into a fierce ghost and kill thousands of people. No matter how evil you are, you will never suffer the consequences of this life.”

After saying this, she hugged the corner of the eaves with one hand and saluted Fang Zilan solemnly with the other hand, "Master Fang, thank you. May you be free from illness and disaster throughout your life, and get what you want."

"Miss Su!" Fang Zilan suddenly took a step forward, only to see Su Yuexi take out a short knife and throw it down from the eaves.

She subconsciously caught the short knife and heard Su Yuexi say: "Master Fang, I put the antidote on the blade. If Miss Awan wants to wake up early, I'm afraid she will have to suffer some physical pain. As for this jade fall……"

As she spoke, she took out a jade pendant from her arms and rubbed the warm jade color with her fingers. Her eyes were full of cherishment and nostalgia, "This is the only object in the world that remembers me as Su Yuexi. If Master Fang will do so in the future, If you have time, can you bury it for me next to the Su Family Ancestral Hall in the capital?" There was a hint of hope in her tone, and Fang Zilan nodded in agreement, "Okay, I promise you."

Seeing her promise, Su Yuexi gently let go of her hand, and the jade pendant slipped from her hand. She stared closely at the fallen jade pendant with empty eyes, "I want to go home..."

The next moment, Fang Zilan jumped up and grabbed the jade pendant, and said seriously: "It's true that I would rather have a broken jade than complete it, but if you want to leave a thought, it's better to have it intact."

"Miss you?" Su Yuexi repeated the word as if she was mocking herself, with a sad expression, "Will anyone in the world remember me?" After saying this, she lit the fire stick on her body and threw it under the eaves with the greatest strength in her life. .

The flames were stained with pine oil and burned quickly. She looked at Fang Zilan who took a few steps back, and heard her voice coming from the other side of the flame, "Su Yuexi, there is still someone in the world who remembers you!"

Fang Zilan almost shouted, "Su Yun asked himself to be the Southeast Special Envoy, and now he is outside Linjia Village."

Su Yun? A vague figure flashed in Su Yuexi's mind. He chased after her, calling her Sister Yuexi. The sister on the side was holding her, as if she was afraid that he would snatch her away.

The flowers were in bloom at that time, and the fragrance filled the garden reflecting the quarrels among the children. Thinking about it now, it feels like it was a lifetime ago.

It turns out that so long has passed.

Su Yuexi slowly closed her eyes, "Father, mother, sister, Heng'er, I finally got my revenge and can go and accompany you."

Fang Zilan looked at the figure swallowed by the flames and couldn't react for a long time.

Wang Shen remained sitting in the main seat without any reaction. Seeing him like this, everyone in the Wang family boldly walked to the courtyard spontaneously and knelt beside the coffin. Soon bursts of sobbing could be heard in the courtyard. .

Fang Zilan glanced at the people in the courtyard who were immersed in sadness, then turned to Wang Shen and said, "Aren't you going to take a look?"

"There's nothing interesting to see." Wang Shen turned away and said in a deep voice, "When I kicked him out of the house, that was the last time I saw him."

"Really?" Fang Zilan lowered her expression thoughtfully, ignored Wang Shen, and turned around to go to the courtyard.

However, the moment she turned around, Wang Shen's voice suddenly sounded behind her, "I'm sorry, old man, I..."

"If you have anything to say, just tell Uncle Wang face to face." Fang Zilan interrupted him unceremoniously. She did not look back, "I really have no interest in listening to you." After that, she walked out.

Yun Qinghan looked at Wang Shen hesitantly, and finally followed Fang Zilan to the courtyard. They stood at the end of the crowd and heard Uncle Xu yelling at the top of his lungs: "Master, do you really not want to see me for the last time? "

(End of this chapter)

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