Don't ask where people go

Chapter 138 Chapter Jing

Chapter 138 Returning to Beijing
"This is a rumor in the market. After all, the timing of Xiahou Mingxun's entry to Beijing and Emperor Tai'an's edict was too coincidental, and someone met Xie Chen in the capital at that time. It is inevitable that people will not think too much. What has Sister Lan heard?"

Zhuge Yu's eyes were deep, Fang Zilan shook his head violently, "No, I'm just asking casually."

She said this, but she thought of the night when Li Shengxuan asked her to steal the will, and she didn't know what the Empress Dowager said to him, which made him lose his composure like that.

Seeing her lost consciousness, Zhuge Yu called out, "Sister Lan?"

She responded and prevaricated a few words, "I was just thinking, what kind of people are Xiahou Yunzhao and Xie Chen?"

"I met them when I was studying in Yancheng Mountain Villa when I was young. Xie Chen is noble and Xiahou Yunzhao is free and easy. They are completely different." Zhuge Yu answered seriously, but Fang Zilan had another thought, "Such two Personally, if there is a chance, I would really like to meet."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Zhuge Yu took a sip of his tea, changed the subject calmly, and told her what he had heard in Persia in the western region these days.

Fang Zilan knew that Zhuge Yu's order would stop soon, and she would never talk about the old affairs of the court with her in depth, and she no longer struggled to follow Zhuge Yu's words.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, what she had been muttering about seeing Xiahou Yunzhao and Xie Chen actually came true.

She originally thought that Zhuge Yu would see him off when he left, so she would go back to the northern border by the way, but she didn't expect Zhuge Yu to come to her first, with an unprecedentedly serious expression: "Your Majesty wants you to come back to Beijing with me." .”

"Ayu, don't joke with me." Fang Zilan waved her hands in disbelief, but Zhuge Yu showed the shining imperial decree in front of her, and she didn't come back to her senses after reading it for a long time, "What do you mean, Your Majesty? "

"Xiahou Yunzhao, Xie Chen and Xiahou Mingxun are going to Beijing, Your Majesty wants you to go back." Zhuge Yu put away the imperial decree and stuffed it into her hand, "Sister Lan wants to see them? The opportunity is in your hands."

"No..." Fang Zilan frowned, "If I go to Beijing, what will happen to the northern border?"

"Your Majesty said, the northern border is peaceful, and it's not a big deal without Sister Lan." Zhuge Yu smiled slyly, and Fang Zilan jumped in anger, "What do you call your majesty, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

"Sister Lan has been in Xiguan City for such a long time, apart from the matter of Huangfuchen, is there a moment of unrest in the northern border?" Zhuge Yu smiled even wider, "What's more, Lord Zhong Yao and Lord Qi Yuming handled Huangfuchen's matter very well. Sure, sister Lan, what worries do you have?"

Fang Zilan shook her head angrily, "Forget it, I will go to Beijing when I go to Beijing. Anyway, I will go back to the north when Xiahou's family leaves Beijing."

"Not necessarily." Zhuge Yu's expression was a little unpredictable, Fang Zilan couldn't help but leaned forward, "What does A Yu say is not necessarily?"

"Going back to Beijing this time..." Zhuge Yu paused, with complicated expressions in his eyes, "I'm afraid sister Lan won't have to go back to the north again."

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan felt uneasy, but Zhuge Yu didn't continue. He stared at the person in front of him with mixed emotions in his heart.

It is not difficult for him to guess why the three members of Xiahou's family came to Beijing at the same time, and he can also guess Li Shengxuan's thoughts.

He knew that Li Shengxuan had finally made up his mind to hand over power to Fang Zilan.

But if Fang Zilan really couldn't believe it, Li Shengxuan's move would be a serious disaster, and there would be no turning back.

Compared with Zhuge Yu's preoccupation, Fang Zilan took A Wan and Vice-General Cao along the way more like a tourist traveling in the mountains and rivers. When he was on the road every day, he didn't forget to wander around, and he would bring some for Zhuge Yu back to the post. Specialties or novelty gadgets.

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan's objects piled up in front of him, and shook his head involuntarily, "Sister Lan, is this coaxing a child?"

Fang Zilan pointed at the objects on the table nonchalantly and said with a smile: "I order another one according to A Wan's preferences, and you can keep whichever you like. Give me the ones you don't like, and I will play with it."

"Fang Zilan." Zhuge Yu had never called her by name like this before, making her straighten involuntarily, like a child who has done something wrong, and said awkwardly: "I just think that the children in the high school compound The family education is strict, and I guess I didn't have much chance to get in touch with market stuff since I was a child, so I'll give you a fresh picture..."

"I'm not a child." Zhuge Yu softened his tone, looking very helpless.

Fang Zilan's eyes fell on the table, and she sighed in dismay, "Why is he not a child anymore, my cousin is also your age, although he is a bit cold on weekdays, but if he sees this, he will feel more or less worried Will be happy."

"Sister Lan has a cousin?" Zhuge Yu's expression became more inquisitive, Fang Zilan consciously slipped his words, waved his hand and said: "Yes, there is, but they have been separated for many years."

Zhuge Yu's face was a little cold, "I heard what Sister Lan said just now, it doesn't seem like they have been separated for many years."

Fang Zilan bit her lip, wishing she could slap herself. The cousin she was talking about was a cousin in another world, not the intricate relationship of the Fang family in this world.

Zhuge Yu didn't fully trust her yet, why did she say such things out of nowhere?
Seeing that Zhuge Yu's expression had darkened, Fang Zilan's heart was overwhelmed, and she said angrily, "Forget it, A Yu, if you don't like it, I'll just take it away." After she finished speaking, she was going to take away all the items on the table.

Who knows that before she touched her hand, Zhuge Yu smiled slightly and said: "Is there any reason to take back the things you give away? I accept these things from Sister Lan. If Sister Lan finds her cousin in the future, Just buy him a new one."

Fang Zilan nodded, and Zhuge Yu's heart was shaken by his happy face.He knew that she was the object of suspicion, but he relaxed his guard a little bit when she approached her so simple and clumsy again and again.

It's not that he didn't think that she might be trying to please her on purpose, or that she might be playing tricks on the occasion, and it's not that he didn't think that she might harbor evil intentions, but she never had ulterior motives, on the contrary, she was so innocent that people could see through it at a glance, so She made him unable to fully doubt.

"I'll be in the capital in two days. You still won't tell me, Ayu, why does Your Majesty want me to go to Beijing?" Fang Zilan's voice interrupted Zhuge Yu's thoughts, and the smile on his face faded a little, " It's not that I don't want to say it, it's just that I can't be sure of His Majesty's intentions, so I can only ask His Majesty to tell you personally after returning to Beijing."

Fang Zilan rested her chin on her hand, and looked at Zhuge Yu leisurely, "Since it is impossible to be sure, it means that Ayu has already guessed in his mind, you might as well talk to me first, so that I can have an idea in my heart."

"Do you really want to listen?" Zhuge Yu looked at her steadfastly, her serious tone made her feel a little apprehensive, but she still said bravely: "Ah Yu wants to say, so I will listen."

 Fang Zilan: It's chapter 138, and I can finally return to Beijing.I'm really having a hard time...

(End of this chapter)

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