Don't ask where people go

Chapter 137 Xiahou

Chapter 137 Xiahou
In the next few days, no matter whether it was Fang Lihui returning to Beijing or Sassan Patriarch returning to Persia, Fang Zilan did not show up because of his serious injuries, and took A Wan and Vice General Cao to eat and drink in Xiguan City every day, so he was very happy.

That day, she and A Wan were drinking tea in the Yingchun Building, and before sitting down for a while, she saw Deputy General Cao leading Zhuge Yu coming to them.

She raised her hand to beckon Zhuge Yu to sit down, but she saw Zhuge Yu sitting down with a flick of her sleeves, his expression was not as calm as usual, but with a vague displeasure.

Seeing this, A Wan and Deputy General Cao found an excuse to leave with great winking.After the two left, Fang Zilan couldn't help asking curiously: "What's wrong with Ayu?"

"Big Sister Lan seems to have a leisurely life these days." Zhuge Yu's tepid words made her laugh out loud, "Ah Yu, are you angry with me?"

"How dare I." Zhuge Yu said as he took out a brocade box from his arms and placed it squarely in front of her. "This is what the Sassan family asked me to hand over to you. If you want anything in the future, you can do it." Take this token to Persia to meet the Sasanian family."

Fang Zilan casually picked up the brocade box, weighed it and opened it, only to see a gold and jade pendant inside, engraved with the family emblem of the Sassanian family.

She took it out and held it in her hand while playing with it, and asked, "How many times can this thing be used?"

"Only one time." Zhuge Yu took the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea, "Sister Lan has to put it away, this thing is a life-saving talisman."

"Life-saving talisman?" Fang Zilan smiled, and put the pendant in the brocade box casually, "I prefer to say that it is Aladdin's magic lamp for wishing."

"What is that?" Zhuge Yu looked puzzled, but Fang Zilan just smiled, "It's nothing, the fairy tales in my hometown are all just for fun."

Although she spoke lightly, her actions were very delicate.After putting away the brocade box as it was, she looked at Zhuge Yu and said, "It's a matter here, Ah Yu will be returning to Beijing in two days, right?"

Zhuge Yu nodded, "I'm going back. There will be many affairs in Beijing and China at the end of the year, and I can't escape."

Seeing that his expression was serious, Fang Zilan couldn't help asking: "Looking at Ayu's appearance, is there something different at the end of this year from previous years?"

"Your Majesty has been on the throne for more than a year. It's time for Xiahou's family to enter the capital." Zhuge Yu coughed, "I just don't know who will enter the capital for Xiahou's family."

Fang Zilan frowned, "It stands to reason that the nine ministers who are stationed abroad will go to Beijing to report on their duties at the end of each year. However, Xia Hou's family seems to have never heard of their coming to Beijing."

"Sister Lan didn't go to Beijing at the end of last year either?" Zhuge Yu hit the nail on the head, and Fang Zilan laughed helplessly, "I'm different, I can't leave because there are so many things going on in the north."

Zhuge Yu understood, and didn't ask any further questions, but continued, "It's not that Xiahou's family has never been to Beijing. In the year when Concubine Yugui passed away, Xiahou Yunzhao, who was the head of Xiahou's family at that time, came to Beijing. It was also at that time, She resigned as Patriarch and passed the throne to her younger brother Xiahou Mingxun."

Fang Zilan interjected, "Concubine Yu, is Your Majesty's biological mother?"

Zhuge Yu didn't care about her impolite behavior, nodded slightly and said: "That's right. Later Emperor Tai'an was seriously ill, and Xiahou Mingxun went to Beijing, and it was reported that Emperor Tai'an passed on to Emperor Ningshun, but left a secret decree Emperor Ning Shun will tell His Majesty a hundred years later. This time, it is the third time that the Xiahou family has entered Beijing."

"No wonder Ah Yu is so cautious. Xiahou's family really doesn't want to go to Beijing because it's a serious matter." Fang Zilan relaxed, and his tone was a little teasing, "Let's guess, who will come to Beijing this time?"

