Don't ask where people go

Chapter 156 Cause of Death

Chapter 156 Cause of Death
Deputy General Cao opened his mouth, and after a while he said again: "Boss, you may not know that Lord Wei's personal soldiers will kidnap some fireworks girls into the camp for fun."

Seeing Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, Deputy General Cao hurriedly explained: "It's true that they are all fireworks girls..."

"Really?" There was a hint of sarcasm in Fang Zilan's expression, and Deputy General Cao nodded, "Really. Before, there was a soldier of Lord Wei who abducted a woman from a good family. After Lord Wei found out, he peeled off the took his skin and sent it to the woman's family to make amends."

"Skinning?" Awan exclaimed, and Vice General Cao hesitated and said, "Boss has seen Master Wei today, should he have seen the tattoos on his body?"

Fang Zilan nodded lightly. Deputy General Cao recalled the scene at that time, with a look of fear flashing across his face, "Master Wei's biological mother was a barbarian slave girl, who tattooed him all over his body when he was young. Lord Wei's As a token of their identity, the soldiers followed suit one after another, with large tattoos on their bodies, and it became an unwritten tradition in the army after a long time. Lord Wei peeled off his skin, and what he peeled off was this tattoo."

"Skinning is considered torture." A Wan was amazed, "This Lord Wei punished him extremely harshly. Not only did he take people's lives, but he didn't even leave their skins."

"It's not a harsh punishment." Fang Zilan shook her head, with no expression on her face, "It was meant to be punished. I guess Master Wei used this method because he felt that the man didn't deserve to have tattoos."

Deputy General Cao regained his composure and poured down a large mouthful of tea, "No one dares to guess Master Wei's mind, but since then they have been much more careful in abducting people. So people from Zhuge's family came to the door, and everyone felt very baffled." .”

"What happened later?" Fang Zilan asked, and Deputy General Cao said, "Later, when Ms. Zhugeshan was found, people from the Zhuge family came to apologize in person, and it was Ms. Zhugeshan who came."

Fang Zilan laughed softly, "This is interesting. Zhuge's family is very strict, how could they let a daughter who has not left the cabinet enter the military camp?"

"Miss Zhugeshan was coerced." Vice-General Cao said as he lowered his head, "The Miluo people arrested Mr. Zhugeyu who was studying in Yancheng Villa at that time, and forced Miss Zhugeshan to come to the army for help. They wanted Miss Zhugeshan to lead him to the army. Lord Wei went to rescue Young Master Zhuge Yu, and then took the opportunity to set up an ambush to kill Lord Wei."

"If Ayu was studying in Yancheng Villa at that time, he should be in Yancheng." Fang Zilan's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and asked: "Yancheng is under the jurisdiction of Xiahou's family, and General Xiahou is in town. How dare the Miluo people arrest him?" he?"

Deputy General Cao rubbed the back of his head, "Maybe if you care about it, you will be confused. At that time, the army was in turmoil, and it was not easy to verify the news for a while, so it is reasonable for Miss Zhugeshan to panic and be forced to go to the barracks for help."

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and pondered, not to mention that Zhuge Yu was studying in Yancheng, the Zhuge family would definitely send someone to protect her, but with the ability of the Zhuge family, it was very strange that they were unable to find out Zhuge Yu's whereabouts.

Not to mention hearing about Zhuge Yu's accident, Zhuge's family not only did not send a letter to Xiahou's family who was in charge of Yancheng to ask for help, but was coerced by the Miluo people to ask for help from Wei Subaru who was stationed in Jiang'an.

She had some calculations in her heart, but she continued to ask calmly, "What about after that?"

"Afterwards, Lord Wei sent people to investigate everywhere, and soon found out that the news that Zhuge Yu was arrested was false." Vice General Cao continued, "So Lord Wei decided to plan, defeated the Miluo army, and completely angered the Miluo people. "

Fang Zilan's thoughts gradually became clear, thinking that Zhuge Yu knew that Zhuge Yu was fine long ago when he came to Zhuge's house.As for Zhuge Shan's move into the army camp, it was just a scene of cooperating with Wei Subaru on the pretense of being deceived to deceive the Miluo people.

Awan listened for a long time, but still didn't hear the connection between Zhugeshan's death and Wei Subaru, so she couldn't help but interjected, "But what does this have to do with Miss Zhugeshan's death?"

"Miss Zhugeshan was in the army during that time, Miluo Commander Murong Chen took advantage of Lord Wei's battle with the main force of Miluo, and kidnapped Miss Zhugeshan from the camp, trying to blackmail Lord Wei with Miss Zhugeshan," Deputy General Cao said. Halfway through, he stopped, with a slightly sad expression on his face.

Fang Zilan reached out to hold the cup in front of her, and took a sip, "Did Master Wei not be threatened by Murong Chen?"

"Yes." Deputy General Cao raised his head, with a solemn and compassionate expression, "Murong Chen thought that with Miss Zhugeshan in hand, Master Wei would be restrained, even if he didn't care about Miss Zhugeshan's life, the Zhuge family would not let him go in spite of."

"During the battle, Murong Chen confidently used Miss Zhugeshan as a shield and placed it in front of him. Neither the Miluo people nor us dared to get too close, for fear of hurting Miss Zhugeshan." Vice-General Cao's voice suddenly trembled, "Everyone should Never thought Master Wei pushed her in front of Murong Chen, and his knife pierced Murong Chen with her..."

A Wan was surprised and covered her mouth in disbelief.Fang Zilan's hand holding the cup tightened involuntarily.

After a long time, Deputy General Cao heard Fang Zilan say: "You said that Miss Zhugeshan had been in the army during that time, and she had feelings for Master Wei?"

Deputy General Cao scratched the back of his head and hummed helplessly.

Fang Zilan whispered: "What about Lord Wei?"

Deputy General Cao was at a loss, "I don't know about that. No one has ever known about Mr. Wei."

A Wan sighed faintly: "It is rumored that after Murong Chen died, the troops from Miluo did not dare to commit another crime. And Master Wei, after returning to Beijing, he has been wandering around the place of fireworks, and he is still alone."

Fang Zilan's heart trembled, and she felt cold all over her body.

As a general, in terms of the world, one side is safe, the people are peaceful, and tens of thousands of people praise.However, as far as I am concerned, I have a whole body of pain, lonely and cold, and no one knows.

"But I still have doubts..." Awan Qiqi said, "If Master Wei really killed Miss Zhugeshan with his own hands, even if the Zhuge family covered up the matter for the sake of her reputation, they would definitely not do it again." I have contacts with Master Wei. But why is it widely spread in Beijing that Master Wei and Master Zhuge Ming have a very good personal relationship?"

As soon as she said this, Fang Zilan and Deputy General Cao didn't speak, and the dinner was extremely silent for a moment, as if they could hear each other's breathing clearly, and the crackling of the candle flames seemed almost abrupt.

After a while, Awan heard Fang Zilan's voice, her low tone against the misty twilight, it sounded a little unreal, "Miss Zhugeshan's death is fate, and the Zhuge family can't blame anyone."

Every word she said was a little sad and desolate, "When we go to the other side, even if it is Zhuge's family, I am afraid it will not be better than Lord Wei. If one life is exchanged for the peace of tens of thousands of people, whether it is Lord Wei or Zhuge family, there is no other choice."

 Fang Zilan: I regret it now, is it too late?

  Deputy General Cao: ... Boss, it's too late

(End of this chapter)

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