Chapter 145
Fang Zilan turned around to leave, but Xiahou Yunzhao's words kept lingering in her mind, so she changed her mind before reaching the palace gate, turned around and walked back.

She avoided the guards and quietly appeared in front of the door of the Imperial Study Room. The hand knocking on the door stopped in mid-air, and after thinking for a while, she finally knocked.

"Come in." Li Shengxuan's voice came out, Fang Zilan pushed the door open and entered.

When Li Shengxuan saw her, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he returned to his usual indifference in an instant, "Even in the palace, Mr. Fang is like entering a land without people, and he is really capable."

She came forward rashly knowing that she was wrong, and felt a little guilty by what he said, she forgot to salute for a while, lowered her head and dared not look at him, and said in a low voice: "I have something to ask Your Majesty."

Li Shengxuan stood up and walked in front of Fang Zilan, seeing her hesitant look, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, "What do you want to ask me?"

She took a step back and opened the distance, "I want to ask His Majesty, and I also want to ask King Xiang."

She bit her lip, as if she had made great determination, she looked up at Li Shengxuan and said, "The night His Royal Highness King Xiang came back from the northern border to enter the palace, what did the Empress Dowager say to make him lose his composure like that?" ?”

Li Shengxuan looked at the person in front of him firmly, and he was as bold as ever, "Fang Zilan, do you know what you are asking?"

"It's related to Xiahou's family, right?" Fang Zilan kept asking, Li Shengxuan's hand hidden in his sleeve clenched into a fist, "Do you really think I won't kill you?"

Her indomitable expression remained firm as before, "If Your Majesty really wants me to take over Xiahou Yunzhao's position, I must know the truth."

"It has nothing to do with your taking over." Li Shengxuan let go, but his expression was extremely gloomy.

Fang Zilan tentatively asked, "Is that related to Concubine Yugui?"

Li Shengxuan's eyes were full of hostility, "Fang Zilan, you are so courageous."

Fang Zilan stood up straight without giving in, "I can replace Xiahou Yunzhao as the sword in His Majesty's hands, but I can't be a sword that doesn't know anything."

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, Fang Zilan tentatively said: "Your Majesty doesn't want to say, let me guess. There are quite a few complaints about Concubine Yu in the palace, saying that she is just an unknown pawn of Xiahou's family, because Emperor Tai'an is afraid of Xiahou Yun Zhao, only then will there be a noble concubine. The so-called ascending may not be far-sighted, but there are many people who have fallen seriously. The gossip about the jade noble concubine has been implicated by those who have a heart..."

"Shut up!" Li Shengxuan interrupted her aggressively, "As the son of Emperor Tai'an, the legitimate ruler of the world, how can I be slandered by gossip?"

"Really?" Fang Zilan smiled suddenly, the clear and shallow smile was not bright, but warm enough, "It's good that His Majesty knows. Now the person who ascends is His Majesty, as long as Fang Zilan is by his side, he will protect His Majesty." Look far away."

Li Shengxuan stared blankly at the person in front of him, and she heard every word clearly and clearly, "Whether it's the empress dowager or other ministers, whether it's under the palace wall or above the court hall. , Whether it is within the capital or outside the four realms, His Majesty just needs to sit in a high position in the Ming Hall. I will be the sword in His Majesty's hand, sweep away all obstacles for His Majesty, and let His Majesty see farther."

The emperor sits in the bright hall, and the waiter keeps safe.

Suddenly, Li Shengxuan remembered what his father Emperor Tai'an said to him when he was a child.

At that time, he was only four years old, and he still couldn't understand what a waiter was.

His father told him that all generals, commanders and ministers are servants, and those who are the son of heaven should sit firmly on the temple, dispatch generals and prime ministers to be used by the world, and maintain a healthy and prosperous age.

It's just that in the past many years, no one has ever said such a word to him, no matter how many generals Zaifu.

But at this moment, these words were spoken from a person who made him most suspicious. Even though he knew that this might be just a high-sounding false promise, he felt inexplicably relieved.

He would rather listen to one side than believe it, and would like to put his family, life and world stability in her hands.

"Okay." Li Shengxuan's voice was very low, but the word "good" fell heavily on Fang Zilan's heart.

She knows that the way ahead is unclear, and betrayal and protection are just in her mind, but she is willing to give it a try.

As long as Li Shengxuan dared to entrust her, she would dare to make enemies of the world, including Ji Ningtian, for this entrustment.

Shocked by her almost absurd thoughts, she froze in place. Could she really do that?
Li Shengxuan looked down at Fang Zilan. The person who would say such a thing clearly could not conceal the confusion in his eyes at this moment. It turned out that she was just bluffing.

Fang Zilan looked at the corners of his raised lips and felt more and more flustered in her heart, but she still stood up straight, "Your Majesty is willing to..."

"I am willing." Li Shengxuan interrupted Fang Zilan's words casually. She clenched her fingers uneasily, and her nails drew crescents on the palm of her hand. "How does Your Majesty know what I want to say? After this response, I can't do it anymore." I regret it."

"No joke." Li Shengxuan smiled even wider, "I won't go back on my word, but you..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan couldn't help asking curiously, "What?"

"I climb high and look far, and the lonely family has no way to retreat. It's you..." Li Shengxuan paused, his eyes became deeper and deeper, "If you honor my promise, you will replace Xiahou Yunzhao, who is under one person and above ten thousand people. Position is a dilemma that everyone will target, are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of returning, so I can't stand still." Fang Zilan said frankly, "The position of the Lord of the North is certainly good, but I can't keep it forever. People, if you don't advance, you will retreat."

"If you don't advance, you will retreat." Li Shengxuan laughed loudly, "You don't have to be afraid, from now on, you have me."

Looking at Fang Zilan's stunned look, he felt suddenly enlightened.All the gossip and rumors of the past seem to have disappeared.

He didn't tell anyone that the Empress Dowager said that his biological mother, Concubine Yugui, had private affairs with others that night, and that he was not the son of Emperor Tai'an.

He had heard such words many times, but it was the first time that he spoke with certainty.

It's not that he hasn't thought about asking Xiahou Yunzhao for proof, but no matter what the truth is, he doesn't dare to pursue it at all.How many times he dreamed back in the middle of the night, and when he woke up, he was all uneasy, but now her words dispelled all his doubts.

Regardless of the truth, he is the one who ascended.Climbing should look far away instead of looking back, the past is gone.

Xiahou's family resigned and left Beijing, and Fang Zilan took over.After today, she will escort him, bring Qianqiu's scenery into the capital, and engrave his name of Li Shengxuan.

 The past cannot be admonished, but the coming can still be pursued.

  Whenever possible, please look forward.

(End of this chapter)

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