Chapter 128
In the pavilion enjoying the cool air in the back garden of Dugu Mansion, Fang Liren and Fang Lihui sat facing each other, each holding an abacus in their hands, and the pens, inks, papers and inkstones next to them were neatly arranged.

Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui, took a deep breath, and said calmly, as he did in the days when he and Fang Lihui settled accounts together, "Let's begin."

Following his sound, there was only the crackling sound of abacus in the booth, and the occasional sound of papers being turned over.

Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu sat on the porch, looked at the two meticulous people in the pavilion, and said in a low voice: "The way they are planning, they have caught up with me to fight on the battlefield, and they are really murderous."

Her voice was very soft, as if she was afraid of disturbing the two people who were not far away who were engrossed.

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu smiled faintly, "Fang Liren's wealth and life and the future of the Fang family are all in this little abacus and a few thin pages of paper. This is not a trivial matter."

Fang Zilan leaned next to him, with an expression of watching the excitement, "Ah Yu, do you believe that even if the two of them settled ordinary accounts today, it would be this battle?"

Zhuge Yu snorted, with a half-smile that was obviously asking her how she knew, she raised the corners of her mouth and smiled clearly, "After all, he is a member of the Fang family, and he will spend ten percent of his energy on every account. In their minds, every copper coin has a special meaning."

"Lord Fang understands very well." A Wan's voice suddenly rang in Fang Zilan's ears. She turned her head to look at A Wan who was holding the medicine bowl, and her face collapsed instantly, "It's not been a few hours, and I'm going to drink medicine ?”

A Wan stuffed the medicine bowl into her hand, admonished with a stern face, "The medicine you drank at noon, it's already past Shen's time, and when it's dark, how many hours do you think? Hurry up." Drink the medicine."

Under her gaze, Fang Zilan picked up the medicine bowl and drank it in one gulp, then looked at her with a bitter face, only to see that she nodded in satisfaction and took the medicine bowl from her hand.

"Sister Lan, if you feel bitter, I have a preserved fruit for you." Zhuge Yu took out a pocket from his sleeve as he spoke, and A Wan stopped him when he was about to open it, "Preserved fruit will affect the efficacy of the medicine, so let Master Fang Bear with it, you won’t have a long memory if you suffer, and you will forget to die, if you don’t suffer, I’m afraid you’ll lose your life long ago.”

"Awan." Fang Zilan deliberately prolonged the ending.

A Wan snorted, and took out a plate of cakes from behind as if conjuring, "I saw that you didn't eat much at noon, so I asked for cakes from the back kitchen. If you feel bitter, take two bites and press one."

"I knew little Awan was the best for me." Fang Zilan took the plate with a smile on her face, handed one to Awan, another to Zhuge Yu, and finally took one to herself In his mouth, he yelled sweet while eating.

A Wan couldn't do anything about her, so she simply sat beside her and looked at the two people in the pavilion, "When will the two of them finish the calculation? It will be dark in a while, so it will take a lot of eyes."

"They won't stop until the liquidation is over." Zhuge Yu took a bite of the pastry with a helpless expression, "I don't know why Fang Lihui is so persistent?"

"It's the first time I've seen Fang Lihui look like this." Fang Zilan swallowed the cake, and spoke a little vaguely, "The last time I was in the northern border, I thought he was just a playboy."

"Let's talk after eating, no one will grab you." A Wan gave Fang Zilan a blank look, and said quietly: "I know something about these brothers, but it's just hearsay."

After Zhuge Yu finished eating the cake, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, "Miss Awan, it's okay."

"I heard about it when I was studying medicine with Master in the capital." As soon as Ah Wan mentioned the word "Master", Fang Zilan quietly gouged her out.

Ignoring the look in her eyes, A Wan continued on her own, "I heard that although Fang Lihui is the first son of the family, his father doesn't like him very much, but prefers his brothers who are born in concubine."

"When Fang Lihui was young, the other sons of the Fang family invited their husbands to study, but he could only make do with Fang Liren and go to the school of the prime minister's mansion to study. Fang Liren had no parents and no one to take care of him since he was a child, and he was taken care of by his uncle, the prime minister. However, it is not easy for Fang Lihui, who has both parents, to study under someone else's roof."

"Speaking of which, the relationship between the two of them should be better than that of the other brothers of the Fang family. But it may be that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Since Fang Liren became the head of the family, Fang Lihui's business has also grown bigger and bigger. There is also a Jiangnan silk and satin shop dedicated to high-ranking officials and nobles."

"Everyone says that Fang Lihui wants to replace him, and there are endless rumors of discord between the two." A Wan said with a bit of embarrassment, but Fang Zilan looked puzzled, "It stands to reason that Fang Liren and Fang Lihui's father are brothers, right?"

A Wan's eyes widened in shock, "How could you not know..." She stopped abruptly halfway through her sentence, and she swallowed the other half of her sentence.

She changed her words and said: "Everyone in the world knows that the prime minister Fang Chongzheng, Fang Liren, Fang Lihui's father, and several other Fang parents are always brothers of the same family, but only the prime minister is a descendant, and the rest are concubines. .”

"Miss Awan seems to be very clear about the affairs of the other party's family." Zhuge Yu's voice sounded neutral, making Awan involuntarily weaken his tone, "I also listen to what other people say, it's just a pastime for ordinary people after dinner."

As the sky was getting dark, Fang Zilan couldn't see Zhuge Yu's expression clearly, but he knew very well that he might be suspicious, so he told Awan immediately: "It's getting dark, Awan, go and add lamps to the two young masters."

"Okay." Awan agreed, got up and went to the pavilion to add light and ink to Fang Liren and Fang Lihui.

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan, who was expressionless, and said nonchalantly: "It seems that it will take a long time, sister Lan might as well go back to rest first, I can just stay here."

"It's not good to give up halfway if you promise to others." Fang Zilan leaned on the railing, closed her eyes and meditated, "I can still hold on, wait for them for a while."

"Alright." Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan, who closed his eyes tightly and refused to speak, and said nothing more, his eyes fell on the pavilion.

Fang Liren and Fang Lihui in the pavilion are still fiddling with the abacus, the beads of the abacus make a crisp sound, the pages of the paper turn over and make a rustling sound, and the burning candle makes a crackling sound, interweaving into a unique piece of music in the twilight. I don't know whose fate is decided in the middle, it sounds rigorous and sad.

After an unknown amount of time, as the abacus beads were returned to their original positions, the two people in the pavilion stopped their movements.

Fang Lihui breathed a sigh of relief, but Fang Liren was indescribably depressed.

 When the liquidation results come out, who will be happy and who will be sad?
(End of this chapter)

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