Chapter 161
Fang Zilan dragged on the last sentence for a long time, Li Qiyou's expression changed but he didn't dare to attack, and when he wanted to say something, she dropped the wooden sword in his hand and stuck it on the ground between the two of them.

It was clearly a bladeless social play prop, but a crack was cut on the ground, which was an obvious warning and undeniable coercion.

In the northern border, Li Qiyou had seen Fang Zilan's ruthlessness before. She was not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to herself.What she said was the same, even if he relied on his status as the Prince of Dajing, he could not be swayed at all.

Fang Zilan folded her hands in front of her body, raised her eyes and glanced at everyone in the hall, and said in a relaxed manner, "Since I don't have anything to do here, I will leave. Everyone, we will see you soon."

After finishing speaking, she straightened her sleeves and walked out in a graceful manner.

However, as soon as she walked to the gate of Lianhua Hall, she saw Xia Houzhang striding in.

Xia Houzhang walked up to Fang Zilan and blocked her way, and said solemnly: "Master Fang, Your Majesty, please go over there."

Fang Zilan nodded lightly, motioned to Xia Houzhang and said, "Lead the way." Then the two left Lianhua Palace.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and boldly asked tentatively, "My lord, is our social play still scheduled?"

Li Qiyou looked gloomy, and his palm covered the hilt of the wooden sword, but with a little force, the wooden sword snapped under the weight.

In the crisp sound, his voice was a little lower, but there was more indescribable determination, "Pai."

Over there, Fang Zilan followed Xia Houzhang to the Imperial Study Room. As soon as she stepped on the threshold with one foot, she saw Xia Houzhang standing still at the door, and she walked in alone.

The imperial study room was silent, and Fang Zilan didn't make any noise when she walked, so she walked up to Li Shengxuan, who still buried his head in government affairs, without even raising his head.

Fang Zilan stood not far from Li Shengxuan's desk, coughed intentionally, and heard him say before he could speak: "I know it's you."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan waved her hand, "Your Majesty is busy with government affairs, so I won't bother you."

Li Shengxuan raised his head suddenly, and hurriedly said: "I still have important matters to attend to, just wait a moment."

Fang Zilan froze for a moment, thinking that something really happened.

She originally thought that Li Shengxuan asked Xia Houzhang to invite her here to avoid embarrassment for everyone, and scolded her for being arrogant or something, but now that he is so busy and wants to invite her, it doesn't seem to be for such a trivial matter. And why?

She quickly went through the recent events in her mind. Apart from trespassing on the outskirts of Beijing camp and confronting Li Qiyou about her personal affairs, she didn't seem to have done anything serious.Not to mention official affairs, she couldn't make mistakes with Zhuge Yu around.

After thinking about it, she couldn't figure it out. Just when she was hesitating whether to try to sound out Li Shengxuan's tone, she heard him speak first: "Your official uniform is good, it suits you very well."

Fang Zilan was taken aback again, did he come to her to convince her of the official uniform?She thought about the people and things related to the official uniform, thinking about it, but she didn't wear the official uniform on the first day of taking office.

Thinking of this, she looked down at the official uniform on her body, and when she was puzzled, she heard Li Shengxuan say: "If you are tired from standing, take a break and have a cup of tea, I will have a while."

Fang Zilan hummed, turned around and sat on the soft couch by the window, and poured herself a cup of tea.

The charcoal fire in the imperial study room is full of charcoal fire, making the whole room warm.Fang Zilan sat on the couch, propped her head on her left hand, and rested her right hand on the window lattice.She looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, and it seemed that it was going to snow again.

A gust of cold wind hit, Fang Zilan couldn't help shivering, subconsciously looked back at Li Shengxuan, he was still focused on writing memorials, and was not affected.

She thought about it, stopped looking at Li Shengxuan, and focused on the scenery outside the window.

Sure enough, after a while, snowflakes floated in the sky, falling in fine pieces.Fang Zilan stretched out her hand to pick it up, and the snowflakes fell on her palm, chilling people.

"How does the winter in the capital compare to the northern region?" Li Shengxuan's voice came from behind Fang Zilan, and she didn't turn her head back and still stopped in mid-air.

The snowflakes melted in the palm of the palm, and the water droplets slid down along the palm lines, dripping silently into the snow, leaving a shallow imprint, which was quickly covered by the falling snowflakes and disappeared.

Li Shengxuan walked behind Fang Zilan, and put his cloak on her shoulders, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing." Fang Zilan withdrew her hand, gathered the cloak on her shoulders, sat up straight and said, "Your Majesty, are you done?"

Li Shengxuan nodded, and naturally sat beside her.She moved to the side calmly, and asked: "I don't know why Your Majesty is looking for me?"

"You haven't answered my question yet." Li Shengxuan smiled slightly and looked at the alert person in front of her, but she was stunned, "What?"

"How does winter in the capital compare to the northern border?" Li Shengxuan asked again in a good-tempered manner.

Fang Zilan snorted, and wrapped her cloak tighter, "It's not as fun as the northern border. The snow is not heavy, and it's still very cold."

Li Shengxuan laughed softly, "Did you say that, or the little doctor girl named A Wan next to you?"

Fang Zilan was not annoyed at being exposed by him, she just shrugged her shoulders, and said lightly: "I agree with A Wan." But her heart tightened, Li Shengxuan still couldn't trust her.There are many eyes and ears in her family, so I am afraid that there is no one who can be trusted.

"When you came out of Lianhua Palace, I knew." Li Shengxuan took the hand warmer on the table and stuffed it into Fang Zilan's hands without any explanation.

She did not refuse, hugged the hand warmer in her arms, and waited for Li Shengxuan's next words.

"I want to know, what is the line that was interrupted by King Yucheng?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then asked in thought: "Is it the one after the sentence after he was born to rule the people, and his life is bandit Chen?"

"That's right." Li Shengxuan looked at her intently, and she said without hesitation: "There is no beginning, but there is an end."

Li Shengxuan repeated this sentence, and after a while he spoke again: "This play is very good. It's just..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Just what?"

"It's just that these words come from Yaoxie's mouth, which seems to be forced and helpless." Li Shengxuan spoke solemnly, Fang Zilan smiled lightly, "Whether it's Yaoxie or human beings, most of them are involuntary."

"Can't help yourself?" Li Shengxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully: "The world is not benevolent, and the world is unfair, so he resists and creates chaos. This evil spirit is probably terrible."

Fang Zilan's pupils twitched violently, just now she just wanted to add a reason for the evil spirit to mess up, but she didn't think of this layer.

The rulers are cruel and immoral, so they rise up, which sounds more like justice than the so-called righteous way.

 Li Qiyou: I was wrong, I should never have asked Fang Zilan to act in a social drama from the very beginning.If I hadn't invited her, I wouldn't have... (Thousands of words are omitted below

  Fang Zilan: I was wrong, I shouldn't have changed the script casually from the very beginning.If I hadn't changed the words of the play casually, I wouldn't have...

  The final winner: Li · What to say is what · deserves to be the emperor of the capital · Shengxuan
(End of this chapter)

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