"Sister Lan, who do you think it could be?" Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan, she still had a leisurely attitude, "It's either Xiahou Yunzhao or Xiahou Mingxun, but usually the head of the family comes to Beijing. I guess Xiahou Mingxun's More likely."

"Not necessarily." Zhuge Yu shook his head, with obvious disapproval in his expression, "Sister Lan said one person was missed."

"Did you miss it?" Fang Zilan was stunned, and put her hand on her chin for a moment of thought. She didn't hear that Xiahou's family changed hands, so how could she say it?

Seeing that she was silent, Zhuge Yu opened his mouth, "Xiahou Yunzhao's husband, Xie Chen. Xie Chen was also a famous figure in Baiyue at the beginning, but now he is willing to guard the back of Xiahou's house and work in Yancheng. What about an unknown teacher?"

Fang Zilan said as if remembering something: "I've heard of Xie Chen, and he's also an infatuated person. It is said that he once refused Princess Baiyue's marriage just to be Xiahou Yunzhao's military adviser. If it weren't for him and Xiahou Yunzhao, I'm afraid that the former King Pingnan would not be buried in the deep sea."

"Xie Chen is indeed a character." Zhuge Yu nodded in agreement, "The change of the Xia family's surname to Xiahou is his handiwork. As for the imperial edict of Emperor Tai'an, I'm afraid it has something to do with him."

There was too much information in one sentence, which stunned Fang Zilan, "Ah Yu, can you tell me in detail?"

Zhuge Yu eloquently said, "It is inconvenient to tell the old stories of the previous dynasty. Whether King Pingnan died at the hands of Xia's army or in civil strife, I am afraid that only the person involved will know. But not long after Emperor Tai'an came to the throne, Baiyue was in turmoil and the people were struggling to survive. Xie Chen In order to keep the Xia clan, he even proposed to change his surname to Xiahou. I heard that Xia Yunzhao scolded Xie Chen in Yancheng for his traitor Qiurong, wishing to kill him, but in the end he compromised for the safety of the clan. "

Fang Zilan was surprised to hear this, and asked, "Is that when Concubine Yugui entered the palace?"

"That's right. Xiahou Yunzhao has a marriage contract with Xie Chen, otherwise she would have been the one who entered the palace." Zhuge Yu said with a bit of embarrassment, "He was originally a general from a foreign clan, and Xiahou Yunzhao stayed in Baiyue to avoid suspicion. , while Xie Chen stayed at Yancheng Villa and became a teacher."

"I know Yancheng Villa, it's in Yancheng." Fang Zilan said impatiently: "Yancheng was originally the territory of Miluo Kingdom. Who would have thought that Yancheng became a place where no one managed it because of the domestic turmoil in Miluo hundreds of years ago. As for Yancheng Villa, that is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there have been many dignitaries from Miluo, Dachu and Baiyue in hundreds of years, I heard that Xie Chen is a student of Yancheng Villa?"

"More than that, Dajing has been in power for decades, and there are many dignitaries in the court who are students of Yancheng Villa." Zhuge Yu added, Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, "Ah Yu is also a student of Yancheng Villa?"

Zhuge Yu nodded in agreement, Fang Zilan shook his head with a smile, "No wonder no one dares to take care of such a small town, and the entangled dignitaries have all studied there, who dares to rule easily?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu said slowly: "Although that's the case, Xie Chen and Xiahou Yunzhao are taking care of the current Yancheng Villa."

Fang Zilan was thirsty, took the teacup and drank it down in one gulp, then looked at Zhuge Yu, "Ah Yu, I always feel that you missed something."

"What?" Zhuge Yu looked at her patiently, only to see her ponder for a moment and said: "Just now you mentioned the imperial edict of Emperor Tai'an, which is related to Xie Chen?"

 One of the nine noble families—Xiahou’s family, a legend that will forever live in the people of the world

(End of this chapter)

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