Chapter 130
Zhuge Yu followed Fang Zilan, and on the way to send her back to the house, he suddenly opened his mouth and said: "I thought that the relationship between Mr. Fang and his cousin was just a family business dispute. But when we met today, the so-called family business is just a glimpse. It can be seen that the entanglement between them is probably far more than that."

At the end, he sighed softly and said, "Mr. Fang's feelings for his cousin are really extraordinary."

"I'm afraid I'm too dependent, and I can't let go. I always think that someone is blocking the front, so I can hide behind and be a shadow at a loss. But I don't know, the shadow will be seen by others." Fang Zilan replied lukewarmly After saying a word, Zhuge Yu stopped, "Fang Lihui is not a shadow."

Fang Zilan also stopped, but didn't look back at Zhuge Yu, "He's not a shadow, he's just a shadow for Fang Liren's willingness to retreat to others."

She turned her head suddenly, with an imperceptible self-mockery in her tone, "Ayu, do you think people are weird? Obviously, I can live as a dazzling person like the sun, but for some so-called feelings, I am willing to be The jewels that adorn other people's crowns are only willing to add luster to others..."

She spoke in a lower voice, with inexplicable astringency hidden in every word, "But I forgot how much pain I needed to be cut into such a radiant appearance."

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan, who had a haggard face but whose eyes were shining like stars, the sadness in his heart seemed to be outlined by this sentence, it was full of mixed feelings, but he felt that the irony was extremely worthy of his heart.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a smile as usual on his face, "If Zhuge Yu can become the jewel in the crown of the capital, it will be worth it even if his body is broken into pieces. Dao Wanax is also willing."

As if involuntarily, Fang Zilan heard her own voice, soft and mournful, like a flower blooming in the snow, it would disappear without a trace the next moment.

"Fang Lihui is different from you, Ayu. He doesn't have your breadth of mind but is much more stubborn than you. He is not a beautiful jade on the crown of the Fang family, but a rough jade carved by Fang Liren alone. If Fang Liren leaves the Fang family today, I'm afraid he I would rather the beauty be covered in dust than the brilliance of the lonely shadow."

"What about you, Sister Lan?" As if out of control, Zhuge Yu asked this sentence, with doubts and curiosity in his tone, and more anticipation, but even he himself didn't know what he was expecting.

But he knew that no matter what it was, he wanted to hear her answer.

"I am not anyone's gem, I will not refract light to add luster to others. I am not a star of the moon, I can only shine by relying on the brilliance of others. I am not a shadow behind someone, hiding in the dark and shy away." Her eyes seemed to be shining , said firmly: "I want to be my own sun."

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan in a daze, almost lost his mind. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "No wonder Fang Liren said that Fang Lihui is obsessed with obsession, and it is no wonder that sister Lan understands Fang Lihui's paranoia so much. In fact, you are all the same in essence. I wanted to live like the sun warming others, but I never expected to live my own obsession in the end.”

His words were like a sharp knife, piercing through the last disguise on Fang Zilan's face and peeling off the obsession buried deep in her heart.

Was it just an obsession?There was a wry smile on Fang Zilan's face, he closed his eyes and felt that the whole person was in chaos, the fog was so thick that he couldn't see the way he came from, and he couldn't tell the way forward, did he come to such a situation?
She clenched her fists subconsciously, her eyes were filled with uncontrollable sourness.Even if it is obsession, as long as it can be firmly grasped in one's own hands, what's the point?
Opening her eyes suddenly, she seemed to be a different person, turned around and changed direction, and left Dugu Mansion.

A Wan hesitated for a moment, stomped her feet and followed.

Looking at the backs of the two, Zhuge Yu couldn't help laughing at himself.He said that Fang Lihui was obsessed with obsession and Fang Zilan was paranoid, but who didn't have obsession?
Fang Zilan staggered into the Yingchun Tower, her expression was cold and full of murderous aura.

Although the guys in the building didn't recognize her, no one dared to step forward to stop her, allowing her to step up the tall building step by step, to the top of the Yingchun Building, and saw Fang Lihui lying on the ground drunk.

His clothes were disheveled and his temples were disheveled. He was completely different from the cynical and dissolute nobleman in the daytime, and he looked very embarrassed.

Fang Zilan walked up to Fang Lihui, knelt down and looked at him with a bit of unbearable expression, "Even if Mr. Fang dies drunk here, your cousin will eventually leave."

"I know, I know everything." Fang Lihui smiled and sat up straight with his arms on his hands.The wine jug in his arms rolled to the wall without the care of its owner, making a crisp sound, which seemed particularly abrupt in this silent night.

He murmured: "But Master Fang, do you know? I always thought that he would not leave, even if I left one day, he would not leave. He is like the sun of the Fang family, rising from east to west, from east to west There has never been a mistake. Such a him, he has to leave Fang's house, why? Why..."

"Mr. Fang, you're drunk." Fang Zilan reached out and tried to help him up, but he pushed him away.

Fang Lihui stood up unsteadily, staggered to the window, and leaned against the railing, "I'm not drunk! Master Fang, do you know? In fact, my cousin doesn't owe the Fang family a penny, I owe him the money." He has been the head of the Fang family for six years, and has had countless businesses in his hands. How could he not repay the Fang family's kindness? The Fang family treated him very coldly and didn't spend much time on him, but he I put all my heart and soul into Fang's family. Later, a woman I like finally asked him to give up all of this, don't you think it's ridiculous? "

Fang Zilan stared at Fang Lihui closely, for fear that he would fall down the stairs drunk, while thinking about his words carefully, she frowned slightly and asked, "You just said that you owe him, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Fang Lihui stumbled to her side, smelling of alcohol, she didn't dodge but stood still, watching him put his index finger on his lips and made a silent movement, "Shh, I'll tell you a secret, don't tell anyone."

Fang Lihui's eyes were shining brightly, and the smile on his face revealed indescribable pride, "I can't trust those old guys from the Fang family, but they want to do business on their own. My cousin paid all the money for my business from the account of the Fang family. Give it to me."

He paused as he spoke, and his expression suddenly became extremely resentful, "But when he just settled the matter, he put all the money on his own head. Tell me, what kind of business genius is he, he is clearly a fool!"

 The brotherhood of loving each other and killing each other is a bit easy, the next chapter recalls killing, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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