Don't ask where people go

Chapter 124 Tea tasting

Chapter 124 Tea tasting
"Maybe this is the fate between me and Mr. Fang." Fang Lihui's lips raised a beautiful arc, and then he changed the subject and said considerately: "But I think Mr. Fang has not recovered from his serious injury. It is too reluctant to look like this. It should be earlier." It's good to go back and rest. Waiting for Mr. Fang to be healthy, it's not too late for us to talk about old times."

As he spoke, he turned sideways calmly, turned to Warners and Fang Liren and said, "As for Miss Sassan and my cousin, I still have something to say to you, so you might as well go ahead and talk about it."

"I have nothing to say to you." Fang Liren looked indifferent, and just about to say something, Fang Zilan said in a deep voice: "I'm tired, so I won't accompany you." After she finished speaking, she went back to the room with A Wan's support.

Fang Lihui looked at the backs of the two, shrugged his shoulders in a disinterested manner, and said to Fang Liren: "Cousin, Mrs. Fang is not a talkative master, she won't help you."

Fang Li's face sank like water, "Fang Lihui, I won't go back with you."

Fang Lihui's eyes turned slightly, and the hand holding the folding fan was slightly tightened, but the corners of his lips were still curled up and he said cynically: "Okay, I don't want to go back, so I'll write a letter now and let go of the title of Patriarch."

What he said was extremely frivolous and casual, which made Fang Liren's face even more ugly.

Unconsciously, he slammed the folding fan away, and tapped his forehead as a gesture of understanding, "How could I have forgotten that my cousin is someone who doesn't even want to marry into the Sasanian family, so how could he give up everything willingly?" ?”

Fang Liren's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists involuntarily, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Fang Lihui, don't go too far."

Seeing that Fang Liren was annoyed, Fang Lihui seemed to be in high spirits, and he still looked like a swinger while shaking his folding fan.

He leaned into Fang Liren's ear and whispered: "Cousin, if you continue to find excuses to shirk, I can only ask our uncle, the Prime Minister, to write a letter to His Majesty. Because of Miss Sassan, Your Majesty has already treated you Feel disgusted, if you disturb His Majesty again because of such a trivial matter, will you still survive?"

Every time he said a word, Fang Liren's face turned pale.After he finished speaking, Fang Liren's face turned pale, and he murmured: "Fang Lihui, you..."

Seeing this, Fang Lihui patted him on the shoulder, with a wider smile on his face, "You don't have to do this, cousin, you can do it yourself."

After saying that, he put away the folding fan, bowed his hands to Warners, and said: "This time, my cousin made Miss Sassan suffer. Fang Lihui is here to apologize to Miss Sassan on behalf of my cousin."

"Mr. Fang is serious." Warners shook his head and said softly: "I did it voluntarily, so I can't say I'm suffering."

"Miss Sassan is generous, and our Fang family can't be stingy. I brought the new spring tea produced by our Jiangnan family this year, and asked Miss Sassan to taste it. I wonder if Miss Sassan would appreciate it?" Fang Lihui collected his expression and was very polite The gentle and harmless appearance made Warners hesitate.

She glanced at Fang Liren who was silent, then at Fang Lihui who was standing there waiting for her reply, finally nodded, and went to drink tea with Fang Lihui.

Xiguan City Yingchun Tea House is one of the properties owned by the Fang family in Xiguan City.

The location of the teahouse is excellent, and the Fang family presided over the construction, so as soon as it was completed, it became a must-see place for business travelers between Dajing and the Western Regions.In the entire Western Regions, there is almost no one on the right.

Fang Lihui and Warners sat in the private room on the top floor, with a panoramic view of the city, which made Warners feel a little emotional, "The style of Dajing is really different from Persia."

Fang Lihui smiled at the corners of his eyes, shook his folding fan lightly and said, "If Miss Sassan likes it, why don't you stay in Dajing for a while, and I will walk around with Miss Sassan to see the customs and customs of our Dajing."

"My father won't agree." Warners' expression was obviously lost.

Fang Lihui put away the folding fan and pressed it against his chin, a shrewd look flashed in his eyes, "Miss Sassan will not hesitate to elope with my cousin, and she will also leave Persia. Now that things have gotten to such an extent, Patriarch Sassan is still unwilling to let you out?"

"How do you know that I eloped with your cousin to leave Persia..." Warners stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking, and she looked at Fang Lihui in a daze, "Are you talking about me?"

Fang Lihui reached for the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Warners, "The tea is ready, Miss Sassan, how about a taste?"

Warners did not take the teacup from Fang Lihui's hand, so he put the teacup in front of Warners, and then said slowly: "I'm not just talking. It's just that the Sassan family is strict, so even if Miss Sassan handles it It is a family business, but it has never set foot outside Persia. However, I heard that Miss Sassan likes to collect all kinds of anecdotes and strange things outside of Persia, and even sent people to spend a lot of money to buy many foreign objects. She is also quite yearning for our Dajing. So I made a bold guess, and I hope Miss Sassan is not to blame."

After he finished speaking, he saw that Warners looked alert and remained silent, so he stopped probing, but went straight to the point and said: "I invited Miss Sassan to drink tea this time because of my cousin."

Warners' expression relaxed a little, and Fang Lihui continued: "It's true that Miss Sassan and my cousin are in love, and it's true that you two don't love each other deeply. My cousin doesn't want to give up for you." As the head of the family, you are not willing to give up the glory of the family for my cousin. Am I right, Miss Sassan?"

Warners said nothing, and looked down at the tea in the cup. The green, clear and bright color reflected in her eyes, but cast a thin shadow on her amber eyes, shadowy People can't see her real thoughts clearly.

"Miss Sassan doesn't say anything, so I'll take it as your acquiescence." Fang Lihui picked up his cup of tea and took a sip, "But after this ordeal, I'm afraid that Miss Sassan and my cousin's minds will change again. Sassan Ms. Shan has more fear of the unknown, but my cousin has more courage to break the boat."

"It's no wonder Liren has never let me talk to you. You are really good at deceiving people." Warners raised his head, as if he had changed into a different person, and the softness and confusion in his eyes disappeared without a trace, as if dignified and calm Her own face.

She said coldly: "But you are wrong. I am not afraid of the unknown, but worried about Liren."

Fang Lihui said in surprise, "Worried about my cousin?"

Warners looked at Fang Lihui steadfastly, as if he had made great determination, and said word by word: "Do you know why my father must marry him? It's because Liren once said that I am more important than his life." , but it will never be more important than the Fang family. In his heart, the most important thing is the Fang family from the beginning to the end. If he is forced to give up his status as the head of the family because of me this time and hand the Fang family into your hands, he How can you be willing?"

 Dajing's online celebrity check-in place - Yingchun Tea House, welcome guests from all over the world!

(End of this chapter)

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