Don't ask where people go

Chapter 154 stalemate

Chapter 154 stalemate
The man's left hand was caressing the desk case, and a jasper teacup was held in his right hand. The tattoo of vines climbing out of his sleeve spread from the back of his smooth hand to his slender fingertips.

As if he didn't notice the person coming, the man's vermilion lips were printed on the jade-colored teacup, and he took a sip leisurely.

As the tea fell into the mouth and the man's Adam's apple rolled, Fang Zilan only felt a chill down his spine.

She stared fixedly at the man in front of her, feeling indescribably strange.A faint dangerous atmosphere pervaded her surroundings, making her instinctively clenched the hands hidden under the cloak.

"Lord Wei!" Wei Wei's voice broke the silence in the tent, he walked to Fang Zilan's side, and bowed respectfully to the man in the main seat, "I have invited Master Fang here."

Only then did the man raise his eyes, and casually looked at the person standing in front of him.

His pupils are lighter in color, with a faint amber light.The whole pair of eyes seemed to be clear, but in fact they were extremely cold without any emotion, so empty that it was almost barren.

"Master Fang, you're here." The corner of the man's lips raised a small arc, and Fang Zilan stood there without any reaction, waiting for his next words.

"My lord Fang came to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing before to recruit troops. I regret that I couldn't see him because of my official business." The man's smile was more playful, "I can see you today, your lord Fang is really extraordinary. Alone, he dared to go straight to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, which is admirable."

Fang Zilan settled down, and said loudly: "Since Master Wei invited me to come, then I can't be called Chuang."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't know, when did Master Fang be invited here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Wei's face turned earthy, his body trembled a few times, and he looked at Fang Zilan as if asking for help.

Fang Zilan said indifferently: "If Master Wei hadn't detained Deputy General Cao, I would not be here. The way Master Wei invites people is also very special."

"Deputy General Cao has never reported to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing since he returned to Beijing. He left his post without authorization and did not accept the command and deployment. It is a matter of course for me to be punished by military law." The man snorted and said with a smile: "Lord Fang was once The Lord of the Northern Territory, the commander in chief of the army, who is determined to kill and attack, would come to question my teacher for this kind of people?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and said bravely: "Deputy General Cao followed me to the northern border, and he is already a member of the northern border. Now that he returns to Beijing with me, he will definitely be included in the roster of my house."

"Lord Fang's words are right." The man nodded noncommittally and said, "It's a pity that the regulations have been messed up. If Lord Fang sincerely wanted someone, he should have asked Vice General Cao to bring the documents to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing on the first day after returning to Beijing. Why? Delay so far?"

"I..." Fang Zilan knew that she hadn't thought carefully, and everything she said now seemed like an excuse, and she was choked up by him for a lifetime.

But the man seemed to be interested, turned his head to look at her with interest and said, "Lord Fang, now that you are a minister, you are extremely honorable. Are you going to use your position to overwhelm me and forcefully take away Vice-General Cao?"

Before Fang Zilan could answer, he heard him say again: "However, Mr. Fang was born in the army. He knows that the army has no trust and can't stand up. He can understand me. He will not force others when he gains power. Am I right?"

Fang Zilan was refuted by him on the surface and had nothing to say, but in her heart she just felt more and more afraid.

Every word he said seemed to make room for her to make things difficult for her, but in fact, every word he said was easy to punish her heart, leaving her with no way out.

She suppressed the panic in her heart, and said calmly: "Vice General Cao has already prepared a document to enter my residence, but it has been delayed and failed to hand over to Lord Wei. This matter is my shallow consideration, and I hope Lord Wei will not care about it." .I must be extremely grateful for letting Deputy Cao come to my house."

The man looked at Fang Zilan, who was standing upright, and his expression suddenly became a little cold, "Master Fang said lightly that he was grateful, and wanted me to give you a lieutenant general. You must have thought too much about the matter."

Fang Zilan clenched her hand hidden under the cloak even more, and after a while she slowly opened her mouth and said, "Master Wei, what exactly do you want to do?"

Hearing that the man chuckled, the low laughter dissipated in the big tent, and he said: "Who knows, Master Fang may as well guess?"

A simple sentence made Fang Zilan's heart sink a little bit.

As Pei Xiaoze said, this Mr. Wei is indeed an elusive person who does things as he pleases, but his ability to read people's hearts is also first-class, even if he does things recklessly, people can't find any mistakes.

Fang Zilan didn't dare to guess at random, she tried to delay as long as possible, only hoping that Zhuge Yu's request to enter the palace would come soon.

However, the man didn't give her too much time for silence, and said casually: "If Mr. Fang can't guess it, it will be boring."

He tilted the teacup in his hand as he said, with a little more impatience in his expression, "Wei Wei, see off the guests."

Wei Wei took a step forward, but Fang Zilan still stood there, "Wait a minute, Lord Wei..."

She was interrupted by the man before she finished speaking, "Master Fang, Daying in the suburbs of Beijing is not where people come and go whenever they want."

What he meant was obvious, if she didn't leave now, she might not be able to escape if she delayed for a while.However, Deputy General Cao was still held in his hands. He didn't know what was going on, and she couldn't do it if she just walked away like this.

Seeing that she was still standing there with no intention of going, the man stood up with a cold expression, "I don't like stubborn people, or is it because Mr. Fang thinks I dare not drive you out?"

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, "If Master Wei wants to drive me out, it depends on whether he has the ability."

"Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows, as if he had thought of something, "I heard that Mr. Fang defeated General Xiahou a few days ago, so he gained the authority of Xiahou's family. I think Mr. Fang is really skilled. It's just in this big camp in the suburbs of Beijing. In the middle, Mr. Fang must think clearly, and it will not be too late to act."

Fang Zilan bit her lips tightly, her fingers clenched into fists, and her veins bulged, revealing her emotions without a doubt.

The man predicted that she would not do anything, nor would she leave easily.

It was like a cat-and-mouse game, he looked like a mouse playing with a cat contentedly, and she was that stupid cat who was at a loss.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Zhuge Yu's voice came from outside the tent, "The imperial decree has arrived."

Fang Zilan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the man laughed, "Lord Fang, I thought you had a lot of ability to ask me for someone, but it turns out that you are just bullying me with your majesty's power."

Fang Zilan watched Zhuge Yu's figure appear in the big tent, then turned his eyes to him, and said in a clear and clear voice: "I am not lying to your majesty, but I am not deceiving. Today I ask your majesty Please, I just want to tell Master Wei that there is no one in this world who can really do whatever he wants."

 Nobody wins all the time.

  Fang Zilan: The capital has deep routines, and I want to go back to the north.

(End of this chapter)

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