Chapter 131
Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the crazy Fang Lihui in front of him, smelling the faint refreshing fragrance mixed with the smell of alcohol all over his body, he felt oppressed in his chest, and asked: "The Fang family has so many properties, why do you want to do it yourself?" do business?"

"The old guys in the Fang family are old-fashioned and don't know how to change things. If they follow their business model, the Fang family will end sooner or later. I don't want the property that my cousin has worked so hard to guard to be lost by those old antiques." Fang Lihui said it as a matter of course, "I The business in hand is to help my cousin turn around in case of emergencies."

"Your cousin is right. You are indeed more suitable for the position of the head of the Fang family." Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and smiled with relief. "Your wild horse temperament can lead the Fang family farther."

"You're talking nonsense!" Fang Lihui retorted in a deep voice, with a little chill in his eyes, "Why does Master Fang say that my cousin is not suitable? Do you know how much he has paid for the word Patriarch? How could he be inappropriate? He is my cousin. The only Patriarch I recognize in my heart!"

When he said the last sentence, there was a hint of crying in his voice, his head lowered lower and lower, and he murmured: "If it wasn't for him, how could there be the Fang family today, how could there be Fang Lihui today?"

Fang Zilan raised her hands to support Fang Lihui's shoulders, looked straight into his eyes, and said word by word: "Fang Lihui, is it Fang Lihui or you who you don't want to let go?"

Fang Lihui's pupils jumped, and he pushed her away fiercely.

Fang Zilan took a few steps back before standing still. She straightened her clothes and sat on the futon beside the low table, watching Fang Lihui fall to the ground quietly.

He wrapped his arms around his knees, buried his head, and his tone of voice, intermittent words, came to her ears erratically.

"When I was born, my father's favorite concubine died of dystocia. He thought I was a nemesis and never liked me. My mother is a cautious wife. love me."

"Later, as I grew older and reached the age of studying, all the brothers in the family had their own teachers, but I was the only one who didn't care about it. I didn't like reading, and my parents didn't care about me. Only my cousin who lived in our house would Day dragged me to Xiangfu's school."

"Most of the schools in the prime minister's mansion are students of the prime minister's uncle. They see that the prime minister's uncle didn't embarrass us clearly, but they bullied us a lot behind the scenes."

"Those people who sharpen their heads and want to be officials look down on us kids from businessmen. I couldn't get mad at them for their hypocrisy, so I secretly punished them a few times. I didn't expect them to find out and beat us up. "

"My cousin was almost broken by them in order to protect me. Since I was a child, I have been suffering from a dull pain when it rains. But my cousin said that there are only two rains in the capital every year, so it's not a problem."

"I used to think that my cousin lost his parents when he was a child, and he was only a few years older than me. Wouldn't it be hard work? But he told me that no matter how low the eaves are, you can always see the world. Then At that time, I was thinking that I would definitely protect my cousin's world."

"When my cousin was 20 years old, he was fighting for the head of the family. My brother-in-law pulled a few elders behind his back to play tricks on him. I found out. I asked someone to take advantage of my brother-in-law and threatened him to suppress him. Be the head of the house."

Fang Lihui raised his head, his eyes were red, his face was pale, and his voice was a little hoarse, "I thought he was just a tough bluegrass in my heart, leaving an inch of hope. But I don't know when it has grown into a brocade of flowers, occupying the whole world. Atrium."

"Fang Lihui, even if he is a blooming flower in your heart, it's not as good as living a colorful life by yourself." Fang Zilan sighed faintly, "Human, don't be too obsessed. Hurt others and yourself, Regret without knowing it."

"It's useless for me to regret it now." Fang Lihui turned his head away, looked out the window into the dark night, and said in a low voice: "I forced him to this point, there is no way out."

"It's not that there is no way out." Fang Zilan sat up for a long time, her legs were a little numb, she stood up tremblingly, "I can pay for the money owed by your cousin. If you wake up tomorrow, Come to me when you have figured it out, and I am willing to pay to break your obsession."

Fang Lihui looked at her swaying back, and couldn't help asking, "Why did you do this?"

Fang Zilan stopped in her footsteps and did not turn her head back, but her voice was a little more lonely, "I thought I wanted to live like the sun to warm others, but I didn't expect that I would end up living like the person I was obsessed with, not just you. After you wake up, Just treat it as a silly dream that you want to talk about."

Sitting on the stairs, A Wan saw Fang Zilan walking down, so she quickly stood up and went to support her. Seeing her complicated and pale face, she couldn't help feeling worried, "Are you okay?"

She hummed lightly, and Awan couldn't say much because of her silent appearance, so she could only help her out of the Yingchun Building. As soon as the two of them came out, they saw the carriage sent by Zhuge Yu to pick them up at the door.

Both of them were very tired, and they got into the carriage without hesitation.

After an unknown amount of time, A Wan hesitated and broke the silence, "How is Fang Lihui?"

"He's fine." Fang Zilan forbeared, "Awan, why do some people think it's a painful pain, while others think it's irrelevant?"

"Like a person who drinks water and knows how warm it is." A Wan curled her lips, with a helpless look on her face, "Fang Lihui regards Fang Liren as the sun of the Fang family, but he never asked Fang Liren if he was tired from being so glowing and hot. To put it bluntly, he One's own will is imposed on others. Fang Liren is willing to bear it for the good of others, and if he is not willing to bear him, he should not force others."

Seeing that Fang Zilan's complexion was not very good, Awan added after thinking about it, "However, Fang Liren's appearance doesn't seem to be insignificant, maybe he is also in pain."

"Human beings are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless?" Fang Zilan sighed softly, "I don't know, whose obsession is this in the end?"

"Let's not talk about obsession, I heard what you and Fang Lihui said." A Wan shook her arm, "Do you really want to pay for Fang Liren?"

"It's hard to say." Fang Zilan stretched out his hand to hold Awan's hand, "If Fang Lihui figured it out, I'll go out."

"What are you? You are a blind member with no name or distinction." A Wan pulled out her hand and said in a bad manner: "Do you know how much a big mansion spends in a year? Your salary alone can't support you. Which one of the big families has no financial resources behind it? Your business is not easy to come by, and if you don’t manage it well, you will send it out to pay for it. What can I say about you?”

Seeming to have thought of something suddenly, Fang Zilan smiled slightly, dispelling the haze on her face before, "Since I am not good at management, it is better to hand over the business to someone who can manage it."

 Life is like a dream, and one is still lingering.

(End of this chapter)

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