Don't ask where people go

Chapter 155 Old Resentment

Chapter 155 Old Resentment

Holding the imperial decree, Zhuge Yu stood still in the center of the big tent, with a cold expression that Fang Zilan had never seen before.

Without squinting, he looked directly at the person in the chief seat, and asked coldly, "Master Wei, where is Deputy General Cao?"

Only then did Fang Zilan notice that, completely different from Zhuge Yu's unkindness, the opposite man deliberately restrained his aura, the coercion dissipated, and was replaced by a flash of astonishment.

Fang Zilan's intuition told her that the change of a man was not due to the imperial decree, but the person who delivered the decree.

It's just that at this time, she has no time to take care of his relationship with Zhuge Yu, and she is only focused on Vice General Cao, without thinking too much about it.

She wasn't completely relieved until he had someone bring Vice General Cao up and saw that Vice General Cao was unscathed.

Holding the decree in hand, Zhuge Yu walked in front of the man without haste, leaned over and put the decree on the table, then straightened up and said, "Your Majesty's decree is for this, what else does Lord Wei want to say?"

The man seemed not to have heard his words, and asked uncertainly: "Are you from Zhuge's family, Zhuge Yu?"

"Yes." Zhuge Yu replied, still in a businesslike and indifferent manner, "Except for Deputy General Cao, the soldiers from Mr. Fang's family were also taken away from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. As for the regulations, Mr. Wei knows what to do .”

As soon as Zhuge Yu finished speaking, he laughed deeply, "It's interesting that you actually help Mr. Fang, please come and ask me for someone."

Zhuge Yu's complexion sank, and he said coldly: "Wei Subaru, I'm not as good-tempered as my elder brother, and I'm not very patient either. Forget about the polite chat. You've received the imperial edict, and I will Go back and return to life."

Fang Zilan stared at Zhuge Yu in a daze, his eyes were stained with a trace of imperceptible hostility, showing a never-before-suppressed anger.

Wei Subaru raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a wan mood, "Okay."

He took the imperial decree on the case, and glanced at it casually, "Master Fang, you can just pick anyone you want, and if you pick it, let Wei Wei register. I still have official duties, so I won't accompany you." After finishing speaking, he Throwing the edict on the table casually, got up and left.

After Wei Subaru left, Zhuge Yu turned around and left. Fang Zilan couldn't figure out his thoughts, but he could feel that he didn't want to stay for a moment.

So she immediately asked Vice General Cao to stay to select candidates, and she followed Zhuge Yu's back to leave the big tent, "Ah Yu, wait for me!"

Zhuge Yu stopped, but without turning his head, he said indifferently, "Sister Lan, I have to report to Your Majesty. Let's take a step first and leave."

He was rude never before, mixed with a little impatience, which made Fang Zilan hesitate to ask the reason.

She stood there, watching his figure gradually fade away, feeling like she had done something wrong in a trance, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

She rummaged through her mind repeatedly, but she couldn't find any rumors about Wei Subaru having an affair with Zhuge's family.On the contrary, everyone in the capital knows that Wei Subaru and Zhuge Yu's eldest brother, Zhuge Ming, have a good personal relationship.

Thinking about what Zhuge Yu said just now, he said that he did not have such a good temper as Zhuge Ming.Could it be that Zhuge Yu was not the Zhuge family, but Zhuge Yu alone, who had an enmity with Wei Subaru?
But given that Zhuge Yu's family and country are bigger than the sky, why can he be against someone like Wei Subaru who guards the border and conquers the battlefield?
"Boss!" Deputy General Cao's voice suddenly sounded behind Fang Zilan, and she turned her head as if waking up from a dream, "Is everyone selected?"

"I've chosen..." Deputy General Cao nodded, Fang Zilan frowned involuntarily with his hesitant appearance, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Boss, why did you drag Mr. Zhuge here? He..." Vice General Cao hesitated to continue, Fang Zilan turned his expression back and said, "Forget it, let's talk back when we have anything to say."

Afterwards, Fang Zilan went back to the government office and Pei Xiaoze was relieved to see that she was fine. He didn't ask any more questions, but just chatted about some business affairs.

It wasn't until it was getting late that the government officials, large and small, had finished their official duties, and Pei Xiaoze and Fang Zilan had also bid farewell to the mansion. Only then did she pack up the documents and go back with Deputy General Cao who was picking her up outside the mansion.

After the two returned home, they saw Awan serving dishes and setting the dishes as soon as they entered the hall. Seeing that she and Vice General Cao had returned, they hurriedly beckoned them to sit down for dinner.

Deputy General Cao hesitated and refused to sit down, but A Wan forced him to sit down, "I never saw you talk about these rules before, why are you becoming more polite now?"

"I'm not being polite..." Deputy General Cao wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fang Zilan, "I'm in Daying in the suburbs of Beijing today, what do you want to tell me?"

Hearing this, Awan told the servants at the side to go down with a wink, and even the people in the courtyard rushed out of the courtyard, and sat back after making sure that there was no one around.

For a moment, there were only the three of them in the room, accompanied by the subtle sound of the candle burning, quiet and quiet.

Deputy General Cao took a deep breath and summoned up his courage and said, "What I want to say is that Mr. Wei and Zhuge's family had an old grudge. Boss, you should never drag Mr. Zhuge to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing today."

Fang Zilan was stunned, and A Wan was also surprised, "What old grievances? Daying in the suburbs of Beijing, you are talking about Master Wei Subaru? I heard that he has a good relationship with the eldest son Zhuge Ming."

Deputy General Cao sighed, and said slowly: "Only some old people in the battalion know about this matter. Mr. Wei has extraordinary means, and the people below must be tight-lipped. Zhuge's family has strict family education, and this matter is also kept strictly hidden."

He paused as he spoke, "But since I'm with the boss, I have to tell you everything, and it's okay to tell the boss. This matter is related to the young lady of the Zhuge family, who is the elder sister of Mr. Zhuge Yu, Zhuge Shan Miss."

"Miss Zhugeshan, I know." A Wan couldn't help interjecting: "She was raised in Jiang'an's hometown with Mr. Zhuge Yu, but she died of illness a few years ago, and she was also a beauty, which is a pity."

Fang Zilan looked at Deputy General Cao who was as silent as the sea, and asked tentatively, "Could it be that Miss Zhugeshan's death is related to Mr. Wei?"

Deputy General Cao nodded, and A Wan's eyes widened in shock, "How is it possible?"

Fang Zilan coughed lightly to signal A Wan not to talk too much, so she patiently stopped talking.

"Jiang'an is close to Miluo Kingdom, and Miluo people are martial artists, so they are very restless. When the first emperor was still alive, it was common for Dajing and Miluo to fight, and the commander at that time was Master Wei." Deputy General Cao took a sip of tea and continued. Go down, "Master Wei took us to station in Jiang'an area. One day, for some reason, people from Zhuge's family came to the door, saying that Miss Zhugeshan was lost during the war a few days ago, and no one was found. "

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Miss Zhugeshan is lost, why did the Zhuge family come to the barracks to find someone?"

 The new character Wei Subaru has been unlocked!
  The past of Zhuge's family is about to unfold~
(End of this chapter)

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