Chapter 132 Pay
"What do you mean?" Awan's face was full of curiosity, and Fang Zilan's smile was even wider, "I can become a shareholder of Fang's family under the pretext of paying for Fang Liren."

"Investing in shares? What do you mean?" Awan was puzzled, but Fang Zilan just smiled, "You will know later."

It was late at night when Fang Zilan and Awan returned to Dugu Mansion, they both went back to their houses to rest, and they both slept until the sun was up.

However, after noon, Fang Zilan was awakened by A Wan's knock on the door.

A Wan came in a hurry, followed by Zhuge Yu with a dignified expression.

Fang Zilan washed and changed clothes behind the screen, Zhuge Yu couldn't care less and had to explain his purpose in front of the screen, "The news that Fang Liren is going back to Persia with Warners spread, and Warners might not want to go back to Persia."

"What do you mean by refusing to return to Persia?" Fang Zilan slapped some water on her face sleepily, feeling a little more awake, "Where can Warners go if he doesn't return to Persia? He won't stay in Dajing with Fang Liren, will he?" ?”

Zhuge Yu stood with his back to the screen, and said calmly: "I don't know too well, but the person who picked up Warners back to Persia said that after learning about this, Warners wrote a letter asking They took it back and refused to say anything else.”

"What was written in the letter?" Fang Zilan quickly changed her clothes, but Zhuge Yu didn't move at all.

Fang Zilan vaguely watched Zhuge Yu still standing there through the screen, but her silent appearance made her feel uneasy, so she quickly tied up her clothes and took her out, "Ayu, what's wrong?"

Zhuge Yu looked at the person in front of him, and frowned slightly, "Sister Lan, do you still remember that I told you that a few years ago, the daughter of another wealthy Persian family was ruined because of her insults to Warners? "

"Remember." Fang Zilan nodded, wondering: "Why did Ah Yu mention this all of a sudden?"

"In front of Warners, the daughter of a wealthy family probably said that her business methods are no less than men's, or even worse. In the future, she will die alone and desperate." Zhuge Yu was thinking. While speaking, "This matter caused a great disturbance, and even the head of the Sassanian family came forward in person. At that time, the head of the Sassanian family said in front of all the relatives in Persia that if Warners did not want to bear the name of Sasanian in the future, he would not do it. Business, and not wanting to marry, it’s nothing, he’s capable enough to protect his daughter, and it’s not up to others to speak ill of him.”

After Fang Zilan listened to his words, the corners of her lips raised into a beautiful arc, and she said with a smile: "Patriarch Sassan is indeed a good father, but some words are good to hear, they may not come true."

"Sister Lan thinks, why does Patriarch Sassan want to bring down a family and say such things in front of all the Persian relatives?" Zhuge Yu raised his eyebrows, Fang Zilan was stunned, and said in a low voice: "What do you mean? ..."

She didn't continue, but Zhuge Yu nodded knowingly.

Seeing him nodding, Fang Zilan turned her face back and shouted to the door: "Awan, go and find Lao Cao, I have something to say to him."

A Wan who was waiting at the door did not dare to neglect, and immediately called for Vice General Cao to come over.

Fang Zilan sat at the table and didn't speak for a long time until Deputy General Cao arrived. She seemed to have made up her mind and said unswervingly: "Old Cao, I want you to go back to Yanzhou City in person, don't disturb anyone, and take my hand." Bring me all the deeds of business on the Internet."

Vice General Cao took the order without asking any further questions, while Zhuge Yu beside him frowned and asked, "Sister Lan, what are you doing?"

Fang Zilan rested her chin in one hand and tapped the table lightly with the other, "Ah Yu is so smart, you might as well make a guess."

"Sister Lan is going to pay for Fang Liren to leave the Fang family?" Although Zhuge Yu asked a question, his tone was very firm, "Sister Lan said last night that Fang Lihui was willing to let him go?"

"It doesn't make sense, I can only take a gamble." Fang Zilan stretched out her hand to hold the teacup on the table, and rubbed the smooth porcelain surface with her fingers, "If it is as A Yu said, Warners is willing to Fang Liren gave up everything, and he couldn't let Fang Liren be trapped in Fang's house. If he offends Patriarch Sasan, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Sister Lan, don't you find it strange?" Zhuge Yu raised his eyebrows, "Fang Liren has been the head of the Fang family for many years, not only can't get a penny from the Fang family, but also use a large sum of money to redeem himself, what is this? reason?"

Fang Zilan picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, "Ah Yu might as well speak up if you have something to say."

Zhuge Yu said indifferently: "Since Your Majesty ascended the throne, the Prime Minister and the Empress have been neglected for a long time, and the Fang family's business is not as good as before. Now Fang Lihui is taking the opportunity to make money, and Fang Liren accompanied him to set up this game, just waiting for Sister Lan to do it This is a big mistake."

"Maybe the setup is true, but I may not be the one who takes the blame." Fang Zilan said calmly, "Ah Yu thinks, how is the Fang family's business?"

"The Fang family's business is very good. Although the popularity has not been as good as before in recent years, it is still a golden brand in the hearts of the world." Zhuge Yu spoke cautiously, and the corners of Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, "In this case, I can't be taken advantage of. I not only want to help Fang Liren contributed money, and he had to use all the money to invest in the Fang family. The decline of the Fang family was due to His Majesty's neglect of the prime minister and queen, but the neglect was indifferent, and His Majesty would not move them rashly if the foundation was not stable. What's more, if the Fang family got another With the support of the upstarts, the situation is different.”

Zhuge Yu's expression changed slightly, "Sister Lan has decided to go to the Fang family's muddy water? You know that His Majesty has doubts about you. If you get involved with the Fang family, His Majesty may not allow you."

"It's up to me to decide whether it's relevant or not?" Fang Zilan smiled self-deprecatingly, "My surname is Fang, and I happen to have the same name as the third lady in Fang Xiang's mansion. Your Majesty is very suspicious. I have a relationship with the Fang family. It doesn't matter, it can't be washed off."

"Since sister Lan knows, why doesn't she avoid suspicion?" Zhuge Yu's tone showed a hint of concern, and Fang Zilan smiled, "Ah Yu is caring about me?"

Zhuge Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Fang Zilan still smiled, "Ayu, are you concerned or not? Your Majesty's Sacred Heart is arbitrary. Believe it or not, it's up to him to think. Instead of racking my brains to cater to his wishes, it's better for me to be frank and at ease." .”

Zhuge Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "Forget it, Sister Lan, you have this kind of personality. You don't cling to others and you don't make trouble. You never care about what other people say, and you just want to follow your heart."

"I'm not as good as you, A Yu." Fang Zilan smiled and shook her head, "But the word "follow one's heart" is quite to my liking." The two chatted happily, Yan Yan.

Not long after, the sky was getting dark, and A Wan came over to say that General Dugu invited them to have dinner, so Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu got up and went to the hall in the front yard.

 People make the best use of their talents and money, Fang·Pragmatist·Zi Lan said
(End of this chapter)

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