Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1267 Glory

Chapter 1267 Glory

"General Fu, as the birthday boy, looks a little embarrassed." Murong Qing unceremoniously sat down on the main seat where Fu Congnan was supposed to be, and looked at Fu Congnan, who was held by Hongtai and covered in blood.

"Murong Qing, you don't have the right to speak in my house..." As soon as Fu Congnan opened his mouth, Murong Qing stopped him, "General Fu, it's not up to you whether I speak or not."

He smiled slightly, "Since General Fu is unwilling to let my wife go, how about I make a deal with the general?"

Fu Congnan spat, "You two young couples are really the same as each other."

"Oh?" Murong Qing said meaningfully, his eyes turning to Fang Zilan who was standing with a sword, "Madam, should I negotiate this deal with General Fu, or you?"

Fang Zilan sheathed her sword, "I'm not interested in the prince's transaction. Since I have nothing to do, I'll take the first step."

"Okay." Murong Qing nodded and said toward the door: "Meng Tingyang, send your wife and her family back."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan glanced at Hongtai, and he left Fu Congnan and picked up Fang Lihui. Awan pulled Fang Zitong's sleeve and signaled her to leave.

Fang Chongzheng stood up and said to Fang Zilan in front of him: "Lan'er, if you decide..."

"Let's go." Fang Zilan didn't look back and walked out resolutely.

Until I walked past Li Qiyou and heard his voice, low and firm, "I want to stay."

"It's up to you." Fang Zilan didn't stop until all the Fang family members walked out of the hall, and the door suddenly closed like a cage to trap an animal.

But for Fang Zilan, nothing mattered, at least she brought Fang Lihui out.

After sending everyone back to the nearby Fang Family Courtyard, Awan offered to treat Fang Lihui, and Fang Zilan followed her and did not return to the inn.

It was night, Fang Zilan was sitting on the railing of the corridor, looking up at the dark sky with no stars or moon. For some reason, she suddenly remembered what Fang Chongzheng said in the general's mansion, "It's going to be dark."

Based on her understanding of Fang Chongzheng, he would not say such things for no reason, which meant that he had already seen it...

No, a subtle sense of dissonance arose that could no longer be ignored.

Fang Zilan stood up suddenly, but saw Fang Chongzheng pushing open the door and walking out, walking directly in front of her, "Why are you..."

She didn't ask further. Fang Chongzheng smiled and said, "The night is long, you can take your time."

Take it easy? When Fang Zilan heard these three words, she only felt the tip of her nose sore, as if the tight bow string had finally relaxed, more like a person who was tired of running for his life finally got a moment of respite.

So she took a deep breath and said, "You did it on purpose. You had already planned it. You didn't want to stay in the capital in the first place!"

She was a little incoherent and emotional. However, Fang Chongzheng knew what she meant and nodded and confessed, "Yes."

"Then why are you using me as an excuse?" Fang Zilan's eyes turned red. Fang Chongzheng sighed and said quietly: "You are not an excuse, you are just one of the reasons."

He paused and said softly: "I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you." "Li Shengxuan will never be threatened. Even if the Fang family leaves Beijing, he can't take back his life." Fang Zilan turned away and bit his lip: "What's more, I'm not your biological daughter. Why are you protecting me?"

"If you have nothing to do with the Fang family." Fang Chongzheng looked at the person in front of him steadily, "Then what are you doing today?"

"It's just a coincidence." Fang Zilan still said stubbornly, "It was an accident, who knew that Fang Lihui was in the water prison..."

"Okay, let's just treat it as a coincidence." Fang Chongzheng did not expose Fang Zilan, but the corners of his raised lips revealed unspeakable teasing.

Fang Zilan snorted and continued to ask: "Now that you have resigned and are not taking care of yourself, what are you doing?"

"Although I am no longer an official in the court, I still have to move around a lot..." Before Fang Chongzheng finished his serious words, Fang Zilan sneered and said: "Young Master, you can use this rhetoric to deal with Fang Zitong, but don't try to deal with me. "

"Children these days are hard to fool." Fang Chongzheng smiled and shook his head. Fang Zilan's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists and asked as if he had made up his mind: "Are you doing it for..."

"Lan'er, if Murong Qing hadn't come today, would you really have killed everyone?" Fang Chongzheng asked first. Fang Zilan lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment, then whispered: "No."

"I've almost guessed something." Fang Zilan breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Deputy General Cao and asked: "Old Cao, do you know who the generals under King Rongan are? Are there any other powerful ones besides Mo Bin?"

Hearing this, Deputy General Cao said helplessly: "Boss, don't tell me. Except for Mo Bin, none of the generals under King Rong'an can resist."

Although Fang Zilan had made a rough guess in her mind and was somewhat mentally prepared, when she heard Deputy General Cao say this answer, she still couldn't help blurting out: "What did you say?"

"This is reasonable." Vice General Cao sighed and explained: "After all, King Rongan's fiefdom is in the southeast, very close to Xiahou's family. With General Xiahou in charge, there is no need for King Rongan to do anything. What's more. What's more, that prince is also a happy man. Most of his generals are noble sons of aristocratic families and have no real abilities. Even though Mo Bin is a former general, he is still someone who has been on the battlefield. It can be used.”

"Isn't King Rong'an the brother of Emperor Tai'an?" Awan asked curiously, "Emperor Tai'an was the one who took over the country from Ji's hands. He was very majestic during his lifetime in the army. How could his brother be so peaceful? host?"

"It is precisely because Emperor Tai'an is so powerful that King Rong'an is well protected." The person who answered her was Fang Zilan, and Vice General Cao nodded in agreement: "That's true."

"If A Yu's information is accurate, no wonder the pirates will sneak into Mushan Pass to control Mo Bin." Fang Zilan had a calculation in her heart, but suddenly remembered what Li Shengxuan said - Mo Bin's rebellion must be suppressed.

Moreover, Li Shengxuan also said that there was no need to keep the entire Mo family.

If it is true that the pirates control Mushan Pass and threaten King Rongan to block the news, is Mo Bin collaborating with the pirates to help others, or is he willing to fight to the death?

If it's the latter, I'm afraid Mo Bin is already in serious danger, and the entire Mo family is even more in danger.

But if it’s the former…

Fang Zilan didn't dare to think about what kind of chaos Mushan Pass would be now.

She was so distraught that she made a decision immediately: "Old Cao, it's not too late. We'll rush to the southeast camp overnight."

"Overnight?" Vice General Cao was slightly stunned, but seeing Fang Zilan's serious expression, he nodded quickly and said, "I'll go get the horse right away."

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