Don't ask where people go

Chapter 125 Iceberg

Chapter 125 Iceberg
"How can you be reconciled?" Fang Lihui repeated the last four words, and suddenly smiled, "Miss Sassan has made up her mind to go back to Persia, and I will stop communicating with my cousin from now on, and we will be well?"

"I am different from Liren. I have lived in the glory of the family since I was a child, enjoying the power brought by the Sasanian surname, but I have never shouldered any responsibilities. My father told me that if I do not want to bear the name of Sasanian in the future, his The money is enough for me to live well in a certain place in the world." Warners said quietly, with a serious expression, "Liren tried his best to stand at the top of the Fang family, and there is no reason to give up for me."

"Whether there is a reason or not, it should be decided by my cousin." Fang Lihui still had a smile on his face, but there was more meaning, "And I heard that Ms. Sassan is talented, a business genius no less than my cousin. In the business field, he is decisive and decisive, and he is not inferior to men. Could it be that such a character was taught by the Patriarch of Sassan?
He said with a stern look in his eyes, and his voice sank a bit, and said: "If you say that I am deceiving people, I think Miss Sassan is the master of confusing people. If I believe you today, I am afraid that you will be deceived in the future." Will help my cousin deal with me, won't you?"

Warners was exposed by him, but he was not annoyed at all. He smiled slightly and said, "I don't know what advice Mr. Fang has?"

"I can't talk about teaching, I just want to remind Miss Sassan." Fang Lihui smiled a little, and said with a clear expression: "Everyone knows that I have a bad relationship with my cousin, but he never used others to deal with me. Does Miss Sassan know why?"

Seeing that Warners had nothing to say, Fang Lihui continued on his own, "Our Fang family, no matter how discordant we are, we can still distinguish the difference between our own family and outsiders. In other words, my cousin doesn't like me, at most It’s for me to beat it myself, and I will never let anyone other than the Fang family take advantage of it.”

"Fang's family is unanimous to the outside world, I know it." Warners smiled unabated, and changed the topic: "Ke Liren's current situation is that his family forced him out, and the outsiders open their hearts to accept him. You Do you think he will stick to himself for a long time?"

"If my cousin lost his principles so easily, I'm afraid he wouldn't have sat in the position of Patriarch for so long, and he wouldn't be worthy of Miss Sassan's entrustment for life." Fang Lihui snorted softly, "Just now Miss Sassan said After so much, regardless of other things, there is one saying that is quite true, my cousin is the one who tried his best to stand at the top of the Fang family."

"What do you mean?" Warners frowned slightly, with obvious suspicion in his eyes.

Fang Lihui spread his folding fan, covering most of his face, "It is indeed a good thing to do your best, but if you hang on to it all day long, it is really exhausting. Miss Sassan, have you ever thought that everyone says my cousin is An unborn business genius, why does he still try his best to keep a position that should be easy for him?"

Warners stared blankly at the opposite person, his face was half-revealed under the light shaking of the folding fan, making it unclear, but his voice fell in her ears exactly.

"My cousin has the acumen of a businessman, but it is too acuity, which makes him a little more emotional than he should be. The market is changing rapidly, and it will only hurt him to make a decision. The position of the head of the Fang family, in fact, It doesn't suit him."

In a few moments, Warners' expression returned to normal, and she reached out to pick up the teacup in front of her.

"The tea is cold, let me change a cup for Miss Sassan." Fang Lihui picked up the teapot, but Warners ignored him and took a sip of the tea, "It's really good tea, and the cooking time is just right, but it's a pity that it's cold gone."

After she finished speaking, she sighed, with a touch of helpless loneliness in her expression, "After all, it's out of date."

Warners meant something, how could Fang Lihui fail to hear her subtext?
If Warners met Fang Liren before he became the head of the family, they would fall in love with each other or be a perfect match.

It's a pity that they met too late, Fang Liren had already taken the position of the head of the family as a prison, and became the most powerful puppet of the Fang family. If he wanted to hug his sweetheart, he had to break free from the shackles and fall into a bloody mess.

And Warners stood on the top of the mountain named Persia's Noble Lady, receiving all the attention, but he couldn't jump down from the top of the mountain and smashed to pieces for the one he loved.

People like them are only suitable for wearing a mask called decentness and walking among intrigues and deceptions.

The so-called elopement is just the tip of the iceberg that the world can glimpse when the mask is occasionally torn off.

However, an iceberg is an iceberg. After all, it will stand in the distance, but it will not move after the eyes of thousands of people.

After a while, Warners stood up and looked down at Fang Lihui.

Her appearance is still the daughter of a high-ranking Persian wealthy family, and her inviolable and reserved posture has not changed in any way, "I have tasted the tea, and Mr. Fang has a heart. From then on, the Persian Sassan and the Dajing Fang family have no selfishness. When we meet each other in the business field, we are each seeking profit based on our ability, and I will not show mercy."

Fang Lihui raised his head to look at the shining and dazzling person in front of him, and seemed to understand the reason why Fang Liren would rather offend the prime minister's daughter and elope.

He also stood up, put away his folding fan, adjusted his clothes, and bowed his hands respectfully, "Fang Lihui has written down Miss Sassan's words today."

"Young Master Fang, there will be a time later." Warners put down these words and turned to leave.

Fang Lihui stood up straight and looked at the back of Warners who was fading away, and sighed with emotion in a low voice: "Fate is really ruthless, and it can't be controlled at all."

However, in just a moment, he returned to his cynical look, waving his folding fan and leaning on the railing to look down, lingering in the world to read all over the world.

At this time, in the wing room of Dugu Mansion on the other side, although Fang Zilan was lying on the bed, his thoughts had wandered to nowhere.

Seeing her erratic state, A Wan couldn't help frowning, "I said Master Fang, Warners has been rescued, and the bandit leader has explained everything. Why are you still so sad, old man?"

Fang Zilan was interrupted by her words, and asked, "Awan, what did you say?"

"I said!" Awan suddenly raised her voice, causing Fang Zilan to subconsciously cover her ears. She leaned closer to Fang Zilan's ear, "What are you worrying about?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan let go of her hands covering her ears, shook her head and said, "I just feel that something is wrong."

A Wan asked: "What's wrong?"

"I can't tell." Fang Zilan shook her head violently, as if she wanted to get rid of the strange thoughts in her mind, but in the end she couldn't help but let Awan invite Zhuge Yu over.

 Out of place, I personally like it so much.

  They are so nice and I am so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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