Don't ask where people go

Chapter 146 Trapped Beast

Chapter 146 Trapped Beast
"The members of Xiahou's family returned to the old land of Baiyue after not staying in Beijing for a while. They have not been in the capital for several years, as if they were afraid that His Majesty would go back on their word."

When A Wan and Fang Zilan said this, Li Shengxuan's appointment and rewards had already come down.The two of them were wandering around in Li Shengxuan's new house, to see if there was anything else that needed to be repaired or added.

Fang Zilan shook her head helplessly, and preached: "Awan, the capital city is no better than the northern border, so you must be cautious in your words and deeds."

"I know. But now there is no one else, so it doesn't matter if I say a few words?" A Wan curled her lips, Fang Zilan looked serious, "Who says there is no one else?"

A Wan was wondering, so she heard Fang Zilan say, "Since you're here, why don't you show up?"

Wu Qing's figure appeared in front of the two of them, she smiled slightly and said, "Fang Zilan, you are really sharp."

"Wu Qing, with your skill, why do you have to pretend to be mysterious in front of me?" Fang Zilan's face was unkind, and Wu Qing was not annoyed, "Young master is inconvenient to come here in person, so you want me to come to congratulate Mr. Fang. Congratulations to Mr. Fang for fulfilling his wish. Become Li Shengxuan's indispensable reliance."

Fang Zilan sneered, "Isn't the one who gets what he wants, the son?"

"Fang Zilan, be careful." Wu Qing smiled and looked a little cold, "You know best how the young master treats you, don't let him down."

"Your words have been brought, it's time to go." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "I will not send you far."

Wu Qing coughed lightly, and said in a deep voice: "I will leave naturally after I finish my words. The young master has an order, ordering you to get the half of the white jade tiger talisman from Xiahou's family as soon as possible."

"Got it." Fang Zilan clenched her fingers, her expression cold.

Seeing this, Wu Qing didn't stay any longer, and left in a flash.

"Fang Zilan, the white jade tiger talisman can adjust one hundred thousand soldiers and horses in the southeast, will His Majesty really give it to you?" A Wan's tone was full of uncertainty, Fang Zilan clenched her fingers even tighter, and her knuckles turned white showing her inner anxiety .

In fact, she didn't tell anyone that when she broke into the imperial study on the day of the palace banquet, Li Shengxuan gave her half of the white jade tiger talisman he had taken back from Xiahou Mingxun.

"Who knows." Fang Zilan's face was solemn, "I can only take one step at a time."

"That's right." A Wan said with concern: "When you were in the northern border, you didn't have military power, so you were regarded as a thorn in the side of so many people. Now you are in the capital. If you are in a high position and have military power, you will surely set off a bigger storm."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and Awan continued chattering, "Just now Wu Qing mentioned the young master to you, why did you react like this?"

"What?" Fang Zilan asked absently.

A Wan pouted, and asked bluntly, "Don't you like Young Master?"

Don't like it?

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, she thought that all her feelings for Ji Ningtian came from the ancient Fang Zilan's own heart, but after meeting Ji Ningtian several times, she couldn't tell who the feelings belonged to. .

But no matter what, she knew in her heart that maybe Fang Zilan and Ji Ning had a sincere relationship in the past, but now it is just a fantasy, a dream.

After all, once the sincerity is tainted with power, it is just a pretense of playing on the spot.

She settled down and remembered the agreement she made with Li Shengxuan in the imperial study on the day of the palace banquet.

Now that she has made up her mind to remove all obstacles for Li Shengxuan and maintain the prosperity of the Taiping Camp for Dajing, then her whole body and mind will not and cannot belong to anyone anymore.

"Young master and I have our own things to do." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, "The so-called liking is just a young joke."

This side Fang Zilan and A Wan said so, the other side Wu Qing who returned to Ji Ningtian's face was no less tense than her.

After Ji Ningtian listened to Wu Qing's verbatim retelling, the corners of his lips curled up slightly: "Wu Qing, what do you think?"

Wu Qing looked hesitant, bowed her head and said: "Subordinates dare not speak nonsense."

Ji Ningtian smiled and frowned, rather displeased: "If you want to say it, just say it."

"Yes." Wu Qing nodded slightly and said: "This subordinate feels that her heart has changed, I'm afraid that in the future..."

She didn't continue, Ji Ningtian said: "It won't be used by me, will it?"

Hearing this, Wu Qing suddenly knelt down, "This subordinate made a mistake."

"She is my sword, if she can't be used by me, she will be destroyed in my hands." Ji Ningtian's eyes were full of sternness, "Did she fall in love with Li Shengxuan?"

"It doesn't seem to be." Wu Qing shook her head, "I can't tell, but I just feel that she has changed and become more and more unpredictable. My son, should we tell her about the previous court?"

"Tell her?" Ji Ningtian snorted coldly, "It's not honorable for the Li family to usurp power and the throne. What good things did those old things of the Ji family do? Telling her will only make her firmly follow Li Shengxuan's heart."

"What's your master's plan?" Wu Qing asked tentatively, and Ji Ningtian suddenly smiled, "Wu Qing, have you ever heard of a trapped beast still fighting?"

Wu Qing did not understand his intentions and did not dare to answer casually, she just listened to him continue to say, "If you want to put the trapped beast to death, you will not be surrounded by the net, you must leave a mouth alive so that the trapped beast can live hope, so we won’t fight to the death.”

Wu Qing asked cautiously: "My lord, what you mean is that Li Shengxuan seems to be the one who survived, but he is actually the last net of a trapped beast?"

The smile on Ji Ningtian's face was even wider, but there was no smile in his eyes at all, "She thought Li Shengxuan was a good person, but she didn't know that there was no kind person who could sit in the position of Lord of the World. It won't be long before she sees clearly If you see Li Shengxuan's true colors, you will naturally return to me when you are disheartened."

"The subordinates will send someone to keep an eye on her." Wu Qing said firmly, but Ji Ningtian said coldly: "No need. At least for now, she dare not openly disobey me."

"My lord..." Wu Qing wanted to say something, but when she saw Ji Ningtian waved her hand, signaling that she could go down, she immediately got up and left without daring to stay.

Wu Qing met Awan's master Wen Ya within a few steps out of the door. He looked Wu Qing up and down, and said with a smile on his face, "You just went to see her? Is my little apprentice okay?"

"Awan is fine." Wu Qing hurriedly said and turned to leave, but Wen Ya grabbed her sleeve, "Wu Qing, how is she?"

Wu Qing looked down at Wen Ya's hand, then flung it away fiercely, and said coldly: "Since both of you care about her so much, why don't you go and take a look for yourself to feel at ease."

"Wu Qing, you know very well that she is the sharpest sword in the ghost gate, and she can't make any mistakes." Wen Ya flicked his sleeves with a solemn expression, "Besides, the young master has feelings for her."

"I don't need you to remind me, I know how important she is." Wu Qing looked even colder and walked away, but before she left, she couldn't help but leave a sentence: "She doesn't look very good, A Wan is still young, I don't worry, you If you have time, go and take a look for her."

"You, you just have a cold face and a warm heart." Wen Ya's tone was joking, Wu Qing turned and left without saying a word.

Seeing Wu Qing leave, Wen Ya didn't delay anymore, and walked into the Hong'an Pavilion where Ji Ningtian was.

 Congratulations to Fang Zilan for mentioning a mansion in the capital!There should be applause here~
  What is the relationship between the new characters and the layer upon layer of relationships with Fang Zilan's fate?Please look forward to the capital chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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