Don't ask where people go

Chapter 157 Relative

Chapter 157 Relative
Fang Zilan woke up very early the next morning, or she didn't have much rest at all.

The old story that Deputy General Cao said has been lingering in her mind, making her feel only unspeakable guilt for Zhuge Yu.

Coupled with Zhuge Yu's expression and posture yesterday at the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, Zhuge Shan's death would have hit him hard, after all Zhuge Yu was only a teenager in his teens at that time.

She wanted to apologize to Zhuge Yu wholeheartedly, so she got up early and went straight to the government office after packing up.

The government office in the morning mist was silent and deserted, and the emptiness seemed a little deserted.

The government yamen room and the guards opened the door for Fang Zilan in a half-dream, no one expected her to come so early, but seeing her cold expression as if she was in a bad mood, she was very respectful and did not dare to neglect her.

The way they yawned with strength made the corners of her lips slightly curled up, making her whole person look softer.

Not long after Fang Zilan arrived, Zhuge Yu also came.

He was still wearing a blue shirt, with a veiled white fox cloak over it. The plain white color made him more spotless, and added a bit of coolness.

Fang Zilan looked at him, and greeted him at a loss, only to feel that the distance between them suddenly became farther away.

Zhuge Yu was calm and indifferent as usual, he took off his cloak and went to the charcoal fire to warm his hands, "Master Pei is going back to the Ministry of Households today, does Sister Lan know about the southeast affairs?"

"I..." Fang Zilan hesitated and opened his mouth.

Zhuge Yu looked sideways at her with a clear expression, "Sister Lan, do you have something to say to me?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, he said it with great certainty.

"Ayu, what happened yesterday..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Zhuge Yu as soon as she opened her mouth, "It's okay. Yesterday is over, today is here, so there is no need to mention the past."

"Alright." Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, and said in a low voice, "People always look forward. But no matter what, Ayu, I'm sorry."

Zhuge Yu looked in front of him with a hesitant look, eyes full of regret, and sighed softly: "Sister Lan, there are many affairs in the southeast, and there is no time for you to be sentimental, you have to cheer up."

"Ayu, don't you blame me for dragging you into the game?" Fang Zilan asked without thinking, but after asking, even she couldn't help but find it funny.

"I have never been dragged into the game by others." Zhuge Yu raised the corner of his lips, showing a shallow arc, "Sister Lan thinks, is it you dragging me into the game, or am I leading you into the game?"

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and smiled lightly, no longer speaking.

The thin gap between the two, like ice and frost, was evaporated and disappeared with the heat rising from the charcoal fire.

After Pei Xiaoze returned to the household department, Fang Zilan devoted herself to her official duties for several days. When she was busy, she couldn't take care of other things. She pushed and pushed the rehearsal of the social play, which made Li Qiyou visit the door several times in person.Seeing that she and Zhuge Yu were so busy that they didn't think about eating and drinking, they couldn't say anything more, so they could only say that time was running out, and they still had to go to rehearse if they had time.

Seeing off Li Qiyou that day, Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu who was sorting out the paperwork, and said jokingly, "Ah Yu, you asked me for a position before, you didn't mean to escape from the rehearsal of a social drama, did you?"

Zhuge Yu put the documents on the table and talked to her while sorting them into categories, "I think Lai Lan has read the book of social drama, but it's not troublesome for a few scenes. Why should I run away?"

Fang Zilan went to Zhuge Yu's side, "Then Ayu doesn't want me to go, so he is holding me back under the guise of many things?"

"Sister Lan, since His Majesty trusts you, you must live up to this trust." Zhuge Yu stopped his movements and said solemnly: "There are priorities, and numerous government affairs are not an excuse for me to hold you back."

"So Ayu wants me to get started as soon as possible, so that you can go on business with His Majesty and change to a better position?" Fang Zilan's expression was light, and he wanted to get the top document.

Zhuge Yu clasped her restless wrist through his sleeve, "Sister Lan, as long as she knows, don't make trouble."

"Really?" Fang Zilan didn't break free from his hand, but tapped the document under her pressure with her fingers, "Ayu, this is last month's report, you misplaced it."

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu let go of his hand, and pulled out the document under Fang Zilan's hands.He held the document in his hand and collected himself, speechless for a long time.

Fang Zilan looked at the document tightly held by him, and the thin folds spread from the place where his palm was exerting force. The wrinkled texture concealed twists and turns, and she said with a firm expression, "Ayu, you have something on your mind."

Zhuge Yu remained silent, Fang Zilan reached out and grabbed the other corner of the document, "If you don't want to say, let me guess."

She pretended nothing had happened, and secretly exerted strength in her hands, "Your Majesty doesn't want to see me participate in the New Year's drama, does he?"

Zhuge Yu's fingers loosened a little, and the document fell into her hand, with obvious finger marks on it.

"If this is the case, please tell your majesty, Ayu." Fang Zilan stroked the creases with her fingers, stretched the paper with a little force, and the folds became lighter, "New Year's Society, I will not lose anyone Even if I pretend to be a monster, I must be the only one in all ages."

Zhuge Yu's expression relaxed a little, "It's not that I don't believe you. It's just sister Lan, you have to know that this matter is not a child's play. The nine princes were conferred in front of everyone in the court, but you are conferred the title of Duke of Yue. Only His Majesty's imperial decree is declared to the world. Even though His Majesty speaks well, there are rumors in the capital that you have already been criticized, so why bother to appear in a social drama with the honor of a public minister and make people laugh? Your Majesty intends to ask you to escort you during the spring hunting, as your cross country The public's first public appearance shocked the world."

"If someone deliberately humiliates me, even if I don't act in a social drama, there are still other traps waiting for me, and I can't escape." Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently. It doesn't matter. What's more, it was the same when I was appointed Duke of the Northern Kingdom and went to the northern border. It was just a paper edict. I'm used to it, so I don't care."

"Sister Lan said this, but she has a grudge in her heart?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly as if dissatisfied, Fang Zilan chuckled, "Your Majesty, I am too late to be grateful for your kindness, how dare you hold grudges? To me, these vain gifts are all It doesn't matter, as long as you have real power in your hands."

"Do you hold real power?" Zhuge Yu repeated this sentence in a low voice, without further words.

Fang Zilan put the Chinese books in place, then looked at Zhuge Yu and said, "It's rare to be free today. It's still early, Ayu, would you like to accompany me to see how the social drama is being performed? So that King Yucheng won't visit the house every day to disturb people's peace."

Zhuge Yu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, "Alright."

 The rehearsal of social drama is about to be put on the agenda~
(End of this chapter)

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