Chapter 129
Hearing the silence around, Fang Zilan opened her eyes, her voice was a bit hoarse, "Have they finished their liquidation?"

Zhuge Yu hummed, helped her to stand up, and the two walked to the pavilion together.

Fang Zilan stood still in the pavilion, "How, you two have figured it out?"

"It's clear." The person who answered her was Fang Lihui, he raised the corners of his lips, and resumed his usual cynical attitude, "My cousin owes the Fang family, and he can't leave if he is not clear."

Seemingly not expecting this result, Fang Zilan asked in a daze, "How much do you owe?"

"The total is 54 taels and eight cents of silver." Fang Lihui reported it readily, but Fang Zilan couldn't believe it, "So much?"

"Most of my cousin's business relies on the Fang family, and this amount is considered small." Fang Lihui's smug tone made her frown, "It is said that your cousin relies on the Fang family, and you are the same, what's the point? Proud of it?"

"No." Fang Lihui didn't know when he took out his folding fan again, and shook it open with a clatter as if showing off, "If I want to leave the Fang family, I'm afraid the Fang family will pay me a sum of money." .”

Fang Zilan looked at Fang Liren suspiciously, "What does Mr. Fang want to do with such a large sum of money?"

Fang Liren remained silent, but it was Fang Lihui who spoke for him, "If Miss Sassan knew that her cousin was going back to Persia with her, she would probably be willing to pay the money for her cousin, but I don't know if my cousin is willing."

"Fang Lihui!" Fang Liren clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with uncontrollable anger, "This is my business and has nothing to do with Warners."

"Really?" There was an imperceptible sarcasm in Fang Lihui's smile, "But my cousin left the Fang family because of Miss Sassan, so affectionate..."

"Shut up!" Fang Liren interrupted Fang Lihui's words in a cold voice, his expression turned from anger to sadness, but he returned to his previous appearance as Mr. Pianpian in a flash, "I will pay back the money owed, and I will not be with the Fang family. You went back."

"Cousin has ambition, but now you, what do you have to pay back?" Fang Lihui put away the folding fan, and his eyes became more ruthless, "Why are you so obsessed with obsession?"

Fang Liren didn't answer, but lifted his chin slightly and raised his head to look at the person in front of him.

He was about the same size as Fang Lihui, and from this angle, he could see the corners of his eyes and brows, which were made more sharp by the light and shadow.

The little boy who followed him step by step at the beginning has grown so big that he can safely hand over the Fang family to him.

Seeing a smile on the corner of Fang Liren's mouth, Fang Lihui felt that the fire in his chest was burning more and more. He took a sudden step forward and grabbed his collar, "What are you laughing at?"

Fang Liren patted Fang Lihui's hand holding his collar lightly, smiled indulgently and helplessly, "Lihui, you are the one who is obsessed with obsession."

Fang Lihui's hand gradually loosened, he took a step back and stood still, with a low voice, "In business, if you can't repay the money, cousin, I won't let you leave the Fang family."

"As I said, I will pay you back." Fang Liren's breezy appearance made people feel at ease, and Fang Lihui continued to ask persistently, "When?"

Fang Liren was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "I won't leave until I pay off the debt."

"Okay, I'll remember what my cousin said." Fang Lihui nodded emphatically, "It's getting late today, so I won't disturb you all. I'll take my leave first."

He turned to leave, but he felt cold all over his body and his footsteps were weak. He tripped over the steps outside the pavilion and almost fell to the ground.

Fang Zilan was a little worried, and wanted to catch up to have a look, but before he could take a step, he heard Fang Liren sigh, "Let him go."

She looked at the reckless back in the dark night, then at Fang Liren who was lost in front of her, and couldn't help chuckling, "The two young masters are really awkward people. One wants to force it even though he knows he can't keep it, and the other The one who wanted to leave but couldn't bear it, the account is not clear."

"Master Fang's words are wrong." Fang Liren straightened the folds of his collar, raised his eyes to look at Fang Zilan, "Since I have made up my mind, I will never bear it."

"Really?" Fang Zilan took the paper on the table casually, and the accounts on it were clearly written, "Where is Mr. Fang going to pay for so much money?"

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you." Fang Liren looked at the person in front of her firmly, but she still just smiled, "Why does Mr. Fang think that I will pay the money for you?"

"It's not a loan, it's a loan." Fang Liren bowed his hands calmly, "I will return all the money to Mr. Fang with interest."

The smile on Fang Zilan's face was even wider, "Young Master Fang is going to Persia, how can you pay back?"

Fang Liren stood on the spot with his arms folded, "I know Master Fang has a lot of business in the northern border, but there is no one to take care of them. I guess Master Fang hasn't selected a suitable and trustworthy person, right?"

"Mr. Fang is planning to recommend himself to take care of the business for me?" Fang Zilan's smile faded a little, "But I'm curious, how did Mr. Fang know that I have business in the northern border?"

Fang Liren raised his head and met her probing eyes, "I have my own way, so I don't know if Master Fang can trust me."

"I can believe it, but I can't believe it." Fang Zilan smiled, and said seriously: "I believe in Mr. Fang's business talent, but I don't believe that Mr. Fang will be used by me alone, not to mention that the business in my hand is the largest in the north. It's far more than the amount owed by Mr. Fang. If Mr. Fang doesn't show some sincerity, there will be nothing to talk about."

"Master Fang's business includes restaurants, two flower houses, three banks, four inns, five gambling houses, six places, and a total of 36 large and small shops that have been temporarily closed. They were all under the name of Huo Sanniang in the north. From Mr. Lu Tang to Mr. Fang, the value is several million taels, am I right?" Fang Liren reported a series of data in one breath, which made Fang Zilan stunned, "Why do you know so clearly?"

Fang Liren smiled faintly, "Master Fang, don't worry, Huo Sanniang has a lot of business dealings with the Fang family. I will know when her business has changed hands. As for the value, I can make a guess. Huo Sanniang has a lot of business. It’s true that ordinary people can’t handle it, but if it’s left to me to take care of it, it’s more than enough.”

"I have also heard about Mr. Fang's ability." Fang Zilan returned to her usual indifferent appearance, and said word by word: "It's a pity that I don't have any reason to insist on you."

Fang Liren didn't seem to expect her to say such a thing, and was stunned for a moment.

Zhuge Yu came forward to smooth things over, "It's getting late, Mr. Fang is injured, it's better to go back to rest earlier. Mr. Fang, it doesn't matter if we talk about it tomorrow."

As soon as he finished speaking, A Wan, who was on the sidelines, came to help Fang Zilan and bid farewell to Fang Liren with a very winking look.

Fang Liren opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

 Accounts measured by money can be settled with numbers.However, the word human feelings cannot be concluded with a few simple words.

  Who is whose debt?
(End of this chapter)

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