Don't ask where people go

Chapter 126 Decent

Chapter 126 Decent
"Why is Sister Lan looking for me?" Zhuge Yu got straight to the point, and Fang Zilan didn't go around in circles with him, "This time, His Majesty's order is for me to rescue Warners, and then what?"

"What then?" Zhuge Yu asked knowingly, Fang Zilan looked a little cold, "Ayu, you know what I'm asking. Since you are pretending to be confused, then I will ask clearly. Warners, are you going back to Persia? , or stay in Dajing?"

Zhuge Yu sighed softly, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from Sister Lan. Your Majesty has an order. If Warners can't return to Dajing, there is no need to return to Persia."

"This is him." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground after hearing Zhuge Yu's words.

No matter how calm and indifferent on the surface, it can't conceal his killing, determination and ambition. This is the Li Shengxuan she knows.

Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, Zhuge Yu couldn't hear clearly, and asked involuntarily, "Sister Lan, what did you say?"

"It's nothing." She looked at the person in front of her with a hesitant expression, "This time, Fang Liren has offended the Fang family so much, it will be as difficult as going back to the Fang family. Unless Warners marries into the Fang family, he will just wait to be bitten." There are no bones left. But how can a wealthy family like the Sassan family make their own daughter wronged? It will definitely let Warners return to Persia. This game is a dead end no matter how you look at it."

Zhuge Yu's expression darkened a bit, "Sister Lan is right, neither Fang Liren nor Warners have a way out."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "It's no wonder that there was nothing you could do a few days ago, and you were not in a hurry. You already knew that even if you rescued people, you would die, and I was injured for nothing."

"Sister Lan's words are wrong." Zhuge Yu hastily argued, "You saved Warners, and the Sasanian family will accept your favor no matter what."

Fang Zilan looked displeased, "Ah Yu wants me to use this favor to explain to the Sassan family why Warners died on the way home?"

Zhuge Yu turned his head slightly to avoid her aggressive gaze, "Sister Lan should know why your Majesty didn't need me to say more about this move. The Sassanian family has a great say in Persia, not to mention that the Sasanian family has paid for it in recent years. Raising soldiers, the Persian cavalry should not be underestimated. It would be the best if the Sasanian family can be held hostage by Warners. If not..."

He didn't continue, Fang Zilan asked: "Is there really no other way?"

Zhuge Yu was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "If you get both respects, you won't die."

Fang Zilan's expression relaxed, Zhuge Yu looked at the person in front of him, and said after deliberation: "If you want Warners to return to Dajing, you will use her as a check and balance to control the situation in Persia. Surname, from now on you will be an ordinary person, and you will not be killed."

"You put it lightly." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "It's no easier to ask Warners to give up her identity than to take her life."

Zhuge Yu's expression was deep, "But if you want to save your life, this is the easiest way for everyone's dignity."

"Dignity is something that people only read when they have time. Who cares about other people's decency when they can't even save their own life?" It will bite people, and you can't do anything too extreme."

Zhuge Yu sighed and said, "Your Majesty's will is beyond your control."

"Forget it, let's not talk about these disappointing things. Soldiers come to cover the water and soil, and wait for His Majesty's order to come down." Fang Zilan waved his hand, changed a relaxed demeanor, and changed the subject: "Speaking of this year, I will ask Ayu to accompany you. I missed the Mid-Autumn Festival when I came to the Western Territory, so I am really sorry." Even though she said this, there was no expression of guilt on her face.

Zhuge Yu smiled lightly, "I still ate mooncakes. Sister Lan is in a coma, so I really missed the Mid-Autumn Festival. When I gave mooncakes to Miss Awan, Miss Awan said that Sister Lan has nothing to do with Mid-Autumn Festival. fate……"

He stopped in the middle of speaking, and looked at Fang Zilan with a trace of unbearable expression.

Fang Zilan nodded without any response, "There is no fate, and it hasn't passed two years in a row. Speaking of which, before I left Beijing last year, I asked you to offer incense to me. Did you forget about it? I think this year Suffering from injuries and illnesses, I think I offended some god..."

Her words of incrimination were not imposing, more like a teasing joke in ordinary gossip.

Zhuge Yu had a smile on his face, "I remember Sister Lan's entrustment. However, Sister Lan didn't tell you what to ask for specifically, so I can only petition as I wish."

"Then what wish did Ayu ask for me?" Fang Zilan asked curiously, Zhuge Yu smiled mysteriously, "It won't work if you say it."

"Forget it, if there is a bandit in Ayu, I won't be able to ask for some strange wishes." Fang Zilan couldn't help but ask one more question while talking, "Could it be Haiqing, Heyan, and peace in the world?"

Zhuge Yu's smile visibly froze for a moment, Fang Zilan laughed softly, "Is this really true? Ah Yu really is a person whose family and country are bigger than the sky. The prosperous age is certainly good, but for a person like me who fights on the battlefield, if it is prosperous Sealing the sword and hiding the sheath, there is no bright future."

Zhuge Yu suppressed his smile, his expression was serious and unusual, "Everyone in the world wants to be happy, but sister Lan wants the world to be in chaos?"

"I'm also happy to be at ease. It's just that after being idle for a long time, people's fighting spirit will be almost worn out." Fang Zilan sighed faintly, "No matter in prosperous times or troubled times, people have to live with a string. If one day , the string is broken, and the person is finished."

"Sister Lan's words are right." Zhuge Yu nodded lightly, "One must have short-term worries without long-term considerations. If it is a peaceful day with no waves and a pool of stagnant water, it will be meaningless."

"Indeed..." Fang Zilan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

A Wan, who was guarding the door, opened the door and saw the person coming with a slight frown, and raised his voice: "Young Master Fang, why don't you look at your cousin, what are you doing here?"

"Miss Awan, I have something to discuss with Mrs. Fang, and I hope Miss Awan will accommodate you." Fang Lihui's voice came from the door, and Fang Zilan raised her voice when she heard it: "Awan, let him in."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Zhuge Yu at the side, and said softly, "Ayu, stay here and listen to what Fang Lihui has to say."

Zhuge Yu nodded in response and said no more.

Fang Lihui walked into the room and saw the two of them saluted first, and then sat in front of them in a graceful manner, with a somewhat unruly look, "For disturbing Mr. Fang's cleanliness, Lihui will make up for it first." no."

"Mr. Fang, you don't need to be too polite. If you have something to say, you can just say it." Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui calmly, and he nodded: "Then I will make a long story short. Miss Sassan will leave for Persia soon, and I will also meet with my cousin Let’s go back to the capital together, so I came here in advance to inform Mr. Fang.”

Fang Zilan's face was still indifferent as usual, but his heart couldn't stop chilling, "How does Mr. Fang know that Wannas is going back to Persia?"

"I had tea with Ms. Sassan just now, she said it herself." The corners of Fang Lihui's lips curled slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Fang Zilan tapped the table with her fingers, her expression uncertain, "It's a pity, it seems that there is no destiny after all."

She looked at Fang Lihui fixedly, and said in a deep voice, "Is Mr. Fang satisfied with this result?"

 Fang Zilan: Life is greater than the sky.

  Zhuge Yu: There are always things more important than life.

  Fang Zilan: are right.

(End of this chapter)

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