Don't ask where people go

Chapter 144 Rumors

Chapter 144 Rumors
"Your Majesty?" There was a hint of sarcasm in Fang Ziqin's smile, and it was more pitiful, "Whether it is Your Majesty or that person, they are just using you. Do you really trust them?"

"Believe it." Fang Zilan said without hesitation, "Just don't make a mistake, empress, I believe in myself."

The calm expression in her eyes was clear at a glance, Fang Ziqin looked at her blankly, took a step back involuntarily, and sighed for a long time.

"If the empress has nothing else to do, I'll take my leave first." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "It's cold in winter, the empress should not blow the wind outside for too long."

She bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

However, just after she came out of Fengyi Palace, she ran into Xiahou's family walking around in the palace.

Xiahou Yunzhao stood under a plum tree with arms folded, Xie Chen stood beside her as if saying something to her, Xiahou Mingxun winked at Xiahou Yunzhao after seeing Fang Zilan.

Xiahou Yunzhao and Xie Chen looked over together, and Fang Zilan couldn't pretend not to see it, so she took the initiative to say hello to the three of them, and said with a smile, "What a coincidence, we meet again."

"It's not a coincidence. I'm looking for you, Mr. Fang." Xiahou Yunzhao smiled politely, "I have something to say to Mr. Fang. I don't know if Mr. Fang can save me some face?"

"You are welcome, General Xiahou." Fang Zilan stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, Xiahou Yunzhao took two steps and suddenly turned to Xie Chen and Xiahou Mingxun, "Don't follow me when women talk, I will be back soon .”

As she spoke, she pulled Fang Zilan's wrist and walked out quickly.

Xia Hou Yunzhao let go of Fang Zilan only when there was no one around, "I have offended you so much before, I hope Mr. Fang will not be offended."

"Before?" Fang Zilan's eyes showed a trace of inquiry, and Xiahou Yunzhao smiled slyly, "Your Majesty's decision is difficult, so I have to help him make up his mind. After all, Xiahou's family is too seated in the position of the Ninth Duke." It's been a long time, it's time to come down."

Fang Zilan smiled slightly and said, "It's only been a few decades since the founding of Dajing, not to mention Xiahou's family, how can General Xiahou talk about a long time?"

"Xiahou's family's original name is Xia, and they are former ministers of Baiyue. I think Mr. Fang has heard all these old stories, so I have nothing to say." Xiahou Yunzhao smiled, and his expression became lighter, "It's just that we foreigners, even if Returning to Dajing is always controversial. Ayu married into the palace wall, and I will not go out of Baiyue's old land for nothing, and I can't stop the rumors."

Fang Zilan spoke out to comfort him, "General Xiahou is so calm and bright, why should he care what other people say?"

Xiahou Yunzhao shook her head, "I don't care, but some people will. Although Ayu was favored in the palace, she was always depressed. She passed away when His Majesty was young. And His Majesty has been living in gossip all these years when he grew up. , Being exiled in the shadow of swords and swords on the battlefield is very hard. There are different opinions on Emperor Tai'an's edict, and the world says that I, Xiahou Yunzhao, threatened Xie Chen and lured him to make it. In fact, he still has a heart for Ayu's mother and son. "

She suddenly paused for a while, sighed softly and said: "It's rare that the emperor wants it, and my Xiahou family is not willing to let it down. No matter what outsiders say these years, as long as I Xiahou Yunzhao is alive, I will stick to it By His Majesty's side, no one will let anyone shake his position. However, now that His Majesty holds the power of the world, and the Xiahou family can stand him, it is time to retire. I also promised Xie Chen that when Your Majesty has something available I will be able to go home with him without worrying about the world without killing him."

Fang Zilan listened quietly, and after a while, she slowly opened her mouth and said: "I have also heard about what happened back then, if Master Xie had not turned against General Xiahou and returned to Dajing, Baiyue would not have been easily destroyed, nor would Concubine Yugui and His Majesty. Falling into the game of chess in Dajing. Dare I ask General Xiahou if he ever regretted it?"

"Baiyue will be destroyed sooner or later. The world is a chess game and everyone is a chess piece. No matter where I am, I can't be alone." Xiahou Yunzhao smiled, "Master Fang understands, doesn't he? In fact, we are all struggling with our fate. people, nothing more than this."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: "Has General Xiahou ever hated Mr. Xie?"

As soon as she said something, she felt that it was inappropriate, but the question was so straightforward, there was no room for change.

"Do you hate it? It seems that Master Fang also misunderstood something." Xia Hou Yunzhao smiled slightly, "But it's okay to tell Master Fang. Xie Chen was far-sighted, and he saw clearly than anyone else that there was no future for Baiyue at that time. Although It is true that defection is not done by a gentleman, but he bears all the infamy just to find a way out for the Xia family and me. I have known him for many years, and he has never hurt me in the wind and rain several times from the beginning to the end. How can I be willing to hate him ?”

Fang Zilan looked at the frank and upright person in front of him, and couldn't help feeling admiration welling up in her heart.

Xiahou Yunzhao's broad-mindedness is her confidence in herself.Perhaps she is also an involuntary pawn in the chess game, but she is not afraid of any storms and can deal with it freely.Such a person should live in the legendary stories in the streets and alleys, and be praised from generation to generation.

"Master Fang?" Xiahou Yunzhao called out and pulled Fang Zilan back from her thoughts, "If you have no doubts, how about walking back with me?"

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded, and followed Xiahou Yunzhao in silence, only to hear her chuckle and say: "Lord Fang, don't worry about the future is unclear. I believe in His Majesty's vision, and you have to believe in yourself. After all, you are Wouldn’t it be easy for the person who defeated me to take over Xiahou’s family?”

Fang Zilan waved his hands and said: "General Xiahou didn't do his best just now, so my victory is nothing if not a fluke."

"You don't have to be humble. Although I lost, I did my best." Xia Hou Yunzhao smiled a little, and an inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes, which seemed to be reminiscence and more like nostalgia. In 30, when I was the same age as you, I was used to fighting fiercely, so it's hard to say who will win."

Xiahou Mingxun saw Xiahou Yunzhao and Fang Zilan coming back from a distance, Xie Chen seemed relieved to see them coming, and said goodbye to Fang Zilan after a few polite words.

Fang Zilan looked at their backs, and heard Xie Chen ask Xiahou Yunzhao: "Zhaozhao and Master Fang have been away for a long time, what did they say?"

He also heard Xiahou Yunzhao say: "Xie Chen, you miss me so much because you haven't seen me for a while? How could you not guess what we said with your intelligence?"

On the other side, Xiahou Mingxun's tone was rather helpless, "Sister, brother-in-law is not worried about you?"

"He didn't say anything, why are you complaining for him?" Xia Hou Yunzhao's voice was a little teasing.

Fang Zilan didn't listen carefully to what was said later, but felt that the three of them had lost the aloofness and arrogance rumored by the outside world, and their lively and lively appearance was particularly gentle and moving.

 The legend in the eyes of the outside world is rumored, but to the person concerned, it is just a daily life of single-handedly breaking through the chaos.

  Day after day, year after year, nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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