Don't ask where people go

Chapter 147 Wen Ya

Chapter 147 Wen Ya
Ji Ningtian leaned on the soft couch, and didn't respond when he heard Wen Ya come in. He still closed his eyes and rested his mind in a leisurely posture.

It wasn't until Wen Ya's hand touched his pulse that he opened his eyes slowly after a while, "How?"

"I met Wu Qing just now, and Wu Qing said that her complexion is not very good, I guess it's true." Wen Ya knelt on the ground, and withdrew her hand unhurriedly, with an indescribably solemn expression, "Short For more than a year, she has been on the verge of life and death several times, fearing that the poisonous poison will devour her body, and her body will not be as good as before. Didn't you feel it too, Young Master?"

Ji Ningtian sat up straight, and smoothed his sleeves slowly, "Awan is too young, you should go and watch over her these two days, and take good care of her body."

"Master..." Wen Ya didn't agree, Ji Ningtian was a little impatient with his hesitant attitude, "What else do you want?"

As if she had made a great determination, Wen Ya said in a deep voice: "Young master's mother Gu, it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible."

"If the mother Gu on my body is removed, what will happen to the child Gu on her body?" Ji Ningtian looked indifferent, and Wen Ya's voice was a little lower, "If the mother Gu has no host, the child Gu will become weak. A dead end."

Ji Ningtian suddenly smiled brightly, but his eyes were filled with endless loneliness, "Why am I willing to let her die?"

Wen Ya's tone was obviously intolerable, "But with her physical condition, she can't last long. If the child Gu dies first, the host of the mother Gu will be severely injured, either dead or injured. Why bother..."

"Why bother?" Ji Ningtian chuckled, "You were the one who proposed planting the Gu, why didn't the host say anything now, but you regretted it first?"

Wen Ya said heartbrokenly: "It is true that I proposed the planting of Gu, but I said at the beginning that the choice of the host should be cautious. The child Gu chose her, and who would have thought that you would plant the mother Gu?" On myself. If there is something wrong with you, how can I have the face to see the Ji family's ancestor?"

Ji Ningtian lowered his eyes to look at the person kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile: "I said long ago, since the child Gu was planted on her body, the mother Gu can only be at ease if it is planted on me. In the gate of ghosts, All the old people from the previous dynasty said that she was a trapped beast entangled in Gu poison and I couldn't keep her in prison, but they didn't know that I was also a trapped beast willing to be bound with her."

"I know the young master has feelings for her." Wen Ya raised his head and looked directly at Ji Ningtian, "But the young master's ambition and grand plans are not as good as hers?"

"Wen Ya, don't get me wrong." The smile on Ji Ningtian's face faded, and his eyes were as cold as ever, "I am the one who gave up everything for the sake of dominance. But, between me and her, we She was chosen."

Wen Ya looked at Ji Ningtian steadfastly, and sighed, "That's honey, this is arsenic. She may not know the young master's sincerity."

"It doesn't matter whether she knows it or not." A trace of tenderness flashed in Ji Ningtian's eyes, but it was fleeting, "As long as she belongs to me and is the sharpest sword in my hand, I don't care about the rest."

"After the palace banquet a few days ago, the queen summoned her." Wen Ya changed her voice, and Ji Ning said calmly, "What did Fang Ziqin see her for?"

"The Fang family wants to protect her." Wen Ya said concisely, but Ji Ningtian's expression turned cold, "Protect her? The Fang family is used to protecting themselves, so they would think so? That's okay, what's her reaction?"

Wen Ya shook his head and said, "She doesn't want to."

"It's fine if she doesn't want to." Ji Ningtian leaned back again, "Anyway, with Li Shengxuan supporting her, it doesn't matter what the Fang family wants to do."

"My lord really thinks that Li Shengxuan will support her?" Wen Ya's face was full of doubts, and Ji Ningtian said leisurely: "Xiahou's family resigned, Li Shengxuan's most trusted person left, he will always try to accept the next one who can people who trust."

"But..." Wen Ya wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ji Ningtian, "It's nothing but, if Li Shengxuan can't protect her, wouldn't there be me?"

He looked natural, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, "As long as I'm here, she can do whatever she wants."

Besides, after Fang Zilan took Awan to see the new house and returned to the post house, he was full of worries for several days, and even Awan was very dull. Vice General Cao didn't know, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he could only prepare silently. Relocation matters.

During lunch that day, Ah Wan looked at Fang Zilan, who was silent and absent-minded at the table, and suddenly lost his appetite. Coldly said: "Miss Awan, eat well."

A Wan got angry from her heart, and slammed the bowls and chopsticks on the table, "Your boss hasn't finished half a bowl of rice in half an hour, don't you dare to say that she is angry with me?"

Deputy General Cao just wanted to explain a few words, when Fang Zilan put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up, "I'm done eating, you take your time."

"Fang Zilan, stop for me..." A Wan stood up and chased Fang Zilan to the door, but saw a familiar figure, couldn't help but weakened, and murmured: "Master..."

The visitor was wearing a green shirt, his long hair was tied loosely behind his head with a white jade hairpin, and the two strands of hair hung by his ears, making his facial features more refined and picturesque, and his whole body exudes a lazy and contented demeanor , it was Wen Ya.

Fang Zilan's eyes swept over the internal officials following Wen Ya, all of whom were around Li Shengxuan who could talk, so she knew what to do, so she glanced sideways at A Wan.

A Wan reacted and forced herself to justify herself: "My master has already said, how can you survive if you don't eat well in your physical condition?"

Seeing this, Wen Ya couldn't help laughing, and Shi Shiran saluted, "The imperial physician ordered Wen Ya to meet Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan stood by the door, and said coldly: "Master Wen came to visit, I don't know what you can do?"

There was a faint smile on Wen Ya's face, "Your Majesty ordered me to ask for Lord Fang's pulse, and please cooperate with Lord Fang."

Fang Zilan still stood at the same place, looking at the internal officials behind Wen Ya, Wen Ya understood and turned to them and said: "Please calm down the pulse, please wait outside for a moment, my lords."

After the internal officer nodded, Fang Zilan did not refuse, and led Wen Ya and A Wan into the house, and sent Deputy General Cao outside.

After the door was locked, A Wan dragged Wen Ya to the inner room, lowered his voice and asked, "Master, why are you here?"

With a smile on the corner of Wen Ya's lips, he took a meaningful look at Fang Zilan who was following behind them, "My lord is worried about the girl below, I have to see it in person to be at ease."

"To put it bluntly, you can't trust me." Like a discouraged ball, A Wan threw off Wen Ya's sleeve, rubbed against Fang Zilan's side, and said resentfully: "If Master thinks that my medical skills are too weak to use, why don't you treat me yourself?" Stay here, and let me go back to the ghost gate to stay."

Fang Zilan rubbed Awan's head, and said with a teasing smile, "I want your master to stay here, but unfortunately I can't."

 Fang Zilan: Multiple-choice questions are so difficult, I have to do fill-in-the-blank questions.

(End of this chapter)

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