Chapter 127
Fang Lihui raised his eyebrows pretending to be puzzled, "Master Fang is asking me, or my cousin?"

"Of course it's you." Fang Zilan withdrew her hand and took the teacup in front of her, and gently blew on the tea foam. Fang Lihui couldn't tell the depth of his leisurely look, so he could only speculate: "I was just ordered to bring my cousin How can you be satisfied when you go back?"

"Really?" Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "But when we were in the corridor before, Mr. Fang didn't seem to mean that."

Her eyes fell on Fang Lihui, and the hidden sharp eyes made him quite uncomfortable, so she asked: "Then Master Fang, do you think I am satisfied?"

"It's hard to say." Fang Zilan withdrew his gaze and played with the teacup in his hand, "If Fang Liren followed Warners back to Persia, Mr. Fang would take the position of the head of the Fang family, I think Mr. Fang would be satisfied. If Fang Liren married Warners If you go back to Fang's house, his position as Patriarch will be indestructible, no one will be able to shake him, and I'm afraid he won't be able to satisfy Mr. Fang. But now it's a result of everyone returning to their own places, and it's not yet known who will win."

Fang Lihui shook his folding fan lightly, his expression indifferent, "Even if my cousin goes back, I'm afraid the position of head of the Fang family will not be stable."

"Isn't this just what Mr. Fang wants?" Fang Zilan smiled even wider, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Fang Lihui froze in his hands, and the folding fan clattered with his slightly bitter voice, "Is this how Master Fang sees me?"

"Mr. Fang is an ambitious person, why bother to cover up and refuse to tell the truth?" Fang Zilan put down the teacup in his hand, and the sound of tapping fell directly on Fang Lihui's heart.

He put away the folding fan with a clear expression, "Since Mrs. Fang wants to hear the truth, then I will tell the truth. My most satisfactory result is that Miss Sassan will marry into Fang's family."

"Warnas marries Fang Liren, and the Fang family will benefit a lot." Fang Zilan smiled, her expression darkened, "But aren't you afraid of offending the prime minister's daughter?"

"Master Fang probably doesn't know what kind of woman Tongmei is." Fang Lihui smiled, with a hint of admiration in his expression, "After learning that her cousin escaped marriage, Tongmei immediately wrote a letter and sent it to the elders of the family. The person she said she was going to marry was a worldly genius who dared to be brave, not a mediocre person who would only evade and ruin the marriage with his own hands."

"You said Fang Zitong..." Fang Zilan suddenly stopped speaking halfway, she was a little dazed, for some reason the Fang Zitong in her memory was far from the Fang Zitong in Fang Lihui's mouth.

Fang Zitong in her memory was domineering and full of spoiled young lady's temper, bossy and domineering on weekdays, she could not see that she was such a free and easy woman who let go.

Maybe Fang Lihui was right, she didn't know what kind of person Fang Zitong was at all, and she always thought that Fang Zitong was a domineering and domineering daughter-in-law of the Prime Minister's family, and she had become prejudiced over the years.

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan who was in a trance, couldn't help coughing lightly, and took over the topic, "Listening to Mr. Fang's words, Wannas doesn't want to marry into the Fang family?"

"I can't beat the family. Every family wants to control people in their own hands. The Fang family is like this, and so is the Sassan family." Fang Lihui shook his head with a smile, "The Fang family wants Miss Sassan to come in, and the Sassan family misses me. A cousin married. One is the only daughter of a wealthy Persian family, and the other is the head of the Fang family. Both of them can't let go of their identities, so naturally they can only let it go."

"Is there a turning point in this matter?" Fang Zilan spoke slowly, with complex expressions in her eyes.

Fang Lihui still just shook his head, she asked: "Is there really no room for change?"

"Unless one party is willing to give up everything." The person who answered her was Zhuge Yu.

His expression was deep, and he said word by word: "However, after this incident, Mr. Fang still can't see it? No matter who it is, if you give up your identity, you can't protect anyone, let alone make a promise."

Fang Zilan lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

After a while, she raised her head again, regained her usual indifference, and sighed softly, "Forget it, I can't force it."

"Master Fang, if you have nothing else to do..." Fang Lihui wanted to stand up and leave, but was cut off with a bang just as he was about to leave his mouth.

The three of them looked at the place where the sound came from, and saw Fang Liren standing at the door in a daze. The sound just now was made by him breaking in.

"Cousin?" Fang Lihui hurried up to Fang Liren, only to see Fang Liren slap a piece of paper on his chest without making a sound. Hui, the Fang family will leave it to you."

"Cousin, what did you say?" He stared blankly at the person in front of him. This person who once valued the Fang family more than his life, actually used such a flimsy piece of paper to give up everything that should have been in his heart. Fang's family.

Ignoring Fang Lihui's reaction, Fang Liren walked up to Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu, "Master Fang, Mr. Zhuge, I have made it clear that I want to go to Persia with Wanas."

Before Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu could say anything in the future, Fang Lihui quickly walked up to Fang Liren and threw the paper on him, "Fang Liren, are you crazy? Abandoning the Fang family for a woman?"

Fang Liren stood upright and let the piece of paper fall to the ground without blinking his eyes, "I am here to bid farewell to the two adults. The two adults have helped me a lot, and Fang Liren will never forget it."

Considering that Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu were present, Fang Lihui couldn't get angry directly, he gritted his teeth and growled, "Fang Liren, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui at the side with a relieved look on his face, "Lihui, the Fang family will be handed over to you in the future. You are more suitable than me for the position of head of the Fang family."

"Who cares?" Fang Lihui sneered, "Fang Liren, I don't need your charity."

"I gave everything for the Fang family. I'm tired." Fang Liren raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of indescribable fatigue, "Now, I want to live for myself once."

"Okay, okay, it's really good!" Fang Lihui clapped his palms with a folding fan, applauding almost resentfully.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan just wanted to speak when Zhuge Yu grabbed her sleeve.He tugged at her sleeve, signaling her not to come forward, and asked them to solve it by themselves.

"Fang Liren, are you going to leave the Fang family?" Fang Lihui tightly held the folding fan in his hand, his shoulders trembling slightly exposed his sullenness, "You can leave as soon as you say, there is no such thing as cheap. The Fang family gave birth to you and raised you. How much kindness you have received from the Fang family, and how much favor the Fang family has received from you, let us figure it out together today."

Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui in front of him, he had never seen a loss of composure, he was silent for a moment, finally nodded and said: "Okay."

Seeing Fang Liren's consent, Fang Lihui turned around and bowed his hands to Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu, and said in a deep voice: "Today, Lord Fang and Young Master Zhuge are invited to be witnesses. After the liquidation is completed, we will have nothing to do with Fang Liren. "

Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu in embarrassment, and agreed after seeing him nodding slightly.

 You can't embrace you by keeping your identity, and you can't protect you by giving up your identity.

  Fang Liren: I will solve it in my own way.

(End of this chapter)

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