Chapter 153
However, Fang Zilan and the others were busy with business and had no time to take care of Li Qiyou, so he left without staying for a while.

After finally waiting for Li Qiyou to leave, Fang Zilan couldn't help but quietly asked Zhuge Yu behind Pei Xiaoze's back: "Why does Lord Pei also participate in social dramas? As far as I know, Lord Pei has been an official in the court for at least four or five years. Not a newcomer."

Zhuge Yu lowered his voice and said: "During the New Year's drama, Gongqing's family must produce someone. The children of the next generation of the Pei family are too young to be on stage. Among the older generation, only Mr. Pei is the most humble She's easy to talk to, and doesn't get much attention from the Pei family, so Mr. Pei has participated in the New Year's dramas over the years."

Fang Zilan dared not believe it: "Master Pei is considered humble?"

Zhuge Yu coughed heavily, overshadowing Fang Zilan's words, and then his eyes signaled her to speak softly, "Even in the family of Gongqing, not everyone has a high status. Some people occupy high positions and others have low status. Most people in the world just follow the wind. It is not uncommon to make the rudder go up and step down."

Seeing her gloomy expression, Zhuge Yu couldn't help reminding, "Sister Lan, don't make trouble. Right now, your foundation is not stable and things are complicated. Don't meddle in other people's affairs."

"I know." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, "I don't know the reason and I can't empathize with other people's affairs, so I won't intervene at will. Don't worry, Ayu, I have a measure."

"That's good." Zhuge Yu felt relieved, and was interrupted by a voice when he wanted to say something more.

"Lord Fang, there is someone outside the house asking to see you." The clerk in the mansion walked towards the two of them and said hurriedly, "I hope you will forgive me for disturbing your lords. It's just that Deputy Cao from Lord Fang's house has been here for a long time and has been standing there. Outside the mansion, he refused to leave until he saw Mr. Fang. However, there are rules in the government office, military generals are not allowed to enter without being summoned. I have no choice but to send a message and ask Mr. Fang to make a decision."

"Old Cao, what is he here for?" Fang Zilan frowned, and Zhuge Yuyun said calmly, "Did Master Fang send Vice General Cao to do something today? He must have come to return."

"No." Fang Zilan's expression sank a little, "I did order him to go to Daying on the outskirts of Beijing to handle some errands, but my order was to go back to the residence and stand by for orders. If nothing happened, he would not come to me."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Mr. Document, "Please go and bring him in, sir."

Mr. Document took the order to leave, and Pei Xiaoze came over when he heard the movement, and asked with concern, "Master Fang, what happened?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan lost her expression, "It's just that the deputy general I sent to Daying in the suburbs of Beijing today is looking for me."

Zhuge Yu interjected and asked, "What is Deputy General Cao doing?"

"All the people in the army in Beijing are under the control of Lord Wei. If Lao Cao wants to enter my residence, he needs the consent of Lord Wei. I want him to go to Lord Wei to ask for documents." Fang Zilan explained a few words briefly.

Pei Xiaoze nodded and said, "It seems that Vice General Cao got the documents and returned to Master Fang."

"I don't think so." Zhuge Yu's expression darkened a bit, "Without His Majesty's consent, Lord Wei would not easily let Vice General Cao into Lord Fang's residence."

"Let's listen to what Lao Cao said." Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "If Master Wei refuses to let him go, I will go to Daying on the outskirts of Beijing and tell him in person."

However, after Mr. Document brought the person in, Fang Zilan could not help but see that the visitor's expression became a little dignified, and even his voice became a little bit more serious, and he said without anger: "Your Excellency is so courageous, how dare you pretend to be my deputy to see me?" , I wonder what your Excellency intends to do?"

As soon as she said this, Pei Xiaoze looked wary, and Zhuge Yu unabashedly looked at the visitor.He was dressed in a military uniform, but he was still young, so he was obviously not the Vice-General Cao who had been with Fang Zilan all the time.

Hearing this, the man looked embarrassed, shrank his neck and bravely said: "You are Mr. Fang, right? I am Wei Wei from Mr. Wei's battalion. I was under Deputy General Cao."

"Your surname is Wei, but you worked under Deputy General Cao?" Fang Zilan's expression became colder and his voice was as cold as ice, Wei Wei shivered in fright, and nodded hurriedly, "Yes, although my surname is Wei, I can't be regarded as one of Lord Wei's soldiers .”

Fang Zilan calmed down, and said coldly: "Vice General Cao asked you to come to me?"

Wei Wei nodded sharply, but shook his head violently as if remembering something, "Vice General Cao has been detained by Lord Wei, Lord Wei wants me to inform you, if you want Vice General Cao to come to your residence, please You go and ask Master Wei personally."

"What does it mean to be detained?" Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows coldly, with a gloomy expression, "Old Cao is also a lieutenant general with an official rank. Why do you, Master Wei, detain him?"

"This..." Wei Wei hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

Pei Xiaoze shook his head and said, "Master Fang has not been back to Beijing, so I'm afraid he still doesn't know about Lord Wei's temperament. Lord Wei has always been unpredictable, and he is used to doing things as he pleases. Let alone detaining Deputy General Cao for no reason, it is considered military law." If it's dealt with, I'm afraid no one will dare to comment."

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "In the capital city, in front of the Son of Heaven, there are people who can do whatever they want. I want to see it. So, Master Wei is here for me?"

Wei Wei didn't dare to answer, Zhuge Yu stepped forward and stood in front of Fang Zilan with a rare serious expression, "Master Fang, don't be impulsive."

Fang Zilan was not moved at all, instead of being angry, she smiled and said, "Since Mr. Wei is here for me, why not let me go with you?"

"Lord Fang..." Zhuge Yu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fang Zilan's deep voice, "Ah Yu, please go to the palace no matter what, and help me to ask His Majesty to request someone from Lord Wei. Pei My lord, you stay in the government office and preside over the overall situation for me, I will go back as soon as I go."

Zhuge Yu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded in response.

Pei Xiaoze looked at Fang Zilan worriedly, "Lord Fang, be careful in everything."

Fang Zilan nodded, indicating that they don't have to worry, and then left the government office together with Wei Wei, and rode straight to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.

She rode the horse fast, and Wei Wei barely chased after her.After she had broken into the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, Wei Wei ran after her panting.

Because she had been to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to recruit troops when she went to the northern border before, and the lesson Li and Cao's two lieutenants left a deep impression on everyone in the camp, so no one in the camp dared to stop her all the way and let her go alone When they arrived at the big tent of the Chinese army, they opened the curtain and entered without notification.

The man leaning on the main seat in the tent was dressed in a navy blue robe, half of his satin-like long hair was tied behind his head and half spread out, his skin was as fair as porcelain, his eyebrows were slender and clear, his nose bridge was high, his lips were vermilion, and his appearance Very handsome.

Fang Zilan stared blankly at the man in front of him, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

 Deputy General Cao was detained, let's see how Fang Zilan responds~
(End of this chapter)

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