Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1266 Discussion

Chapter 1266 Discussion

Fang Zilan raised her hand and rubbed Awan's hair, "The other things may not be interesting, but what my Awan said must be very interesting."

"Come here, you will coax me." Awan pushed her hand away and curled his lips, "The ghost sect has released news that the Wheel-turning King among the ten kings of hell has betrayed, and everyone in the world can be killed. If If someone takes his head, the ghost gate will be open to that person and will never attack him. "

"As expected." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, and Awan frowned slightly, "Aren't you worried that something will happen to Brother Chu?"

"Do your best and obey fate." Fang Zilan had a firm look in her eyes, "I believe Chu Bin, he will be fine."

"You are so heartless." Awan shook his head helplessly, and then took out something from his arms like a treasure, "Although I wasted some time today, I found this."

"What is this?" Fang Zilan took it casually, but was stunned when she saw it clearly, "This is..."

"Auspicious flower!" Awan said enthusiastically: "Isn't it magical? I didn't expect that there would be such a flower hidden in Guimen's pharmacy. Although it is a few years old, it is extremely well preserved and still lifelike. "

Even Fang Zilan was shocked, "How could it be possible... Didn't Miss Xiao say that the auspicious flower disappeared more than a hundred years ago?"

"The extinction is real, and this one is also real." Awan said firmly: "I have looked carefully, but I don't know who can have such a miraculous ability to seal this auspicious flower so well."

"Witchcraft?" Fang Zilan said these two words tentatively, and Awan thought for a moment, "It's not impossible. If someone from the Wu family survives, then there will be successors to witchcraft."

She paused as she spoke, "But more than these, I'm more curious about why there are auspicious flowers from the Di Rong tribe in the ghost gate, plus the master's manuscript I have read... Fang Zilan, is there something going on between you and the master? Hidden from me?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and without waiting for an answer, Awan added: "I know that you and Master have hidden many things from me. What I'm asking about is not other things, but the poison on your body."

"A Wan, have you checked Chu Bin's pulse?" Fang Zilan asked instead without answering. A Wan said doubtfully, "No, I'm asking about the poison on your body. What does it have to do with Brother Chu?"

Fang Zilan told Awan about the master and auxiliary voodoo, and she suddenly realized, "So you suspect that the voodoo poison on your body is not only related to Miluo Yin and Yang magic, but also to Di Rong witchcraft?"

Fang Zilan nodded, and Awan said thoughtfully: "In that case, I'll go see Princess Erya and her maid."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan looked at Awan in disbelief, but she was extremely serious, "It is natural for doctors to learn from each other. Is it just because the other party is a princess and I am a commoner, and there is a difference in dignity? Can’t you even communicate in the field of medicine?”

"Awan, what you said makes sense, but..." Fang Zilan looked worried, and Awan patted her chest and promised: "Don't worry, even if Princess Erya kicks me out of the post house, it has nothing to do with you. When the time comes, I will Just say it was all my own idea and I won’t lose your face.”

"What's the point of saving face at this time?" Fang Zilan sighed, "Am I such a face-saving person?"

"Then what are you worried about?" Awan said confidently: "After all, I am a medical woman in the Duke of Yue's palace. Can Princess Erya still kill me?"

Fang Zilan remained silent and finally said: "Since you have made up your mind, I will accompany you."

Zheng Yan was the new general in her house. Originally, she had no intention of raising a general or a soldier, but she couldn't bear to worry about it because she always felt that after she established her own business, no one in the house would protect her.

So with Lao Cao's efforts, her mansion was equipped with all the soldiers, and it looked majestic. Lao Cao was very satisfied, and she also thought it was good. After all, Zheng Yan's skills were so good that there was no problem in knocking down three Shangguan Min. Moreover, he is very careful and capable. When the soldiers were put into his hands, they were trained well within ten days.

However, although Zheng Yan had many advantages, he had an iceberg face that was cold on the outside and even colder on the inside. Coupled with the unique murderous spirit of the soldiers, the servants and maids in the palace were so scared that they all took a detour when they saw him.

The deterrent effect was enough, but it was a bit too much. Even Awan was silent and obedient when she saw him, let alone others.

Fang Zilan thought about this and sighed involuntarily. She didn't know who Lao Cao had dealt with in this short half of his life. Not only can they dig out Lu Chang's life experience, but they can also find someone like Zheng Yan who is full of skills but has no reputation or rank.

Sure enough, she still has good taste. It was great that of the two lieutenants she brought out from the camp on the outskirts of Beijing, one worked independently in the north and the other established his own business in the capital.

She sighed in her heart, and her steps slowed down a little.

Not far away, Zheng Yan was sitting in the pavilion. Shangguan Min didn't know what he was talking to, and he was gesturing enthusiastically, but his face remained expressionless.

If it hadn't been for these days of contact, Fang Zilan would almost have thought that Zheng Yan wasn't listening to Shangguan Min at all.

Fang Zilan walked over, and Zheng Yan immediately stood up and saluted, "Master Fang."

"No need to be polite." Fang Zilan waved her hand, motioning for Zheng Yan to sit back, and then sat down herself, saying: "I have nothing to do. I just came to ask you how the preparations for the spring hunting are going. If you need anything, please feel free to ask. Just open your mouth.”

"Ready." Zheng Yan spoke concisely and to the point. Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "That's good."

Zheng Yan didn't speak, and was very quiet for a while. Fang Zilan was a little embarrassed, and when she had nothing to say, she said: "You have been attending Shangguan Min's morning classes these days. I wonder if this child is lazy?"

"No." Zheng Yan answered quickly, but after these two simple words, there was nothing more.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and looked at Shangguan Min. He reacted suddenly and said: "Master, don't worry, I have always been diligent and will not be lazy."

"How can you praise yourself so much?" There was a smile on Fang Zilan's face. Shangguan Min followed the good advice and continued: "Master, I was just talking to General Zheng about the crossbow made by Master Lu. I didn't expect that General Zheng had quite a lot of insights. I am ashamed of myself for being unique.”

"Really?" A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and Shangguan Min nodded, "Yes."

The two talked lively, but Zheng Yan remained completely unmoved, not even raising his eyelids.

Shangguan Min laughed twice and felt that his praise was like a pile of sand, blown away by the cold wind named Zheng Yan.

Fang Zilan felt bored. After saying a few words to Shangguan Min, she claimed that she had something to do, ended the conversation hastily, and went back to her room to rest.

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