Chapter 160
"Tragic?" Zhuge Yu repeated these two words, laughing for a moment.

But Fang Zilan continued as if talking to herself, "Winners and losers, even if there is a balance between good and evil, there will always be clichés. The loser must be wrong?"

"It's been said that winners and losers, Master Fang is still hesitating?" The corners of Wei Subaru's lips curved into a smile that was not a smile, and his clear eyes were no longer empty, but a little more playful.

After he finished speaking, he ignored Fang Zilan who was stunned in place, and walked to the center of the field together with Wang Xianhui and Ouyang Juncheng. It was time for the demon to appear.

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, looked at Zhuge Yu and Pei Xiaoze who were beside her, and they both smiled at her.She regained her composure, and a figure with a spinning body flew into the crowd.

Wei Subaru, Wang Xianhui and Ouyang Jun stood on the sidelines, Zhuge Yu and Pei Xiaoze stood beside Fang Zilan, one on the left and one on the right, she parted her vermilion lips amidst the stars and the moon, and solemnly said: "The god of desolation is the king of the people. The mighty God has many orders. He is born to rule the people, but his orders are ruthless..."

"Stop!" Li Qiyou frowned and stopped her reading, "Master Fang, your script is wrong."

Fang Zilan stood in the middle of the field and smiled slightly: "I changed the words of the play."

"You..." Before Li Qiyou had time to say anything, Fang Zilan continued to speak on his own, "I've read the original words, and I don't think it makes sense."

Li Qiyou's face darkened, "What does Mr. Fang think is unreasonable?"

"There must be a reason for evil spirits to harm the world, isn't there?" Fang Zilan said calmly, but stirred up a thousand layers of waves in a moment, and there was an uproar inside and outside the court.

"What reason does the evil spirit need to bring disaster to the world?"

"That's a demon..."

Fang Zilan looked at the crowd outside without changing his face, and raised his voice: "Demon, must it be evil?"

"It's all said to be a demon. If it wasn't for doing a lot of evil, how could it be called a demon?"

"That's right, Mrs. Fang is indeed a woman's benevolence..."

All kinds of discussions came one after another, but Fang Zilan still had a solemn expression, and said meticulously: "Everything happens for a reason. If you want me to pretend to be a monster, there must be a bad reason."

Li Qiyou coughed heavily, suppressed the din, and said in a deep voice: "If the evil spirit needs an evil reason, then the god also needs a good reason?"

"I personally think that the biggest difference between evil spirits and gods is that they live in the same scene. The evil spirits choose to do whatever they want and take pleasure in misfortune, while the gods choose to sacrifice themselves to save all living beings." A reason, but a thought."

"Everything happens for a reason, and a single thought results in results." She looked at the people in front of her fixedly, her eyes were as bright as the Milky Way, and people couldn't look away for a long time.

After a long time, Li Qiyou broke the silence with a sigh, "Go on."

For some reason, he could neither refute Fang Zilan's words, nor did he want to refute them.

The subsequent martial arts scenes were like flowing clouds and flowing water, and went through the motions as expected.

First Wei Subaru, Wang Xianhui and Ouyang Juncheng lost, then Zhuge Yu and Pei Xiaoze, and finally Fang Zilan.It's just that everyone present was targeting Zhuge Yu and Fang Zilan everywhere, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it without a glance.

Pei Xiaoze left the stage early, but Fang Zilan went through several cutscenes protecting Zhuge Yu, still standing in the center of the stage with fluttering robes and long sleeves.

Most of the people pretending to be righteous people are civil servants, and most of them are not physically strong. After being walked for so many laps, they felt breathless. Immediately, someone shouted to Li Qiyou who was outside the venue: "My lord, I'm afraid our performance is not good. Is it the right way to slaughter evil spirits?"

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and laughed mockingly, "I'm pretending to be an unprecedented monster. If I was killed so easily, how can I show your abilities?"

"Lord Fang, you..." The shouter was so angry that he was speechless for a moment, and saw the wooden sword in Fang Zilan's hand across his chest.

She smiled and said, "My lord, it's time for you to end."

Everyone looked at Fang Zilan in disbelief. Just as she was about to attack, Zhuge Yu, who had been standing behind her, straightened her sleeves and stood in front of her, "Master Fang is right. Cherish the past and cherish the present, and know that the past is not easy, so that future generations can stick to it and keep the peace of the world.”

As he spoke, his voice gradually became sharper, "Besides, no matter who is pretending to be a demon, he shouldn't be bullied. You carry guns and sticks, why don't you allow people to fight back?"

Everyone was rendered speechless by his refutation, trying to argue in vain, but kept silent under Li Qiyou's gloomy expression.

"Lord Fang, Mr. Zhuge, the New Year's drama is of great importance. It is not a child's play that you can change as you say." Li Qiyou glared at him, and Zhuge Yu said with a look of water, "Your Majesty, may I ask where the New Year's drama came from?"

"It's an ancient history legend." Li Qiyou was confident and confident, Zhuge Yu was calm and composed, "May I ask if there is a formula for New Year's drama?"

"Exorcise evil spirits." Li Qiyou looked impatient, and Zhuge Yu took every step, "Dare to ask my lord, is there a written record of the scene of the opera, and a history to test it?"

"They are all ancient history legends, where are the texts to be tested?" Li Qiyou looked serious, "Young Master Zhuge, what exactly do you want to say?"

Zhuge Yu said with a faint smile: "Since that's the case, as long as the result is to exorcise demons and ward off evil spirits, as for the process, it will all be fabricated by later generations, am I right?"

Li Qiyou was silent, and after a long while he opened his mouth again: "The current version of the New Year's drama was compiled by many famous Confucian scholars at the beginning of Emperor Tai'an's accession to the throne. The social drama is exquisite, how can you reorganize it randomly?"

"No matter in the world, there is nothing static. Even Emperor Tai'an is not perfect, let alone just a play?" Fang Zilan took a step forward and stood side by side with Zhuge Yu, "everything changes. This is the truth , I think the prince should understand."

"Lord Fang, how can you be so presumptuous?" Someone beside him couldn't stand listening, and angrily said: "Offending the late emperor is an unforgivable crime."

Li Qiyou glanced at the crowd, signaling them not to speak too much.Then he said in a cold voice: "Master Fang, the rehearsal of the social drama is very important, and you cannot be allowed to do anything wrong."

"Being mischievous?" Fang Zilan laughed suddenly, "My lord, you invited me here at the beginning, why do you think that I am misbehaving now? If so, I have confirmed the four words of misbehavior today."

She suppressed her smile and said with a stern expression: "If the play is not changed, I will stop acting."

"Lord Fang, do you know the consequences of stopping acting?" Li Qiyou clenched his fists and looked angrily, but Fang Zilan smiled shyly, "Consequences? As the Duke of Yue, I only listen to His Majesty's orders in the capital. If the prince has any grievances in his heart, he may as well go to His Majesty to ask for an order, and I will let him deal with it."

"If not." She paused as she spoke, her eyes flickered and she looked bright, "I would like to ask the prince to hire someone else, so that I can do it myself."

 Fang Zilan: As a modern person, I believe in rigorous and objective science.

  Li Qiyou: Master Fang, you need a reason for everything, don't you think it's too rigid?

  Fang Zilan: What am I willing to do if the first rank of the official university crushes people to death?

(End of this chapter)

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