Chapter 133
Seeing Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu, Dugu Xin smiled happily and entered the table to welcome them.

During the dinner, several people talked freely, from chatting about the customs of the four worlds to the turbulence in the court, Duguxin felt that the two met each other very much, and invited the two to stay in Xiguan City for a while. Hu Zi didn't refuse, Zhuge Yu said he was idle and had nothing to do but agreed.

For several days in a row, Fang Zilan either wandered around Xiguan City with Zhuge Yu, or sipped tea and played chess in Dugu Mansion.Until the day of Chongyang, when she and Zhuge Yu climbed high and looked far away, and came back from enjoying the chrysanthemum and having a banquet, she saw Vice General Cao who had come back from the northern border and was waiting at Dugu Mansion.

Deputy General Cao brought not only her business contract, but also several letters from Zhong Yao, Qi Yuming and Huang Fulin to her.

Fang Zilan weighed the letter in his hand, and couldn't help frowning, "What's going on?"

"Boss, the deputy guard Huangfuchen took bribes and was caught by Mr. Qi. The stolen goods were prepared to be disposed of, but General Huangfu refused to stop him. Mr. Zhong asks you to give me an idea." Deputy General Cao touched it. On the back of his head, "The incident happened suddenly, all parties suppressed each other, and no one's letter could come out. The letters were all piled up in the house, and I couldn't hide my whereabouts anymore, so I brought the letter here on my own."

"Did you do it on your own, or did someone ask you to do it?" Fang Zilan opened the letter while asking, Vice General Cao didn't dare to hide anything, and hurriedly said: "Master Zhong came to me, he said he couldn't suppress this matter, I need to ask Boss for an idea, and I need to bring all these letters."

Deputy General Cao thought for a while and added, "Except Lord Zhong, I haven't seen anyone, and even Lao Li doesn't know that I've been back."

Fang Zilan took out the letter paper, read it roughly, and said with a soft snort, "Master Zhong is well-informed, so you don't have to hide from him about your return. He taught you what he said just now, right?"

"Yes." Deputy General Cao nodded his head kindly, and Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing because of his well-behaved appearance, "It's not a big deal, you don't have to be so nervous. I'll write a reply to Mr. Zhong later, and I'll ask General Dugu to find another Just send the letter to someone you can trust.”

Deputy General Cao said uncomfortably, "Boss, why don't I make another trip myself?"

"You have worked so hard after running for so many days, so you don't need to run again." Fang Zilan took the letter back, and Deputy General Cao hesitated to say something. The dilemma made her smile a little more, "Don't worry, I will ask His Majesty to deal with this matter, and then it is certain that no one will come to snatch this letter halfway."

She took a few letters and walked to the desk. Vice General Cao followed her and stood beside the desk. He couldn't help asking curiously, "What does the boss plan to do with Huangfuchen?"

"Dismissed from office and questioned, deal with it as you like." Fang Zilan wrote without hesitation.

Vice General Cao was stunned for a moment, and hesitated: "But Huangfuchen is General Huangfu's nephew after all, will General Huangfu let go?"

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "If the matter is brought before His Majesty, Huangfulin can't help it."

Deputy General Cao stopped talking and quietly waited for Fang Zilan to finish writing and hand it over to him.

"I stamped this document with the official seal of the Northern Territory. You take this document, the official document in Mr. Zhong's letter, and Qi Yuming's handwriting, and send someone to rush to Beijing to present it to His Majesty. Don't delay a moment." Fang Zilan waited After drying the ink, he closed the document and handed it to Deputy General Cao, and said: "After you finish this, go to Fang Liren and Fang Lihui and ask them to come to see me tomorrow."

"Yes." Deputy General Cao put away all the letters and left. As soon as he left, Awan walked in, "Mr. Zhuge asked me to let you know that the Persian Sasanian family is coming to Dajing. On the way."

"What?" Fang Zilan was stunned, and blurted out: "What is Patriarch Sassanid doing here, to bring Warners back to Persia?"

Awan shook her head innocently, "Master Zhuge didn't say anything, and I don't know either."

Fang Zilan tidied up the desk and said helplessly, "Forget it, just wait and see."

"You, don't think too much, let's heal your injuries first." A Wan put the medicine bowl in front of her, "It's getting late, you drink the medicine, go to rest earlier."

On the second day, Fang Zilan woke up very early, and just after she had finished washing and washing, Fang Liren and Fang Lihui came over after breakfast.

The two were slightly different from what they saw a few days ago. Fang Liren looked plump after losing his thinness, while Fang Lihui lost a lot of weight, and his black eye sockets looked particularly tired.

Fang Zilan looked at the two people in front of her, smiled and said, "Young Master Fang Li is really kind-hearted and fat, so you can be sure, I will definitely pay for you?"

"Master Fang puts the overall situation first, so he will find a way to let me go." Sitting opposite Fang Zilan, Fang Liren laughed softly, "Master Fang Liren thinks highly of me, will I pay for it? It depends on whether Mr. Fang Lihui is willing to let you go, if he doesn't want to, I won't pay."

Hearing that Fang Liren's eyes turned to Fang Lihui, Fang Zilan also looked at Fang Lihui, he raised his eyes and stared at Fang Zilan closely, with a sharp expression like a beast staring at its prey, "Even if I want to, Master Fang should not just be a substitute Brother, it's so simple to pay, you can just say what Master Fang wants."

"Mr. Fang Lihui is really a businessman through and through." Fang Zilan smiled, "I will hand over all the business in my hand to Mr. Fang Lihui. In exchange, let Fang Liren leave, and I will share [-]% of the Fang family's income every year."

"Twenty percent? Mr. Fang's money is guaranteed to make a steady profit." Fang Lihui understood, and the corner of his lips twitched lightly: "And it's too greedy."

"Greedy? We just take what we need." Fang Zilan smiled, his expression turned a little cold, "Mr. Zhuge told me that the Fang family's business has not been very prosperous in recent years. The two sons are just waiting for me to fall into the trap."

"Master Fang believes Mr. Zhuge's words?" Fang Lihui still had a smile on his lips, and Fang Zilan pretended to be incredulous: "Let's get half of each. At least it was true that Mr. Fang Lihui pretended to be drunk with wine on that night in Yingchun Building. I'm afraid only you know in your heart how many words of sincerity there are in those words."

Fang Lihui's smile froze on his face, "How does Master Fang know that I wasn't really drunk that night?"

Fang Zilan's face was calm, but there was a hint of teasing in her tone, "The people of the Fang family are very measured, and they will never fall short in front of others. You did a great job that day just to lure me to Yingchun Tower. You Pretending to be a gesture, but I don't know that I have smelled the scent of awakening spirits on you, wearing a special sachet made by the Fang family, how could you be really drunk?"

 Lesson representative highlights: Chapter 131, Awakening Incense

(End of this chapter)

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