Chapter 136
Fang Zilan turned around and walked behind the crowd, just in time to see Fang Lihui who was repeatedly playing with the folding fan in his hand, his fingers rubbed the fan pendant, and the color of emerald jade became more and more vivid under his caress.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your cousin?" Her voice was very soft, as if a ball of cotton wool fell on Fang Lihui's heart.

He let go of the fan pendant and let it follow the folding fan in a beautiful arc, raised his head still cynically, "There is nothing to say goodbye to."

"Really?" Fang Zilan shook her head with a half-smile, "Fang Liren and Warners, where are they going?"

"Yancheng." Fang Lihui said concisely, and Fang Zilan tilted his head thoughtfully, "The border between Dajing and Miluo? There are many rainy days in such a small southern city."

She left these words and left without looking back, leaving only Fang Lihui standing in place.

After a while Fang Lihui ran out as if remembering something, and saw Fang Liren and Warners at the gate of the embassy who had packed up and were about to leave.

He ran in a hurry, breathless, and spoke intermittently, "Cousin! You..."

Fang Liren saw him, walked up to him patiently, patted his back, and signaled him to catch his breath before speaking.

"Are you...really going to Yancheng?" Fang Lihui looked anxious, and Fang Liren smiled faintly, "That's right, Warners left Persia, and I left Dajing. It's only fair to stay away from my homeland."

"Cousin!" Fang Lihui raised his voice. He never understood why his cousin was so obsessed with the word "fairness".

Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui with a good temper. He tightly held the folding fan in his hand, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence, "It's raining in Yancheng."

"I know." Fang Liren smiled dotingly, "Is Lihui worried that my old injury will recur?"

"No." Fang Lihui turned his head away, looking awkward like a child, "A remote town like Yancheng, where you and Miss Sassan are delicate and expensive, can you get used to it?"

"Lihui." Fang Liren called Fang Lihui's name in a low voice, but he turned his head even more violently, "This is a long way to go, cousin and Miss Sassan take care all the way."

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave, but Fang Liren's voice sounded behind him, "Lihui, I'm fine with what I said. From now on, you will be alone in Fang's house, and no one will protect you. You must be more careful. Fight as hard as you want."

Fang Lihui stopped in his tracks, his tone trembling a bit, "Those who are leaving, why are you still talking nonsense?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a chuckle, and when he looked up, he saw Fang Zilan leaning against the railing with an indescribably playful expression.

Before Fang Lihui had an attack, Fang Zilan walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder, and said to Fang Liren, "What do you mean no one is protecting you? Mr. Fang may have forgotten that all my money was invested in the Fang family. I can't take care of my property?"

Hearing this, Fang Lihui obviously froze in place. Fang Liren clasped his fists and saluted, with a look of gratitude in his eyes, "That's it, thank you, Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "You're welcome, I wish Mr. Fang and Miss Sassan a smooth trip, and they will be safe, happy and healthy in the future."

The carriage gradually drifted away, and slowly drove out of people's sight, leaving only smoke and dust on the ground.

Fang Lihui tapped Fang Zilan's hand on his shoulder lightly with a folding fan, and said helplessly: "Everyone is gone, Master Fang, can you let go?"

Fang Zilan retracted her hands and stood up straight. Seeing that she was no longer on guard, Fang Lihui said again: "Master Fang, are you so afraid of my troubles?"

She didn't answer, and Fang Lihui continued on his own, "I won't stop it. If you can't keep it, you won't be able to keep it. No matter what you do, it will be futile."

Fang Zilan watched him shake the folding fan again, and he returned to his appearance as a dandy, and left her sight.

As soon as Fang Lihui left, Duguxin walked up behind her, "Lord Fang, Your Majesty's handwriting has arrived."

"So fast?" Fang Zilan turned around and looked at Dugu Xin, "But what about my northern border?"

"That's right." Dugu Xin nodded and said, "Your Majesty ordered Huangfuchen to be dismissed and investigated, and Wang Qibin appointed as Deputy Protector of the North. Qi Yuming was fined for one year's salary for his ineffectiveness."

"Wang Qibin, Lord Wang Quanzhi's son?" Fang Zilan murmured to himself, but Duguxin heard him, "Exactly. But Qi Yuming was punished as well. Doesn't Lord Fang care?"

"Even General Dugu knows that Qi Yuming is the one I saved, so how could he not care about it?" Fang Zilan shook her head with a helpless expression, "If Qi Yuming is not punished, I'm afraid the Huangfu family will not be able to explain it."

"Did Master Fang request it?" Dugu Xin looked surprised, he did not expect Fang Zilan to be so well versed in the way of balance.

However, Fang Zilan smiled, "Who knows. Probably His Majesty knows that my temper is easy to offend people, so help me out of selfishness."

"Your Majesty?" Dugu Xin had a look of doubt on his face, Fang Zilan still just smiled, "After all, I was sent by His Majesty to the northern border, so His Majesty will not ignore me, will he?"

Knowing that she didn't want to talk in depth, Dugu Xin didn't say much, and left after a few polite words.

Fang Zilan stood on the porch for a while before seeing A Wan who came to look for her. Seeing that she was fine, A Wan breathed a sigh of relief, "I said, Master Fang, can you say hello in advance if you are leaving, so as not to hurt me?" A meal is easy to find."

"Isn't it that I can't cope with that kind of situation? It's best to leave it to Ayu, and I'll come out to breathe." Fang Zilan said lightly, but Awan was angry, "Yes, what are you really doing? It all makes sense."

Fang Zilan took Awan's hand with a smile, "Okay, Awan, don't be angry, I will take you to eat delicious food."

Awan frowned slightly, "Aren't you going to say hello to Mr. Zhuge and the others? What about Patriarch Sasan?"

"Ah Yu was there to support the scene, and I'm going to add to the chaos." Fang Zilan waved her hand innocently, "What's more, Patriarch Sassan is sad. What kind of trouble should I run into at this time? It's better to hide as far away as possible."

A Wan let Fang Zilan lead her away from the Persian embassy, ​​thinking about it as she walked, "Isn't Warners the only daughter of Patriarch Sassanid? She just left, what should Patriarch Sasanian do for an old man, how pitiful what."

"Not only children can't be kept, but anyone can't be kept." Fang Zilan sighed faintly, and A Wan tugged at her hand, "I'll just say it casually, why are you so emotional?"

"I'm just talking casually." Fang Zilan raised the corners of her mouth, but Awan only felt reluctant, so she simply kept silent.

It took her a long time to hear Fang Zilan's voice again, "A Wan is not curious about where we are going?"

"It's fine to go anywhere." A Wan blurted out, shaking Fang Zilan's arm violently without any explanation, "I will stay by your side, at least until you are well."

Fang Zilan looked at the young girl's childish face with indescribable firmness, she pursed her lips and smiled peacefully, "That's enough."

 Fang Lihui: After all, I can't keep the one I want to go... Forget it, I am enough for this road.

  Fang Zilan: I am different.This road is accompanied by A Wan~ (Proud.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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